The posters (you know who you are ) who continue to accuse anyone who disagrees with your political views as cultists
To be clear. I don’t care if someone believes Trump will provide a better environment over the next 4 year. I’d agree with some of those arguments. I can respect that view.
I don’t care if we have different political views. I have debated pretty much every issue on this board for decades fairly respectfully (for the most part).
What I have never seen in my lifetime is a politician becoming someone’s identity. The people on the right here always criticized Obama’s populist base and that was nothing like Trump’s loyalists.
If you think Trump did nothing wrong on Jan 6th, your house, car, boat etc are covered in Trump paraphernalia, you purchase DJT stock, you contributed to the legal defense fund of a billionaire, you have no issue that he refused to return classified documents, etc etc etc, and you believed he was the best option during the primary… call it whatever you want, if all of that was happening on the left, you and everyone here would see how crazy that is.