Why does any current seated member of Congress need to seek gloat points on social media for calling out how through their connections they are able to get particular persons out of Afghanistan?
InfluenceMaybe they're showing the country how corrupt our government is and we're too stupid to even notice. I think any reasonable person would say how the hell is any one in our government capable to manipulate the system like that. And who else is doing it. I can guarantee it's not just one person, nor is it just one party. We need to look into this.
But we don't.
And yet it goes unchecked because everyone is doing it.Influence
I agree generally but to answer your question it’s likely to separate oneself from the President.Why does any current seated member of Congress need to seek gloat points on social media for calling out how through their connections they are able to get particular persons out of Afghanistan?
Why does any current seated member of Congress need to seek gloat points on social media for calling out how through their connections they are able to get particular persons out of Afghanistan?