Oh Joe

No, but Biden’s not the one running the anti immigration campaign.

That’s the point. Trump making immigration his number one issue while using someone who broke rules to stay in the US as his surrogate is quite hypocritical.
Seems like a real stretch:

“Musk acknowledged his immigration status when he founded Zip2 in a 2005 email to Tesla co-founders Martin Eberhard and JB Straubel revealed in a lawsuit, where he explained he applied to Stanford to stay in the U.S. legally, according to the Post.”

Oh Joe

I get that it’s desperate times so “Musk is bad” is the line of the day because he’s supporting Trump, but to cast him as an “illegal” when he’s created tens of thousands of high paying U.S. jobs with virtually Tesla’s entire 120k workforce based in the U.S.? Really?? And his ex-boss Obama made the move to Space-X.
