Willard Postgame - Wow


All Universe
Gold Member
Mar 25, 2004
Called out guys with “bad attitudes” and “pouting” in practice. Guys moody and complaining about not playing at 10–2 and now they’ll sit.

Calls our 3 guys without a name and said he won’t play them. Said a guy who barely played against Creighton, another that played 25 min without a board, and a third embarrassed in the game.

Said he’ll play 6 and he’ll go get this corrected.

Good for you, KW.
Called out guys with “bad attitudes” and “pouting” in practice. Guys moody and complaining about not playing at 10–2 and now they’ll sit.

Calls our 3 guys without a name and said he won’t play them. Said a guy who barely played against Creighton, another that played 25 min without a board, and a third embarrassed in the game.

Said he’ll play 6 and he’ll go get this corrected.

Good for you, KW.
Can you clarify again the calling out of 3 guys? Someone who played 25 mins tonight with no Rebs or against Creighton?
Called out guys with “bad attitudes” and “pouting” in practice. Guys moody and complaining about not playing at 10–2 and now they’ll sit.

Calls our 3 guys without a name and said he won’t play them. Said a guy who barely played against Creighton, another that played 25 min without a board, and a third embarrassed in the game.

Said he’ll play 6 and he’ll go get this corrected.

Good for you, KW.

Holy Sh*t!!!!
Can you clarify again the calling out of 3 guys? Someone who played 25 mins tonight with no Rebs or against Creighton?

Correct. Not sure how literal to take it. It’ll be available online soon.
Every friggin year. I don't care about the one or two players. I care about getting embarrassed. Starting off games like you never played before. I was ready to buy a hotel room in Albany. Now I think we could lose to anyone.
He is talking about Nelson, Cale and Ike I believe in no particular order. Going to 6 is really 7 win Shavar and Samuel since he mentioned Samuel played well and has earned minutes according to Popkin.

Man there are issues on this team and they have have all of a sudden popped up after being 10-2?
Woah!! I thought this locker room was solid. Looks like Willard sending a message. Still doesn’t explain why the starters played so badly in the first half. Even if there are issues in the locker room it’s no excuse IMO for our starters playing so badly.
I say it all of the time. A coach can only do so much for motivation. It really comes from within the players themselves. When things are going great it’s because coach learned from the past. Truth is it’s not. When things don’t go great it’s all his fault. Truth is, it’s not. We have great senior leaders. That’s not the problem. You can’t make someone want it. Either they want it or they don’t. If they don’t want it, play 6 guys. So be it. I have no problem with that.
Sounds like a senior led team meeting is needed NOW. Like on the bus ride home. Sort this shit out.
Bench contributions have gone down a lot in the last six or seven games so maybe Willard is upset that they are not giving our starters a blow and he can’t trust them. Still doesn’t explain the bad starts by our starters.
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My only problem with all of this being it was the Starters who screwed up. They all play so what is talking about.
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Called out guys with “bad attitudes” and “pouting” in practice. Guys moody and complaining about not playing at 10–2 and now they’ll sit.

Calls our 3 guys without a name and said he won’t play them. Said a guy who barely played against Creighton, another that played 25 min without a board, and a third embarrassed in the game.

Said he’ll play 6 and he’ll go get this corrected.

Good for you, KW.
TT's chance to finally play or will it be "play me or transfer portal me"? ;)
I've never been prouder of Kevin Willard than just now listening to that on the radio. Got me fired up. Good for him, lay down the law and don't put up with ridiculous personal playing issues on a team with the record we have.
Lol, Shavar is gonna play 35 minutes!

Even Willard cant screw this up.
I hear you, but look it is not about it has been too large a dose of Sharvar or Ike is a liability. And the facts are that Cale other than that dunk last game he has not finished a play in I don't know how long. Every shot or layup is short. And Gillespie got his shot off evey time v. Cale which he did not against Shavar.

If we beat Creighton this was just a conference loss on the road, but it sounds like things are getting screwed up. March can't get here soon enough for me!
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And when the starters screw up the bench is supposed to help right the ship. They screwed up just as bad.
Called out guys with “bad attitudes” and “pouting” in practice. Guys moody and complaining about not playing at 10–2 and now they’ll sit.

Calls our 3 guys without a name and said he won’t play them. Said a guy who barely played against Creighton, another that played 25 min without a board, and a third embarrassed in the game.

Said he’ll play 6 and he’ll go get this corrected.

Good for you, KW.
Agree good for KW

It’s coach speak

A bit worried but confident we’ll be OK.

Go pirates!
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Their confidence to use the kids term is SHOOK.

You need guys to have swagger.

Mc and An are broken.

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