Violent Crime Sharply Increases. Thank you, Democrats


All American
Jan 24, 2009
The NY Times reports today that the last two years of the OBAMA administration saw a sharp increase in violent crime across the nation.

When Trump talked about this issue during the last year he was accused being a liar. Now the numbers are out. It turns out the violent leftists/Democrats are the liars.

Read the story. They site Chicago, Baltimore, Las Vegas, Charlotte, St. Louis and Milwaukee as especially problematic.

What do all those cities have in common? They all have liberal Democrat mayors. The article, of course, does not explain that little detail.
Incredibly pathetic and ignorant comments.

Crime was going down a DECADE before Obama got into office.

It was police work under such people as Rudy Giuliani and William Bratton's Comstat program in the 1990s that stopped the 2,000 murder per year bloodbath in NYC. That program was emulated nationally.

Then Obama comes into office and his Justice Department starts suing and threatening police departments all over the country and forcing or threatening to force consent decrees.

The result is less effective crime busting and more bloodshed... more often than not it's black people who are getting murdered because police can't do their jobs.

Not sure if you read but here's the release:

And here's the report:
Incredibly pathetic and ignorant comments.

No, you've just found a correlation of a 2 year spike in crime rates and are creating your own causation. Your arguments are absurd by painting this as a Blue vs Red issue.

The murder rate held steady from 2001-2008 nationally from 5.6% to 5.4%. With a peak of 5.8% in between. From 2009-2016 it was 5 to 5.3% with a peak of 5.3% and you want to blame this on Obama somehow?

It is an absurd argument so far.
Weak arguement in the OP. "Crime is up ergo Democrats lied" . "Crime is up, ergo Obama is at fault".

To quote a phrase, Come'on man!

Anyone remotely involved in Law Enforcement knows there are may factors that contribute to crime.

Placing blame or credit on any president is conjecture.

Violent crime is not just murder, it includes murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.

As reported in the FBI UCR, there was a spike in violent crime in 2015-16. It is concerning.

We have gone way beyond COMSTAT. Big increase in cameras, sensors, data integration, cell phone analysis, social media mining.
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The NY Times reports today that the last two years of the OBAMA administration saw a sharp increase in violent crime across the nation.

When Trump talked about this issue during the last year he was accused being a liar. Now the numbers are out. It turns out the violent leftists/Democrats are the liars.

Read the story. They site Chicago, Baltimore, Las Vegas, Charlotte, St. Louis and Milwaukee as especially problematic.

What do all those cities have in common? They all have liberal Democrat mayors. The article, of course, does not explain that little detail.
YES. Why don't they do something about this white on white crime like what happened in Vegas yesterday.
YES. Why don't they do something about this white on white crime like what happened in Vegas yesterday.

I think everyone is getting sucked into the media trap. This isn’t Democrat vs Republican. This isn’t liberal vs conservative. This isn’t one President vs another. This isn’t about policy. People break drug laws, crime laws, financial laws, immigration laws, etc. Basically if there is a law we have people that will break it. This is our society today. We have a 24 hour news cycle where everyone gets attention. We have music that degrades women, uses racial slurs, incites violence and love of guns. We have the pursuit of millions of dollars over the pursuit of family. People need to find God.