• sami
    sami replied to the thread Walsh Gym.
    Don’t forget expanding South Orange Ave to a 6 lane road after adding a raised highway through campus.
  • H
    HALL85 replied to the thread MAGA Day. And Bezos gets in line.
  • S
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  • Robot_Man
    Robot_Man replied to the thread Selfish Joe.
    Another head-scratcher.
  • L
    lloyde dobler replied to the thread Politi and Seton Hall.
    Did any of you read Politi’s follow up tweet where he said that he spoke with Holloway today?
  • H
    Hall91 replied to the thread Politi and Seton Hall.
    As a Seton Hall fan, all I can ask is; where are we headed?
  • F
    Fishjam replied to the thread Juan Gone!.
    Huge loss for the Yanks especially considering they gave a nice package of players to get him for just 1 year. Steinbrenners run the...
  • Halldan1
  • SHUHitman
    SHUHitman replied to the thread Politi and Seton Hall.
    I don't see the value in excluding him. Why would you do it? Some irrational fear of a "hit piece"? If so, what do you think he's going...
  • B
    Blueswayedshus replied to the thread Politi and Seton Hall.
    Good job by our SID. Should have done the same to Luicci years ago. Two mid-market hacks with big time pretensions and small time talent.
  • H
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  • SHallguy2
    SHallguy2 replied to the thread Drones.
    Only our imagination. 4 outside in our neighborhood tonight video taped them. Clearly large size drones, one had a loudspeaker looking...
  • Halldan1
  • H
    HallLine69 replied to the thread Politi and Seton Hall.
    Given the opportunity to take the high road, the Hall chose in this case to be quite petty and sophomoric. I expect fans like several in...
  • H
    hinson32 replied to the thread More Jerry C.
    Isn't every player a one and done these days?
  • H
    HALL85 replied to the thread MAGA Day.
    I have no use for either, but ironic that both despised him twelve months ago and now…they are all hypocrites.
  • G
    Gritty5837 replied to the thread Checkmate.
    Arturas Karnisovas has been in NBA offices for 20 years. He is currently an EVP with the Bulls. He has to have plenty of contacts that...
  • SHUHoopsFan
    SHUHoopsFan replied to the thread MAGA Day.
    Lot of Jan 6 stuff coming out as well.
  • J
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  • H
    hallstorm replied to the thread Juan Gone!.
    That is not only untrue, but makes no sense. Soto produced not only during regular season for the Yankees but also in the playoffs...
  • J
    jack 1970 replied to the thread More Jerry C.
    Harper and Bailey are 1 and done pros.RU enjoy them while they are there.
  • T
    TheHall87 replied to the thread Walsh Gym.
    Shockingly there's a building at the AD site that could be used.
  • J
    jack 1970 replied to the thread Politi and Seton Hall. and SL is trash.
  • K
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  • L
    LBP43 replied to the thread Politi and Seton Hall.
    Perhaps the the above tweet by Politi ( posted by MoneyHall07) illustrates --- opportunities to have Seton Hall and Sha's program --our...
