Zags still a jerk


All World
Mar 25, 2005
No wonder he is universally disliked. The first sentence in his story about last night’s game is “One game after being ejected after head-butting an opposing player,”. No one who watched that game and the replays thinks that was anything but a bogus call. And this jerk decides to lead a story about a college kid’s best game with a douchy line that casts shade on Mamu.
Yeah, not so sure Zags needs a sticky at the top of the page. I never read him.

Unless he pays Piratecrew for that.
sami, he has more hits than Jerry Carino, Mr SHU Basketball. For that I owe the Pirate fans here to have both pinned to the top of the board.
Zags has recruiting info, and that is why alot came to the boards. Thus his hits.

That first line noted above actually childish. Sad.
I didn’t watch the Wagner game but I just looked up the “head butt” clip....are you kidding me??? This isn’t even a head butt...LOL. I cannot believe this was an ejection.

Also notice how fox calls it “an exchange” and zags calls it a head butt lol
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sami, he has more hits than Jerry Carino, Mr SHU Basketball. For that I owe the Pirate fans here to have both pinned to the top of the board.
Yes because he cover many things. His hits arising out of SHU are surely a small fraction of JC’s. I say boot him.
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I didn’t watch the Wagner game but I just looked up the “head butt” clip....are you kidding me??? This isn’t even a head butt...LOL. I cannot believe this was an ejection.

Also notice how fox calls it “an exchange” and zags calls it a head butt lol
Again people here throw rules out the window when it doesnt favor their cause on the basketball court...i am sure he was pissed to get pushed from behind, walking away and not acknowledging the wagner act would have been the proper way to be as a senior instead his impulse decision leads to an unfortunate scenario....i await the day in which theo john repilicates this action and those here in masses proclaim he shouldnt get tossed...the whistle blew he initiated dead ball contact above an opposong player's shoulder level, i dont know what more there is to state on this...i wouldnt be shocked if other teams decide to send in the goons to bait him as conference play progresses
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Oh stop ny. If we think that way, we are wrong. We have often acknowledged the chippy plays we have made.

It looked to me like sandro wanted to press his forehead against the other guy to get in his face. Not a head butt. Give him a T no doubt. But throwing him out was a dumb decision. Hope sandro learned his lesson. Walk away. Don't let a game hinge on a refs decision. I would have my guys try to sucker jim into a reaction if I was coaching againt him, and I am sure Kevin knows that.

Kevin puts up with more chippy play than I would expect.
Oh stop ny. If we think that way, we are wrong. We have often acknowledged the chippy plays we have made.

It looked to me like sandro wanted to press his forehead against the other guy to get in his face. Not a head butt. Give him a T no doubt. But throwing him out was a dumb decision. Hope sandro learned his lesson. Walk away. Don't let a game hinge on a refs decision. I would have my guys try to sucker jim into a reaction if I was coaching againt him, and I am sure Kevin knows that.

Kevin puts up with more chippy play than I would expect.
Well i would like clarity on what happened dont think we got that out of the end of that game.

Again i am not saying things have to be kumbaya but mma/aew/wwe go elsewhere...

Perhaps i have been wrong the whole time and my mona lisa vito moment is now. Perhaps he was ejected for two class A techs which could have been a deadball contact made which yes everyone did happen and the use of bad language towards opposing player or bench so perhaps it was not a flagrant 2 tech but 2 class A techs.
Again people here throw rules out the window when it doesnt favor their cause on the basketball court...i am sure he was pissed to get pushed from behind, walking away and not acknowledging the wagner act would have been the proper way to be as a senior instead his impulse decision leads to an unfortunate scenario....i await the day in which theo john repilicates this action and those here in masses proclaim he shouldnt get tossed...the whistle blew he initiated dead ball contact above an opposong player's shoulder level, i dont know what more there is to state on this...i wouldnt be shocked if other teams decide to send in the goons to bait him as conference play progresses
Just stop. Going to start this up again? You alone agree with your take. Your right to have it, but our right to say it’s dumb.

In real time, he hardly stood over the player before the push was initiated. The head butt looked like contact wasn’t made, but clearly was. T on both players? Absolutely. Ejections? Stupid.
Yeah, not so sure Zags needs a sticky at the top of the page. I never read him.

Unless he pays Piratecrew for that.

Agree, we should not be doing him any favors. I never read his site either, he is a hack of the highest order.
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And take Sandro out of the equation. In no way should the Wagner player have been ejected for pushing Sandro on the shoulder. He should be irate that he was ejected for a weak ass push.
Just stop. Going to start this up again? You alone agree with your take. Your right to have it, but our right to say it’s dumb.

In real time, he hardly stood over the player before the push was initiated. The head butt looked like contact wasn’t made, but clearly was. T on both players? Absolutely. Ejections? Stupid.
You dont know what he may have said...2 class A techs means he had at minimum contact during a dead ball which is a T and then anything else he did that was unsporting is also a T...i am not advocating these actions but they did occur. Again, be a senior, walk away, no need to show some 6 foot something twig anything more than performance on court.
And take Sandro out of the equation. In no way should the Wagner player have been ejected for pushing Sandro on the shoulder. He should be irate that he was ejected for a weak ass push.
Have you previously reffed baskeball at a rec or high school level?
3 ways for ejection at ncaa baskeball...

2 class A techs, or 1 class A tech, 2 class b techs or 1 flagrant 2 technical foul
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Two things ; 1. Linking to zags at the top is better then the other option is all of us seeing posts “ can someone post the link to so and so” like google doesn’t exist.
2. Classic shoreguy ruining a post or the board overall with his “ I know everything “ I can’t tell if he is a doctor , reporter, TV producer , or referee.
NY is quoting the rule book here. Whether or not those who have not read the rule book think it should have been an ejection, the stripes not only have read it, but have been tested on it annually and to work a high level division 1 game, have administered the rule book effectively. I get that fans love to criticize the stripes. But how many fans have actually read the NCAA rule book? He was ejected. So was the Wagner kid. This occurred after the three officials huddled to make sure they were all on the same page with the the observations and the ultimate ruling. Because of how the games are being played now, the officials did not interact with the media as has become the custom lately for televised games. We'll never know the thought process of the three officials here.

With that said, Zags went a bit over the top with his description, as he often does.
Mamu should have been ejected it was stupid move and hopefully he learned from it.
Rules are always—always—subject to interpretation. Anyone who thinks they are ironclad is a fool.

Refs are human. The rules are made by humans.
And look at all the attention his unnecessary comment has generated for him. Controversial comments whether it’s by a coach, a player or those in the sports media will always attract attention and for some drawing attention to what they say is part of their came plan.
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The issue, regardless of the rightness of the call, is that it was a minor transgression by a good citizen. It in no way defines sandro or deserves the opening paragraph, and if you say that was done only to put the story of our win in a worse light, you have a better case than suggesting it was a dirty play. It WAS a dopey play for sure. If it were about that kid at Duke who was always tripping kids, then I would have a different opinion. Sandros career deserves better than a low blow in an article when he was an absolute dominant player who made one terrific play after another.
Maybe for Mamu it was the best thing that could have happened as he will get into physical scraps again and now can learn from that moment. Either way this topic is one dead horse.
Two things ; 1. Linking to zags at the top is better then the other option is all of us seeing posts “ can someone post the link to so and so” like google doesn’t exist.
2. Classic shoreguy ruining a post or the board overall with his “ I know everything “ I can’t tell if he is a doctor , reporter, TV producer , or referee.
My guess is “my sister-in-law”
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