Ot: Our school Seton Hall is


All World
Jan 24, 2009
In complete Shambles. I am usually never negative about things but lets take a step back and take off our Pirate Blue Glasses and look at the school.

1) We had a search for our president and the two people we narrowed it down to backed out. Why? There can be many reasons but no matter what they backed out and we are left with nothing right now...

2) The security of our school and students. South Orange has always been known for its muggings and random robberies, but the last few years have just been out of control, from the Stix incident only reason I bring this up is because a firearm was used, the Shooting and Murder of one of our students earlier in the year, and now the rape of one of my fellow student last night on campus. Something needs to be done, I understand this happens and you can not stop it all but it is about time SHU put more money into something other then the landscaping. We really need to beef up our security to be honest what is Secrueatas going to do? Lets be honest maybe one of them can catch me if I run also what are they going to do sit on you then call the police? I think it is about time we have armed guards who can actualy do something like cuff someone as well. I have a photo i will not post because I do not want to get the gentelman in trouble but it was last week at 1130 pm sititng in the booth in the main gate passed out and I mean out sleeping no waking this guy.... It is just not acceptable.

I will not even jump on basektball because to be honest I love it but its a sport and there are more important things to take care of. The fact we cant find a President troubles me more then a recruit...
Please explain, starting with me being an asshole..
This post was edited on 11/18 12:14 AM by jcalz88
I'm not concerned about the president search, at my school they narrowed down to 3 people and all three backed out as well, its actually common esp if money isn't right.

the other stuff could be a concern though
Wel this one back fired... love shu b ball dont we all a little off id say no, No friends hmmm wont even respond to that...
This post was edited on 11/18 12:34 AM by jcalz88
I dont understand what was wrong with jcalz post, especially point number 2. This is a very troubling issue.
Originally posted by jcalz88:
In complete Shambles. I am usually never negative about things but lets take a step back and take off our Pirate Blue Glasses and look at the school.

1) We had a search for our president and the two people we narrowed it down to backed out. Why? There can be many reasons but no matter what they backed out and we are left with nothing right now...

2) The security of our school and students. South Orange has always been known for its muggings and random robberies, but the last few years have just been out of control, from the Stix incident only reason I bring this up is because a firearm was used, the Shooting and Murder of one of our students earlier in the year, and now the rape of one of my fellow student last night on campus. Something needs to be done, I understand this happens and you can not stop it all but it is about time SHU put more money into something other then the landscaping. We really need to beef up our security to be honest what is Secrueatas going to do? Lets be honest maybe one of them can catch me if I run also what are they going to do sit on you then call the police? I think it is about time we have armed guards who can actualy do something like cuff someone as well. I have a photo i will not post because I do not want to get the gentelman in trouble but it was last week at 1130 pm sititng in the booth in the main gate passed out and I mean out sleeping no waking this guy.... It is just not acceptable.

I will not even jump on basektball because to be honest I love it but its a sport and there are more important things to take care of. The fact we cant find a President troubles me more then a recruit...

fwiw, I agree with you 100%.

Current rumors around campus that SHU will offer Esteban the job full time.
No idea if it is true but I heard it from two different depts. Nothing against him personally, but we look like a joke because of the national year long search.

I am so incredibly disappointed and disgusted in Seton Hall in regards to the sexual assault. This really should never happen in a public place on campus.

My wife sent an e-mail to one of the heads of security after an incident on campus a few months ago saying that SHU needs to be a closed campus, and that every car without a decal needs to be registered with security. She commented specifically on how unsafe girls are when walking alone. She went to Fordham and told them what security was like at Fordham and suggested we implement some of the things they do. He responded that they couldn't (or wouldn't, can't remember) change anything until something happens.....
Can't argue with the points. Need stable leadership quickly and the security fiasco is a joke. Any money saved with rinky-dink security will be lost settling lawsuits and reputational damage. I would think any reasonable person would agree that the school has not done enough to protect safety of students.
I'm not going to argue any of your points, but a post like this, from a current student, is useless. You're on campus every day, you have access to the administration; it's a matter of making an appointment, making your feelings known (solo or in a group), and effecting change.
Donnie, we are currently working on this. I along with with many of students are in the process of trying to set up a sort of town hall discussion with the powers that be.. Hopefully we can make this happen.
Posted from[/URL]
jcalz, if you can't make that town hall meeting happen, then organize the student body through emails and flyers all around campus and march on the administration building and demand to be heard on the subject of campus security.

There is absolutely no reason why administration would not meet at a town hall meeting to discuss this serious subject. But if they don't, you'll just have to go the numbers route and demand that your concerns be discussed.
JC I will get that point across to the students who are trying to organize this.
Re: u are an asshole for posting this and u have never been right

Jcalz is anything but a fraud. What he should have added is issues with certain athletes, etc At SHU which add to our woes.
The school is not in shambles. Do we have some issues? Yes. But we are not in shambles that is ridiculous.
One more thing, I dont know if anyone has had a chance to look at our school's financial statement's, but if this was a company we would be in a lot of trouble. Our Revenue margin is a joke we are spending way to much money. It is time in my opinion to bring in a business man/women who knows how to handle money and run things. Much like what is happening in NY with there educational systems,Bloomberg is bringing in a business women to run things. As she might not know much about the educational system and how teachers work but she knows how to run a budget and how to look at it as a business.
This post was edited on 11/18 9:05 AM by jcalz88
Originally posted by jcalz88:
Our Revenue margin is a joke we are spending way to much money.

Yet so many people rip this school for not spending enough whether it be on students, security, athletics, coaches, etc. You can't have it both ways if what you say is true.
Or we should start to spend it in the right place it needs to get broken down and we need to see where the money is going like any good company does we must account for every penny.
Of course it does. I'm sure there are wasteful things that you can cut like in any large operation.

I don't claim to know what the University spends its money on but the general perception out there is that SHU is cheap. I don't know if that's right or wrong in actuality but that's how a lot of people think. We've heard it from posters on this board for years.
i think a prerequisite before you comment on any financial statements and perform your analysis should be to know the difference between "revenue" and "profit".

Originally posted by jcalz88:
Our Revenue margin is a joke we are spending way to much money.

This post was edited on 11/18 9:05 AM by jcalz88
You are right Seton Hall does not do enough in terms of security with students SHUFlY is simply not enough because it does not run at hours people are walking outside of campus, I have been there for a year so I am assuming SHUFLY still exists.

But bigger issue is the lack of police support and the overall view of the college from South Orange residents and government. Between the "animal house" laws they created and their desire to have SHU students taxed through the university, which is ludicrous to expect for a non-profit organization collecting taxes from its members.

The fact of the matter is that the town its not welcoming to the students, they do not want to recongized as a college town, I had a police officer tell me this while I was in school. First sign of a frat party or college party they are three cop cars, noise violations being thrown around, and threats of eviction for the students. But if there is robbering and crime located at the same places their is not extra police presence or support for the students. When I was there, graduated in 2009, the crime usually took place by the Ward gate and evenings. Is there extra police presence their even when after crime happened, no, was their added security like superior street lights, no. I did not feel the town took the necessary steps to secure mine and my fellow students safety.

I spent plenty of money around town I frequented the local businesses, did volunteering in the community, and supported my university. The thanks I get is nasty look from residents, harrassment from local law enforcement, and the constant struggle to gain respect. I moved to West Orange in my last year to live off campus with my buddies the town was nicer, more welcoming, and most of all left me alone.

I love SHU, but they did not do enough, however there was no support from South Orange community which would just be an extension of vailsburg if it wasn't for the school
revenue is the income a business or seton hall receives from business activities which is quite low considering...
Profit is easily defined as the difference between price and the cost.

The point I was getting to was that compared to what we bring in we spend almost just as much. Something needs to give and things should be cut.

I also ment to put a comma in between as two sperate thoughts.
This post was edited on 11/18 10:13 AM by jcalz88
jcalz i sympathize especially with the security issues you mentioned. i have been feeling sick about this on campus rape and cannot comprehend how nobody else was even within earshot of this poor situation. there are very few things worse than violating someone in that way IMO.
It is my understanding that the interim President was given a multi year deal, so he will be here for more then just this year. I do not believe a search for a new President has begun.

You can not compare revenue margain of a non profit university to a public traded company. It is comparing apples to oranges. You need to compare SHU's revenue/financial statements to other like size private universities. Is SHU in great financial shape? No, but in comparison to other universities our size it seems we are in similar financial shape. You have to remember, we have been in a recession, so times are going to be tough financially. The real key to long term financial stability will be if the university can increase revenues once the economy turns around.

Obviously security needs to be improved for students, staff and guests both on campus and in the nearby community. Whether it means more security guards, better training, more/improved video cameras, more help from South Orange & Newark police, something needs to be done.
Ok so let me break it down to yall this way.. Seton Halls total expenses are $288,851,000.00 our total Revenue is $260,000,000.00. We pay a little over 1.5 mill for Securitas contract comapred to 6 million for Gourmet dining... The total revenue from tuition and fees is $235 million $24 million from dorming.. $2.3 mill in NCAA rev sharing, 1.4 mil in ticket sales.. We gave 36k to help build sopac since the town does so much for us.. Hope this gives a bit more perspective...

BTW the Texas athletic department made 98 mil last year...
This post was edited on 11/18 12:03 PM by jcalz88
THIS DISCUSSION DOES NOT BELONG ON THE SHU BASKETBALL BOARD. There is an off topics board linked to this site where you can discuss these issues ad finitum. This is the one place to discuss a far more trivial subject, our basketball team. I ask the moderators to move this thread pronto and ask posters to use the Life off the Ship board for all future posts not pertaining to the basketball program or SHU sports.

The rape, the murder of the SHU coed (there is a tuching piece about Jessica Moore in the new alumni mag, noting how her family asked the many SHU friends who went to the funeral to wear SHU blue) are beyond tragic. My heart bleeds for the victims, their family and friends. Dana Christmas, a heroine of the SHU dorm fire has become for me a hero and person whose example is one to follow, though I am still searching for that kind of personal grace.

But this is the basketball board. Maybe I am out of line, but I hope future discussion of imprtant issues such as those being raised can be discussed just as vigorously on the Life off the Ship board.
As a sidebar to all this, FWIW, I was on campus in October for the first time in a while and I thought the place looked great. I was impressed by what they've been doing because there's not much to work with in terms of space. So they have to be creative and resourceful. But it looked very nice.

We were there for a wedding, and of course we got in and out both the night before for the rehersal and the day of the wedding without being stopped or questioned at all.

BTW, I'm late on this, but the renovated Chapel looks outstanding.
This post was edited on 11/18 12:25 PM by Piratz
Our collective feelings about terrible things that happen are of course valid. Unfortunately NYC is experiencing an increase in murders first time in many years, our country's balance sheet is horrendous, ireland's, greece, etc. In bad economic times crime always sky rockets. We need to let our administration know our feelings without totally negative comments. It's not easy for many leaders at many levels these days. We need to unite, not just complain.
For the latest year available ended 06/30/09, SHU's revenues were $288,851,000 with expenses of $317,557,000 for a loss of $28,706,000. The previous year ended 06/30/08, SHU's revenues were $315,222,000 with expenses of $304,017,000 for an income of $11,205,000. Previous years were even better than this. The loss in 2009 was the first loss in quite some time and is due to the loss on sale of investments of $15,257,000. In most years sales from investments resulted in gains of $15,000,000, thus a difference in $30,000,000 in revenues.

The endowment slipped from $252,323,000 at 06/30/08 to $190,202,000. Since 06/30/09, the markets are generally up 30%, so therefore the endowment is now perhaps as much as $247,262,600.

Seton Hall is not hurting for money, anybody telling you that is lying.
SPK what did you use to get the numbers i got them through guidestar, but its the 08 listing
Guidestar. The 2008 Form 990 is for the year ended 06/30/09.
Security for the most part is a joke and a false sense of security (no pun intended) Yesterday I had a meeting at SHU and I drove right in without being stopped. Security is better at corporate buildings, but places like this always get underpaid incompetent individuals
Every college campus faces security issues and sexual assualt is not unique to just SH. If you travel extensively around this country as I do and read the local papers you see stories about incidents on college campuses on a regular basis.Sexual assualts occur in gated communities,in high rent apartments with extensive security ,in upscale malls and other places too numerous to mention.

While I have no issue with you condemming what happened or raising legitimate concerns about the quality of the on-campus security and whether the security firm hired is the right one your post painted a picture as if the only college in the US with security problems is SH and you appeared to create the picture that its a common occurence and its not.

SPK has pointed out that your view of SH's financial condition is also way off base and he's right .

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