NCAA tweaks rules on block/charge calls in men's basketball


Jan 1, 2003

Associated Press

INDIANAPOLIS -- The NCAA is tweaking how block/charge calls are made in men's basketball.

The NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel approved rule changes on Thursday that require a defender to be in position to draw a charge at the time the offensive player plants a foot to go airborne for a shot. If the defender arrives after the player has planted a foot, officials have been instructed to call a block when there's contact.

Defenders had to be in position to draw a charge before the offensive player went airborne under previous rules.

NCAA Men's Basketball Rules Committee members made the proposal after NCAA members complained that too many charges were being called on those types of plays.

The panel also approved reviews of basket interference calls during the next media timeout -- if the official called it on the floor -- a shot clock reset to 20 seconds on an offensive rebound that hits the rim, and players being allowed to wear any number between 0 and 99.

A timeout also will be granted to an airborne player with possession of the ball, and non-student bench personnel will be allowed to serve as peacekeepers on the floor if an altercation occurs.
I used to go to a local deli to get coffee and the papers most mornings. It was owned by a HS ref and lots of the good HS refs hung there. I told them my suggestion and they were not impressed lol.

But imo, with so many off ball defenders stepping in to take charges, my suggestion is that the charge call will be a TO and not a foul.

Associated Press

INDIANAPOLIS -- The NCAA is tweaking how block/charge calls are made in men's basketball.

The NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel approved rule changes on Thursday that require a defender to be in position to draw a charge at the time the offensive player plants a foot to go airborne for a shot. If the defender arrives after the player has planted a foot, officials have been instructed to call a block when there's contact.

Defenders had to be in position to draw a charge before the offensive player went airborne under previous rules.

NCAA Men's Basketball Rules Committee members made the proposal after NCAA members complained that too many charges were being called on those types of plays.

The panel also approved reviews of basket interference calls during the next media timeout -- if the official called it on the floor -- a shot clock reset to 20 seconds on an offensive rebound that hits the rim, and players being allowed to wear any number between 0 and 99.

A timeout also will be granted to an airborne player with possession of the ball, and non-student bench personnel will be allowed to serve as peacekeepers on the floor if an altercation occurs.
Finally the committee figured out that too many fouls are being called on these plays. More no calls is the way to go . Hope these refs figure it out and eat their whistles on all 50/50 plays and stopping the flow of the game . The best officiated games are the ones when you don't talk about the refs .
I don't know what the answer is, but I can tell you that the referees need to swallow the whistle a bit. The game is becoming unwatchable with all the weak fouls they call and the charge / blocking one is included. I realize where it's obvious, but if you brush up against a player now, it's a whistle.

Sorry, I'm an old curmudgeon. /RANT
I used to go to a local deli to get coffee and the papers most mornings. It was owned by a HS ref and lots of the good HS refs hung there. I told them my suggestion and they were not impressed lol.

But imo, with so many off ball defenders stepping in to take charges, my suggestion is that the charge call will be a TO and not a foul.
Very good suggestion. Nothing worse than a great player fouling out of a game on a bogus charge call.
I'd like to see them not call a charge on passes. That totally destroys the spirit of the rule & drives me nuts.
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"... and players being allowed to wear any number between 0 and 99."

So that weak No. 56 jersey they've been selling in the bookstore for years might actually be associated with an actual player.
In Seton Hall tradition it would be reserved for a walk-on so they would be able to wear one off-the-rack from the bookstore and wouldn't need a nameplate.
The other problem with the flow of the game is the two halves as opposed to four quarters. If the game was in quarters, the fouls could reset after each period. Currently, once a team has 7 fouls and the refs are whistle happy, the game slows to a drag with only halftime as an opportunity to reset the foul count. I vote for four 10 minute quarters. Foul shot fest solved.
"... and players being allowed to wear any number between 0 and 99."

So that weak No. 56 jersey they've been selling in the bookstore for years might actually be associated with an actual player.

Now the walkon who barely made the team cannot be assigned the number .5