Trove tidbit


Jan 1, 2003
Part 2 of our Tony Bozzella interview

by Zack Cziryak

TROVE: Things that are a little bit more in your control are the facilities. How will the men's new practice facility change things for your program?

BOZZELLA: First of all, I'm really excited and you have to thank all our great fans for contributing to it, but it also comes with a benefit for the women's side. One, yes, we can use it, but I want it to be Sha's home and the boys' home. I don't mean that in a bad way, I mean that in a great way, because we have access to our gym 100% of the time now during basketball season. All of our offices are being moved to where the men's are and it's going to be state of the art - everything from furniture to computers to everything. So all that stuff is changing. It's going to look beautiful.

And then we're going to take where our offices are and it's going to be all new state of the art locker rooms for our girls, you name it, everything: locker room, some video room, training area, kitchen, lounge. So, our girls are going to have the best of the best in a year. It's benefiting everyone. And, you know, Bryan Felt and before him Pat Lyons always have been great with making sure the women have been treated fantastically. And I never use the word equal, because it's not about equality, it's about just are we being given what we need to give to be competitive. And that's the goal that Seton Hall and the athletic department has always achieved. And I mean that sincerely because you know me, I wouldn't say anything if I didn't mean it. They're always good. So I think this new facility, which yes of course is Sha going to let us go in there and practice? Of course he would because he's great. But we don't need to because we're going to be able to control our area. So we'll have our own little niche, each of us, which is going to be great.”

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