Well said by the Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie


All Universe
Gold Member
Jan 7, 2006
"We have 4 percent of the world's population, 21 percent of the fatalties. There's a lot to figure out...We're the wealthiest country in the world-21 percent of the deaths?

We're an embarrassment. A tragic embarassment."
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Disingenuous argument, as the virus has not impacted all countries equally.

Our death toll is a tiny portion of our overall population as well.
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Because the system is a joke. There is little incentive for the best and the brightest this country has to offer to make the laws. You could be a CEO making $20 million or President making $1 million. You can be a big time legal exec for $10 million or a congressman or woman. We get slime in just about every office and the best and brightest live the life of luxury outside of government. The country as a business is not maximizing the talent of the people in it. What would happen if you did that. Nancy Pelosi would lose her power to smarter people. That ain't happening.

If you think for a second the people in government are much smarter than the execs at major corporations, you're nuts. The wrong people are in charge.

Not to mention we are the unhealthiest country in the world. Half the stuff that goes in our food is illegal in other country. Amazing how stupid our politicians are. All of them. They all talk about pre existing conditions. Never talk anything that could stop pre existing conditions and even reverse many of them.
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Amazing how stupid our politicians are. All of them. They all talk about pre existing conditions. Never talk anything that could stop pre existing conditions and even reverse many of them.

They're actually not stupid, it's by design. It keeps healthcare providers, doctors and big pharma in business. Those industries would suffer greatly if America dedicated itself to getting healthier. With these people and corporations in charge, it's up to the individual to do what's best for his or her health. Educate yourself and think twice before putting anything into your body, especially if it's recommended by those with money and power.
They're actually not stupid, it's by design. It keeps healthcare providers, doctors and big pharma in business. Those industries would suffer greatly if America dedicated itself to getting healthier. With these people and corporations in charge, it's up to the individual to do what's best for his or her health. Educate yourself and think twice before putting anything into your body, especially if it's recommended by those with money and power.
Well then Amazing how stupid we are for not holding their feet to the fire on how they can make our lives better.
Pretty stupid comment by Lurie. We make up 4% of the world's population, but travel internationally more than how much of the other 96%?

Same for you, 09. Healthy lifestyle and diet is not the cure-all. You can't run from genetics and environment. The healthcare industry will always be there, and the vaccines, medicines, and medical devices that "big pharma" have developed are the reason we have the longevity that we do.
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Pretty stupid comment by Lurie. We make up 4% of the world's population, but travel internationally more than how much of the other 96%?

Same for you, 09. Healthy lifestyle and diet is not the cure-all. You can't run from genetics and environment. The healthcare industry will always be there, and the vaccines, medicines, and medical devices that "big pharma" have developed are the reason we have the longevity that we do.

Lots of people with nefarious motives in that industry.
Same for you, 09. Healthy lifestyle and diet is not the cure-all. You can't run from genetics and environment. The healthcare industry will always be there, and the vaccines, medicines, and medical devices that "big pharma" have developed are the reason we have the longevity that we do.

Many documentaries disagree with you. Many folks believe a plant based diet reverses heart disease and inflamation in weeks. I'm not saying they're accurate and you are wrong, however there is also no desire to challenge the status quo. My opinion that is the biggest concern. And if what we put in our body impacts our health why do doctors have such minimal requirements on nutrition education. There is a greater concern for companies to manage diabetes, heart disease, etc than eliminate it, so nobody truly challenges. I don't think any of us have the answers, it's the lack of research into these things that truly are the concern. It's all about effort and in this area we find no effort that we can be proud of by our government or the private sector. A large problem of that is in order to do research, you need funds. Who funds these projects, big chicken companies, big beef companies, and big processed food companies.

I've read a lot of your posts and I trust your opinion. If you ever saw Food, Inc. or What the Health, I'd love to get your opinion and see if I'm getting bamboozled. I admit when it comes to biological science, I'm an amateur. Your opinion would be much appreciated if you seen those documentaries or care to see them soon.
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Many documentaries disagree with you. Many folks believe a plant based diet reverses heart disease and inflamation in weeks. I'm not saying they're accurate and you are wrong, however there is also no desire to challenge the status quo. My opinion that is the biggest concern. And if what we put in our body impacts our health why do doctors have such minimal requirements on nutrition education. There is a greater concern for companies to manage diabetes, heart disease, etc than eliminate it, so nobody truly challenges. I don't think any of us have the answers, it's the lack of research into these things that truly are the concern. It's all about effort and in this area we find no effort that we can be proud of by our government or the private sector. A large problem of that is in order to do research, you need funds. Who funds these projects, big chicken companies, big beef companies, and big processed food companies.

I've read a lot of your posts and I trust your opinion. If you ever saw Food, Inc. or What the Health, I'd love to get your opinion and see if I'm getting bamboozled. I admit when it comes to biological science, I'm an amateur. Your opinion would be much appreciated if you seen those documentaries or care to see them soon.

I haven't seen either of those docs, but am open to seeing them. So much of the cottage industries of food, nutrition, and supplementation is snake oil that you have to be careful where you get your information from. I have an in-law who is a chiropractor, and a nice guy, but he makes as much money from selling supplements as he does practicing chiropractics. He also has his whole family completely off meat and dairy. I don't disagree that a plant-based diet is preferable, but does it confer longevity? I've never read anything to suggest that.
Also, I agree about treating the conditions rather than preventing them. The whole issue with that is human nature. It's work to exercise, and it is time-consuming to cook and eat well. Much easier to pop in a Hungry Man and watch Judge Slobotnik.
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They're actually not stupid, it's by design. It keeps healthcare providers, doctors and big pharma in business. Those industries would suffer greatly if America dedicated itself to getting healthier. With these people and corporations in charge, it's up to the individual to do what's best for his or her health. Educate yourself and think twice before putting anything into your body, especially if it's recommended by those with money and power.
yea but its objectively pitiful that america's govt and big corps go out of their way to actively brainwash the population into living this way. its one thing if there was no stimulus, its another when the population is facing an all assault of being unhealthy (eating, working to long, sitting, computer, health care, etc)

i have 2 conditions that made me go into deep research on how to eat healthy and natural. its almost impossible, amd expensive. its 100% truthful to say that america is against your health. there are laws to how much food should be preserved, incentives to make things processed, and incentives to keep people addicted to eating poorly and stuck in unhealthy routines (esp around work).

there is NO education on how to be healthy. they dont want it. the amount of time, effort, and money ive poured into trying to avoid the american trap is simply unobtainable for the vast majority of the population. id love to go on about this if you like so feel free to ask or debate any of it.
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I haven't seen either of those docs, but am open to seeing them. So much of the cottage industries of food, nutrition, and supplementation is snake oil that you have to be careful where you get your information from. I have an in-law who is a chiropractor, and a nice guy, but he makes as much money from selling supplements as he does practicing chiropractics. He also has his whole family completely off meat and dairy. I don't disagree that a plant-based diet is preferable, but does it confer longevity? I've never read anything to suggest that.
Also, I agree about treating the conditions rather than preventing them. The whole issue with that is human nature. It's work to exercise, and it is time-consuming to cook and eat well. Much easier to pop in a Hungry Man and watch Judge Slobotnik.
the lack of education and active promotion of unhealthy options, routines, and guidlines in america is criminal.

breakfast being the most "important meal of the day" is completely fabricated to prop up big farming and push the awful western diet. i remember back in gradeschool they told us ELEVEN servings of bread was the recommended amount... biggest group on the pyramid. and milk and cereal is the key to being 100! everything we eat is processed and acid washed. healthcare companies are more focused pushing what makes them money. ex: getting a routine endoscopy could save millions of lives (think boseman) but doctors and hospitals will tell you it involves going under the gas and will be expensive. they will not tell you about the simple silicon scope option (TNE) that is cheap and can be done in minutes. i know this because ive gone to the doctor who invented it and he gave me this exact explanation. he works for ent in nyc. head of otolarynology at mt sinai and ENT practice. he also helps promote and educate how people can eat better.

ive worked with 3 other doctors who just tossed pills at me and had absolutely nothing to say as it regards to diet besides the old "dont eat fried food" thanks. they will make millions off me for the rest of my life. my other dr is actively trying to prevent it.

when you become a pro at navigating healthcare you learn to go to multiple doctors and peice together your approach based on what they all say. you become your own doctor, but you start to see how backwards everything is and how we are set up to fail from the beginning.

thats not even talking about things like 60 hr work weeks, sitting all week (new smoking), social media/mental health, regulations on advertising (theres at least 3 fast food commericals per cycle), etc. hell we have a president who basically is a walking ronald mcdonald LOL.
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hell we have a president who basically is a walking ronald mcdonald LOL.

Definitely. He's a moron on the topic. He may not know, he may choose not to know, etc, but whatever the reason, don't expect it to get better under him. At the same time, I don't expect it to get better under anyone because the lobbyists will stop it. Michelle Obama came in with a diet and exercise program for kids, within days big lobbyists threw money around and diet and exercise quickly became just exercise. She was bought, plain and simple. In the meantime, we can still hear her sell us on she's oppressed. What's worse not knowing, or knowing and doing nothing about it.
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I haven't seen either of those docs, but am open to seeing them. So much of the cottage industries of food, nutrition, and supplementation is snake oil that you have to be careful where you get your information from. I have an in-law who is a chiropractor, and a nice guy, but he makes as much money from selling supplements as he does practicing chiropractics. He also has his whole family completely off meat and dairy. I don't disagree that a plant-based diet is preferable, but does it confer longevity? I've never read anything to suggest that.
Also, I agree about treating the conditions rather than preventing them. The whole issue with that is human nature. It's work to exercise, and it is time-consuming to cook and eat well. Much easier to pop in a Hungry Man and watch Judge Slobotnik.
I hope you can take the time as I'm sure you have more of an understanding of the science than I ever will. I agree there's a snake oil supplement industry out there and it's tough to know what's real and what's not, but it's both supplement and medication that have ugly sides. I'm not going vegan anytime soon. I'm not giving up the occassional steak, but I'm not having it 5 times a week anymore. Again I would like to hear from someone like yourself on the science of these documentaries. Right now I get a lot of my info from Dr. Stephen Gundry and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn as I think they're taking a road less traveled.
Two good reads if your interested. Author is Dr. Eric Topol, “The Creative Destruction of Medicine” and “The Patient Will See You Know”.
yea but its objectively pitiful that america's govt and big corps go out of their way to actively brainwash the population into living this way. its one thing if there was no stimulus, its another when the population is facing an all assault of being unhealthy (eating, working to long, sitting, computer, health care, etc)

i have 2 conditions that made me go into deep research on how to eat healthy and natural. its almost impossible, amd expensive. its 100% truthful to say that america is against your health. there are laws to how much food should be preserved, incentives to make things processed, and incentives to keep people addicted to eating poorly and stuck in unhealthy routines (esp around work).

there is NO education on how to be healthy. they dont want it. the amount of time, effort, and money ive poured into trying to avoid the american trap is simply unobtainable for the vast majority of the population. id love to go on about this if you like so feel free to ask or debate any of it.

You should watch "Fed Up." I believe it is on Netflix, although I imagine you may have already seen it. Opened my eyes.
You should watch "Fed Up." I believe it is on Netflix, although I imagine you may have already seen it. Opened my eyes.
its honestly an act of mass oppression, real criminal type stuff.

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