United States of Hypocrisy


All Universe
Gold Member
Jun 4, 2001
1) Obama insists that Romney release more than one year of tax returns (and rightly so) in the interest of transparency. What about those college transcripts? What about those Fast and Furious emails? What a joke!!

2) Attorney General Holder spoke at an NAACP meeting yesterday denouncing voter ID laws. You guessed it, you needed a photo ID to get in to hear the speech, LOL!!!

Let's see more examples of hypocrisy from all sides of the political spectrum. These are always good for a laugh until you realize these are the boobs running the country.

This post was edited on 7/11 9:46 AM by SPK145
Most foreign countries I travel to ask travelers to carry their passports or a copy at all times. I have been stopped in Asia and asked to show ID and I did it gladly. If I did not have it I could have been rightfully thrown out. I don't have a problem with this.

I laugh when Mexico complains about the US tightening the border security or putting up a fence. If you go to the southern border of Mexico guess what you will find? A big ass electric fence! So why do we care what these people think?

The US is synonomous with Hypocrisy.

On Fast and Furious Holder should be canned. And the liberal press does nothing to cover the family of the border security agent that was killed. Where is his justice?
Obama' s choice of Jeffrey Immelt to head his Economic Recovery Advisory Board. He must have no respect for the American voters intelligence,running those adds attacking Romney's time at Bain.
I've been biting my tongue and keeping mittens on my hands to avoid responding to some of the nonsense I've been reading on these boards, but you have struck a sore point that I cannot ignore. Having seen my dear, hard working Father looking in vain for work so many winters while I was a boy, and then to see this impostor of a president and his flunky Immelt laughing about there not being as may shovel ready jobs as they had advertised was more than I could stand. And he says he cares about the working man and so many on these boards actually support him. Disgusting. It is time for everyone to read Orwell's Animal House and 1984 before a vote is cast in November. What Orwell warned against is what we are faced with at this very moment. I am not a fan of Romney and never have been, but in this case better the Devil I don't know than the one who si determined to destroy our country and our way of life. "Nuff said and please don't tempt me again
What evidence do these extremists like Belluno have that Obama is "determined to destroy our country and our way of life?" I am sincerely interested.
This post was edited on 7/14 3:46 PM by shu09
Belluno's out of his mind, so pay him no mind. SPK is another angry, overdramatic poster, so i cant take him seriously anymore. However, the Immelt thing is spot-on, and disgusts me as much as Geitner being in the picture all these years.

And appointments like theirs point to how I can't take all these attacks on Obama as being some super liberal, socialist yadda yadda seriously. These guys, Geitner especially, are as establishment as you can get. Geitner has helped the banks out as every turn. As a pretty big progressive, i wish Obama was at liberal as they make him out to be.
Originally posted by SPK145:

2) Attorney General Holder spoke at an NAACP meeting yesterday denouncing voter ID laws. You guessed it, you needed a photo ID to get in to hear the speech, LOL!!!
This is pure fiction. Journalists were required to prove their credentials. You did not need a photo ID to hear the speech.
Bobby your post is just another reason that shows why Obama is completely over his head.
Bobbie Solo, he of the panic attacks, paints with a pretty broad brush. Aside from the Wall Streeters being forced to divide their salaries among the hipster jerk, hovel-dwellers of Jersey City, what kind of progressiveness would you like to see from this administration? From the morbidly curious.

This post was edited on 7/16 2:42 PM by donnie_baseball

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