What they going to say now ?


Oct 24, 2019
Not sure how I came across this, okay its Friday and I am watching the clock till I get to leave work.... Anyway, I always thought that Shaheen coined "What they going to say now" and it was stolen by the Warriors, but now I am thinking Isaiah might have back in 2016?

Anybody know how this phrase became popular with the program?
Not sure how I came across this, okay its Friday and I am watching the clock till I get to leave work.... Anyway, I always thought that Shaheen coined "What they going to say now" and it was stolen by the Warriors, but now I am thinking Isaiah might have back in 2016?

Anybody know how this phrase became popular with the program?
In another dimension IW is Steph Curry
There may well be other origins for the phrase, but the sequence I witnessed was when an ecstatic Sha was being interviewed on the court immediately after one of the shocking SPU NCAA wins. He never elaborated. Subsequently that March/April I found a podcast interview where he clarified that he meant what are those critics going to say who usually claim that Black coaches are good recruiters but not Head Coach material. I thought it was a great line and he had every right to throw it back at that crowd.
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Add Jason Tatum to the list, seems like the phase needs to be patented and used for NIL