Puppy Killer Noem


All World
Gold Member
Jul 18, 2001
I would imagine that Noem just killed her political career and any chance at VO just like she killed her 14 month puppy. Uhm you killed your puppy because it didn’t hunt well and killed a neighbors chickens? WTF. Perhaps try training the dog. Horrific story and I don’t know many people from Reds to Blues who would be not be upset at this story.

I rescued my dog when he was three months old. He was sweet as can be. By the time he turned 10 months he started to get aggressive. I had to get trainers to help me train my dog. It takes time. At 3 1/2, I am still training that dog and probably will never stop training him. It he he vastly improved. To kill a puppy at 14 months is ruthless.
I would imagine that Noem just killed her political career and any chance at VO just like she killed her 14 month puppy. Uhm you killed your puppy because it didn’t hunt well and killed a neighbors chickens? WTF. Perhaps try training the dog. Horrific story and I don’t know many people from Reds to Blues who would be not be upset at this story.

I rescued my dog when he was three months old. He was sweet as can be. By the time he turned 10 months he started to get aggressive. I had to get trainers to help me train my dog. It takes time. At 3 1/2, I am still training that dog and probably will never stop training him. It he he vastly improved. To kill a puppy at 14 months is ruthless.
Explain how killing a puppy destroys someone's political career, yet killing a baby in the womb is praised. Nice that you can tell a woman to train her dog, how about telling a woman to keep her legs closed if she doesn't want a kid?
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Explain how killing a puppy destroys someone's political career, yet killing a baby in the womb is praised. Nice that you can tell a woman to train her dog, how about telling a woman to keep her legs closed if she doesn't want a kid?
Well how about this, let’s bet on whether she gets the VP slot? I have already won a bet with Hall 85 and Shu09. I might as well win one from you too.
Well how about this, let’s bet on whether she gets the VP slot? I have already won a bet with Hall 85 and Shu09. I might as well win one from you too.
what the heck does one have to do with the other? Quite possibly the dumbest logic ever. A lot of people have had successful political careers who were never VP in case you haven’t noticed.

Let’s address why people care more about dogs than babies in the womb? Politicians who care more about dogs than babies with human DNA is freaking ridiculous. Don’t you agree? I’d rather talk about the issue of why you and others care more about a puppy than a human baby instead of a stupid bet that makes no sense.
Well how about this, let’s bet on whether she gets the VP slot? I have already won a bet with Hall 85 and Shu09. I might as well win one from you too.
And what bet is that? You crack me up…Mr. Pompous
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what the heck does one have to do with the other? Quite possibly the dumbest logic ever. A lot of people have had successful political careers who were never VP in case you haven’t noticed.

Let’s address why people care more about dogs than babies in the womb? Politicians who care more about dogs than babies with human DNA is freaking ridiculous. Don’t you agree? I’d rather talk about the issue of why you and others care more about a puppy than a human baby instead of a stupid bet that makes no sense

I would imagine that Noem just killed her political career and any chance at VO just like she killed her 14 month puppy. Uhm you killed your puppy because it didn’t hunt well and killed a neighbors chickens? WTF. Perhaps try training the dog. Horrific story and I don’t know many people from Reds to Blues who would be not be upset at this story.

I rescued my dog when he was three months old. He was sweet as can be. By the time he turned 10 months he started to get aggressive. I had to get trainers to helpg. It takes time. At 3 1/2, I am still training that dog and probably will never stop training him. It he he vastly improved. To kill a puppy you too.
What did you do to the Sweet 3-month-old puppy that turned him into an aggressive dog in just 7 months? Sounds horrific
what the heck does one have to do with the other? Quite possibly the dumbest logic ever. A lot of people have had successful political careers who were never VP in case you haven’t noticed.

Let’s address why people care more about dogs than babies in the womb? Politicians who care more about dogs than babies with human DNA is freaking ridiculous. Don’t you agree? I’d rather talk about the issue of why you and others care more about a puppy than a human baby instead of a stupid bet that makes no sense.
I know you are well aware that he represents modern liberal thought. Hate your country, yell "insurrection "except when there are real insurrections, imprison your political opponents, support a senile bumbler and, of course, allow millions of illegals to cross our borders. NYShore guy remains mute the one the one time he should be outraged.

Tomorrow is May Day. I wonder how these Jokers plan to celebrate
I would imagine that Noem just killed her political career and any chance at VO just like she killed her 14 month puppy. Uhm you killed your puppy because it didn’t hunt well and killed a neighbors chickens? WTF. Perhaps try training the dog. Horrific story and I don’t know many people from Reds to Blues who would be not be upset at this story.

I rescued my dog when he was three months old. He was sweet as can be. By the time he turned 10 months he started to get aggressive. I had to get trainers to help me train my dog. It takes time. At 3 1/2, I am still training that dog and probably will never stop training him. It he he vastly improved. To kill a puppy at 14 months is ruthless.

Yeah, she's vile. People that harm kids and animals are scum.
Are hunters scum?

Personally never really understood hunting for sport.
Though admittedly, we’re removed/desensitized from the food chain part so I don’t judge.

Killing a puppy because you can’t train it seems worse, but Noem hopefully never had a chance at the spot anyway. She’s not an impressive politician.
Personally never really understood hunting for sport.
Though admittedly, we’re removed/desensitized from the food chain part so I don’t judge.

Killing a puppy because you can’t train it seems worse, but Noem hopefully never had a chance at the spot anyway. She’s not an impressive politician.
Throughout history there have been hunters and gatherers. Hunters are a big part of our history. Who knows how many of us wouldn’t exist today without hunters,

Killing a puppy is the same as hunting for sport, but killing a baby in the womb is a million times worse.
what the heck does one have to do with the other? Quite possibly the dumbest logic ever. A lot of people have had successful political careers who were never VP in case you haven’t noticed.

Let’s address why people care more about dogs than babies in the womb? Politicians who care more about dogs than babies with human DNA is freaking ridiculous. Don’t you agree? I’d rather talk about the issue of why you and others care more about a puppy than a human baby instead of a stupid bet that makes no sense.
I said she killed her political career. You won't hear of Noel ever again even though she was the front runner for VP. That is my logic. You want to argue abortion. Oh please. There are plenty of Republicans that can't stand Noem for shooting her puppy because she didn't know how to train a dog. This crosses party lines.

And I am sure those supporting Noem here on this thread were all about prosecuting Michale Vick to the max when he killed his dogs. Quite frankly, Noem and Vick are the same type of trash.
I said she killed her political career. You won't hear of Noel ever again even though she was the front runner for VP. That is my logic. You want to argue abortion. Oh please. There are plenty of Republicans that can't stand Noem for shooting her puppy because she didn't know how to train a dog. This crosses party lines.
Nobody is saying what she did was right but if this is the bar of what is bad, acknowledge abortion as what it is which is worse than what Noem did. Nobody is creating a safe environment to let people do what Nowm did. Can’t say the same for abortion.

As for her political career this will go away in 6 months just like bill clinton telling a young woman to blow him. Amazing how that guy gets up to talk at the DNC.
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What did you do to the Sweet 3-month-old puppy that turned him into an aggressive dog in just 7 months? Sounds horrific
Yeah, its is called training. It takes patience and perseverance. When you take on the responsibility to have a dog, you make sure you do everything to make it into a good dog and not shoot it in the head cause it can't hunt.
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Are hunters scum? I wouldn’t get self righteous on the treatment of animals 99% of us on here eat them.

What does hunting have to do with killing her dog? Just stop. She's a vile person, but keep defending shifty people to be contrarian.
As for her political career this will go away in 6 months just like bill clinton telling a young woman to blow him. Amazing how that guy gets up to talk at the DNC.
Yeah. how horrible a guy getting a BJ from a 23-year old woman. lol. I can see that you were/are a lonely guy who was always jealous of guys who actually can get women. Somehow a BJ disqualifies Clinton yet your Orange God is perfectly fine.
Yeah. how horrible a guy getting a BJ from a 23-year old woman. lol. I can see that you were/are a lonely guy who was always jealous of guys who actually can get women. Somehow a BJ disqualifies Clinton yet your Orange God is perfectly fine.
Using your power on a woman to get a BJ is wrong. Or do you disagree? All im saying the #metoo movement had no impact on a guy who sexually abused women. Why would this destroy Noem?
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Educate yourself on how food gets on your plate, those animals are extremely harmed. We all support those who are harming animals whether we want to admit it or not

There's a difference in buying food for consumption and shooting your family pet because it can't hunt. Spare me the educate yourself bs. I make conscious decisions wheb buying animal products based on how animals are treated.

You gonna defend Mike Vick next?
There's a difference in buying food for consumption and shooting your family pet because it can't hunt. Spare me the educate yourself bs. I make conscious decisions wheb buying animal products based on how animals are treated.

You gonna defend Mike Vick next?
You make conscious decisions. Lmao. No animals were harmed in the chicken wings on your plate. Hilarious.
How do you know what anyone eats? You're a trip.
I said 99% because I’m not sure I know many dudes who don’t eat meat. Some eat more than others. However I can’t tell you of a meat dish where no animals have been harmed. When you say you’re against harming animals you’re full of crap otherwise you’d be vegetarian. What Noem did killing a pet is unusual and cruel but come on dude just admit you support the harming animals industry when you eat. Or tell me you’re vegetarian.
Yeah, its is called training. It takes patience and perseverance. When you take on the responsibility to have a dog, you make sure you do everything to make it into a good dog and not shoot it in the head cause it can't hunt.
I ask you what did you do to your dog that changed a sweet puppy into an aggressive dog in seven months and you respond "training". LoL. Training junk yard dogs, are you? Do you think Biden’s dog is still alive? I don't. Hunting breeds that won't hunt are routinely destroyed unless kind souls rescue them. My sister rescues beagles. BTW a 14 month old dog is probably not a puppy. Excuse me now while I write a check to Care Net. Humans are more important than dogs to me ar least
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Is it November? Check your calendar.
You are delusional. Primaries are done. You thought another candidate would beat Trump and you were dead wrong. You just can never admit you are wrong.
You are delusional. Primaries are done. You thought another candidate would beat Trump and you were dead wrong. You just can never admit you are wrong.
I might be wrong about the outcome, but my statement was that Trump and Biden would not be on the ballot in November.
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She proves the old adage that God often gives people looks or brains ,but rarely gives both of them.
I'm not familiar with that adage especially when thinking of Hedy Lamarr . It was a mistake by a woman trying to prove how tough she is. Where was her editor? But the double standard is obvious: kill a dog who killed a neighbor's chickens and bit Noem herself and you can't be vice president, but eat a puppy and you can get elected President twice
Using your power on a woman to get a BJ is wrong. Or do you disagree? All im saying the #metoo movement had no impact on a guy who sexually abused women. Why would this destroy Noem?
He didn't have to use anything. She was willing and wanting Clinton. I know it may hard for you to realize that because that has not happened to you. lol
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He didn't have to use anything. She was willing and wanting Clinton. I know it may hard for you to realize that because that has not happened to you. lol
Smh. She’s said many times he took advantage of her. Seems you believe all women who go after republicans. The ones who say negative things about democrats can’t be trusted it seems. You also act like Clinton’s list of women all have good things to say about him. Guys has been linked to sexually abusing women more than your buddy Trump.
Smh. She’s said many times he took advantage of her. Seems you believe all women who go after republicans. The ones who say negative things about democrats can’t be trusted it seems. You also act like Clinton’s list of women all have good things to say about him. Guys has been linked to sexually abusing women more than your buddy Trump.
If what Clinton did with Lewinsky happened in a public company, he would have been fired. Preying on a 22 year old working under him in the ultimate position of power. Great guy…lol.
Smh. She’s said many times he took advantage of her. Seems you believe all women who go after republicans. The ones who say negative things about democrats can’t be trusted it seems. You also act like Clinton’s list of women all have good things to say about him. Guys has been linked to sexually abusing women more than your buddy Trump.
Lewinsky’s story changed 20 years later as she tried to be part of me too. But she wasn’t taken advantage of. She went after Clinton.

Her statements right after the affair are clear. She was a grown woman and knew exactly what she was doing. As far as affairs go with any politicians, I could care less. It’s their private life and I don’t judge it. That goes to Trump, Noem Kennedy. I just don’t care.
If what Clinton did with Lewinsky happened in a public company, he would have been fired. Preying on a 22 year old working under him in the ultimate position of power. Great guy…lol.
Preying? She went after him. Stop this bs narrative cause your so bias. Second, the boss having an affair with a woman in the company has taken place forever. A consensual relationship which often ends up in a long relationship and sometimes marriage. Get the stick out of your asses.

The new policy with companies of firing people who engage in an affair is ridiculous. What happened to Any Roback and TH Holmes was stupid. All the CEOs that have been fired for having consensual affairs with employees is a dumb policy that our country has moved towards. That’s just not reality. The number one place people meet each other is the workplace.
Lewinsky’s story changed 20 years later as she tried to be part of me too. But she wasn’t taken advantage of. She went after Clinton.

Her statements right after the affair are clear. She was a grown woman and knew exactly what she was doing. As far as affairs go with any politicians, I could care less. It’s their private life and I don’t judge it. That goes to Trump, Noem Kennedy. I just don’t care.
then why even have this thread if you don’t care about private life. Unless of course Her dog is public life?

Are you kidding me a grown woman? She was of adult age but far from a grown woman. 22 year old dealing with the most powerful man in the world at the time. As for the article, Do you believe the more she went after Bill in 1998, the more he would’ve made her life a living hell?
Preying? She went after him. Stop this bs narrative cause your so bias. Second, the boss having an affair with a woman in the company has taken place forever. A consensual relationship which often ends up in a long relationship and sometimes marriage. Get the stick out of your asses.

The new policy with companies of firing people who engage in an affair is ridiculous. What happened to Any Roback and TH Holmes was stupid. All the CEOs that have been fired for having consensual affairs with employees is a dumb policy that our country has moved towards. That’s just not reality. The number one place people meet each other is the workplace.
Nothing says we have an ethically strong company like we approve cheating on spouses in our workplace
then why even have this thread if you don’t care about private life. Unless of course Her dog is public life?

Are you kidding me a grown woman? She was of adult age but far from a grown woman. 22 year old dealing with the most powerful man in the world at the time. As for the article, Do you believe the more she went after Bill in 1998, the more he would’ve made her life a living hell?
I am sure you agree that at 22 yrs old you can go fight in a war as a soldier for your country and die. I am sure you agree at 22 yrs old you decide to murder someone that that 22 yr old should go to jail for the rest of your life. But you are telling me at 22 yrs old a woman is not grown to consensually give her boss a bj? Please.
Nothing says we have an ethically strong company like we approve cheating on spouses in our workplace
lol. Have you worked in a workplace where there are a number of men and women? Affairs go on all the time and people cheat on their spouses with people in the office quite often. From Hospitals to finance to government organizations. Please tell me you people are not that naive.
lol. Have you worked in a workplace where there are a number of men and women? Affairs go on all the time and people cheat on their spouses with people in the office quite often. From Hospitals to finance to government organizations. Please tell me you people are not that naive.
tell me you think board of directors want this in their company?

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