Originally posted by bd98:
Originally posted by SHUSource:
Were you in Buffalo? I was on my couch after leaving work "sick" at about 11:30 a.m. to see our guys take on Oregon in a game that would feature one of the most fantastic finishes in my NCAA Tournament memory.
I was in the WABC studio running the board for the broadcast of the game. Because heaven forbid Rush Limbaugh be preempted the game was farmed out to some other station and I was in a tiny little auxiliary studio watching the game on an itty-bitty TV. Sha makes that layup and I'm jumping up and down inside that tiny little studio. Everybody else there is laughing at me.
I'll never forget Warner Fusselle apologizing after signing off for getting too excited on his call. I'm like "Warner, are you nuts? You have nothing to apologize for" RIP Warner, what a great guy.