So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

I'll make this my 1 and only political post.

Black man here. I can accept that Kamala is not perfect but for the most visible job in our country, I cannot support a man who has historically and unapologetically called for the mistreatment of anyone that is minimized in the spotlight. People who vocally support Trump are complicit in misogyny and racism. It's fine. You're allowed to be that. I don't know what can change your ways on that. You're also probably a miserable person IRL who is ok degrading anyone that's not themselves. I don't have to associate with you which also is a reason I contribute sporadically to these boards as a whole.

I'm also not naive. There's a great amount of people who follow that philosophy enough or are willing to look the other way. There's a good chance he wins this week, which is not necessarily indicative of any polls, just ya know... My life.

If Kamala wins, then I know the US elected a President who is well educated and has plans to do better than their predecessors. If Trump wins, another old white male wins (the old is what I have a problem with, btw, and same energy I had for Biden and Sanders) and nothing policy will change for the better because he has concepts of a plan.

Also, America is fine now. Anytime it was ever "great again" was when people of color and women were marginalized and demonized. Prove otherwise and cite your facts.

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

You are often not happy with choices you get in presidential election.That usually results in voting for candidate who disagrees less with your views.I think this is paramount in this election.I don’t like the way Trump conducts himself ,but not having open borders and endless wars tips the balance for me in his favor.

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

you honestly believe you respect people?
We’ll start with, I respect whoever you choose to vote for. Can you say the same?
trumpers are obsessed with trump. putting another man's name on your house, on your flag, on you car, on your shirt... that's obsessed.
You continue to refuse to understand the “why” and let your TDS dictate your response.
im obsessed with getting people to see the 1000ft view. just like the title in this thread. it's shocking when you guys see it and do anything to justify it. even when admitting you'll be no better/worse off than before. spade is spade.
Obsessed with getting people to think like you….that’s precious.

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

That doesn’t answer my question if you asked those people if other things matter to them. Literally there are people on news channels every night saying abortion is what I’m voting for.
I already told you that they themselves fully admit to voting only on that issue. How clearly do I need to spell it out for you? Everything else you mentioned is trivial to them relative to abortion. If the candidates swapped positions on abortion but maintained on everything else, they would flip their vote.

Unlike you, I take them at their word and don't grill them on every possible issue to try to challenge if they're "really" one issue voters.

Now perhaps this year is different with Trump also taking some brazenly anti-life stances. I can't say I've spoken to them about this special election, I just know from past conversations that that's how they typically vote in every election.

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

Does the term one issue voter not mean there's only there's only one issue the person considers? There may not be a perfect option on that issue, but they'll still vote for the better of the two with no concern for any other issues.
That doesn’t answer my question if you asked those people if other things matter to them. Literally there are people on news channels every night saying abortion is what I’m voting for.

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

Now this may be difficult for some to follow, so I'll type slowly......

The posters (you know who you are ) who continue to accuse anyone who disagrees with your political views as cultists (Trumpsters Etc) don't realize how much like caricatures of the democrat talking points they are. They are just like the democrat power brokers who for over eight years have accused Trump of the same things they are guilty of. They totally bought into the alternate universe of the false reality that has been coming out of the democrat machine and dutifully broadcast out over the compliant democrat run and Soros bought and paid for institutionalized mass media.

I'll try not to refer in kind to those posters who would categorize me or anyone else who disagrees with them as cultists themselves....... but it's hard to ignore. They have been had...... and THEY are the true cultists...... well meaning as they think they may be.
those posters admit they think their candidate stinks. they've chosen based on morals just like you. but its very clear which morals each candidate stands for:
