So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

Does the term one issue voter not mean there's only there's only one issue the person considers? There may not be a perfect option on that issue, but they'll still vote for the better of the two with no concern for any other issues.
That doesn’t answer my question if you asked those people if other things matter to them. Literally there are people on news channels every night saying abortion is what I’m voting for.

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

Now this may be difficult for some to follow, so I'll type slowly......

The posters (you know who you are ) who continue to accuse anyone who disagrees with your political views as cultists (Trumpsters Etc) don't realize how much like caricatures of the democrat talking points they are. They are just like the democrat power brokers who for over eight years have accused Trump of the same things they are guilty of. They totally bought into the alternate universe of the false reality that has been coming out of the democrat machine and dutifully broadcast out over the compliant democrat run and Soros bought and paid for institutionalized mass media.

I'll try not to refer in kind to those posters who would categorize me or anyone else who disagrees with them as cultists themselves....... but it's hard to ignore. They have been had...... and THEY are the true cultists...... well meaning as they think they may be.
those posters admit they think their candidate stinks. they've chosen based on morals just like you. but its very clear which morals each candidate stands for:

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

You miss the point yet again…you’re obsessed with Trump.

Pretty clear that there is only one group of people here that don’t respect an individuals choice of candidate.

I know this is hard to grasp for you.
you honestly believe you respect people?

trumpers are obsessed with trump. putting another man's name on your house, on your flag, on you car, on your shirt... that's obsessed.

im obsessed with getting people to see the 1000ft view. just like the title in this thread. it's shocking when you guys see it and do anything to justify it. even when admitting you'll be no better/worse off than before. spade is spade.
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So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

The posters (you know who you are ) who continue to accuse anyone who disagrees with your political views as cultists

To be clear. I don’t care if someone believes Trump will provide a better environment over the next 4 year. I’d agree with some of those arguments. I can respect that view.

I don’t care if we have different political views. I have debated pretty much every issue on this board for decades fairly respectfully (for the most part).

What I have never seen in my lifetime is a politician becoming someone’s identity. The people on the right here always criticized Obama’s populist base and that was nothing like Trump’s loyalists.

If you think Trump did nothing wrong on Jan 6th, your house, car, boat etc are covered in Trump paraphernalia, you purchase DJT stock, you contributed to the legal defense fund of a billionaire, you have no issue that he refused to return classified documents, etc etc etc, and you believed he was the best option during the primary… call it whatever you want, if all of that was happening on the left, you and everyone here would see how crazy that is.
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So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

Now this may be difficult for some to follow, so I'll type slowly......

The posters (you know who you are ) who continue to accuse anyone who disagrees with your political views as cultists (Trumpsters Etc) don't realize how much like caricatures of the democrat talking points they are. They are just like the democrat power brokers who for over eight years have accused Trump of the same things they are guilty of. They totally bought into the alternate universe of the false reality that has been coming out of the democrat machine and dutifully broadcast out over the compliant democrat run and Soros bought and paid for institutionalized mass media.

I'll try not to refer in kind to those posters who would categorize me or anyone else who disagrees with them as cultists themselves....... but it's hard to ignore. They have been had...... and THEY are the true cultists...... well meaning as they think they may be.

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

just because someone is more strict on an issue doesn’t mean they’re one issue voters. There’s literally women out there saying they’re voting for Harris because of reproductive (I mean not reproducing) rights.

And have you responded crime, economy, immigration, inflation, violence around the world, they/thems, etc have no influence on your vote and they say no? I’m pro-life of an unborn child, but I don’t view Trump as what I want in that issue at all.
Does the term one issue voter not mean there's only there's only one issue the person considers? There may not be a perfect option on that issue, but they'll still vote for the better of the two with no concern for any other issues.

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

What's so funny? What doesn't make them one issue voters? I personally know plenty, family included, who fully admit to being one issue voters. Are you suggesting they're lying about that?
just because someone is more strict on an issue doesn’t mean they’re one issue voters. There’s literally women out there saying they’re voting for Harris because of reproductive (I mean not reproducing) rights.

And have you responded crime, economy, immigration, inflation, violence around the world, they/thems, etc have no influence on your vote and they say no? I’m pro-life of an unborn child, but I don’t view Trump as what I want in that issue at all. This might be a shock but pro-life people tend to be conservative by nature. That might be why they vote republican

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

🤣 that doesn’t make them one issue voters. Democrats spent so much time on abortion because there are tons of women who’ve been interviewed by cnn and have said that issue is why they’re voting for Kamala.
What's so funny? What doesn't make them one issue voters? I personally know plenty, family included, who fully admit to being one issue voters. Are you suggesting they're lying about that?

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

I'm not referring specifically to this election but to all of them. Many Catholic voters in particular always vote republican only because of the abortion issue.

Even republican candidates that aren't 100% against abortion are a lot more strict on it than democrats and that makes them the lesser evil to many.
🤣 that doesn’t make them one issue voters. Democrats spent so much time on abortion because there are tons of women who’ve been interviewed by cnn and have said that issue is why they’re voting for Kamala.

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

Do you think the numbers are even close? Trump isn’t even pro-life. He’s talking about a certain number of weeks. Which one issue pro life person thinks it’s okay for a certain number of weeks. NONE
I'm not referring specifically to this election but to all of them. Many Catholic voters in particular always vote republican only because of the abortion issue.

Even republican candidates that aren't 100% against abortion are a lot more strict on it than democrats and that makes them the lesser evil to many.

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

so you're fine with trump insulting and belittling every second of the day but the snowflakes get all soft when it's directed at them from a random poster ?

if youre upset about the insulating and belittling, which it's clear you are and it hits a deep nerve, then you should vote for kamala. if you really against insulting and belittling.

since there's no way to really respond to this feel free to call me a troll
You miss the point yet again…you’re obsessed with Trump.

Pretty clear that there is only one group of people here that don’t respect an individuals choice of candidate.

I know this is hard to grasp for you.

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

It was a joke making fun of the one issue abortion voters. It's great there's people who don't care about the economy, immigration, the violence overseas, potentials of another world war as long as they can have an abortion. If there was an equivalent issue on the right its trans in sports, but notbody thinks it's a top issue, take a joke.
nothing like a good joke about abortion!!

So no one here has voted for or is going to vote for the treasonous coup-attempting felon rapist guy, right?

Is it not also abortion? Many republican votes come from pro-life one issue voters.
Do you think the numbers are even close? Trump isn’t even pro-life. He’s talking about a certain number of weeks. Which one issue pro life person thinks it’s okay for a certain number of weeks. NONE
