Nothing excuses unjustified lethal force and all scenarios involving police using unwarranted lethal force should be investigated and prosecuted accordingly.
I don't know what it is like to be African-American and encounter the police. But I do know that when I was a young kid attending school away from home, my parents taught me and my brothers to follow a general rule. Listen to whatever the police officer says -- irrespective of whether you think you did something wrong -- "yes sir, yes mam, no sir, no mam", get your hands on the wheel where the officer can see them, ask permission to do whatever he/she is asking you to do (can I reach into my glove compartment to get my registration/insurance, can I reach into my pocket to get my identification, my identification is in my console and I need to reach there to get it, etc). My parents point was not to do anything, anything, that might make the officer apprehensive. And especially when I was away at college, where the state troopers or local police offers didn't know who I was, and where I might be pulled over late at night on some highway or backroad. Their point was always to listen and do whatever was being asked, regardless of whether it was BS or not, and never do anything that can create an apprehensive situation and lead to mistakes.