MSM Crucible is Tuesday

This is so dumb. The old media doesn't understand that its bias and lies have turned people away and they have found new places to get their news. It's really that simple. Stop picking topics that are only anti Trump. Stop refusing to ask the tough question to a democrat while trying to pin down republicans. Stop covering up things like Joe Biden is fully with it when we can all see he's not. Joe Rogan dares to be honest. Joe Rogan dares to challenge what we're being told on vaccines, our food supply, things that people think are conspiracies, while the rest of the media says this is it now live with it. The only limit the old media has is what their sponsors force on them. They'd probably get better sponsors if they dared to do real journalism because more people would watch and listen.
The major network news has turned into McDonalds. Superficial headlines repeated multiple times with a leftistcslant in 30 minutes on about 5-6 topics…one of which is the weather. Viewership is declining as younger generations get their news elsewhere.

MSM Crucible is Tuesday

This is so dumb. The old media doesn't understand that its bias and lies have turned people away and they have found new places to get their news. It's really that simple. Stop picking topics that are only anti Trump. Stop refusing to ask the tough question to a democrat while trying to pin down republicans. Stop covering up things like Joe Biden is fully with it when we can all see he's not. Joe Rogan dares to be honest. Joe Rogan dares to challenge what we're being told on vaccines, our food supply, things that people think are conspiracies, while the rest of the media says this is it now live with it. The only limit the old media has is what their sponsors force on them. They'd probably get better sponsors if they dared to do real journalism because more people would watch and listen.


Everyone should have some exposure to crypto. Hard to stomach the risk at times but throwing in a small portion of your investments into crypto is probably worth that risk and we should be heading into a bull cycle right now and Trump winning was good for the community. Hoskinson is trying to position himself as a blockchain policy advisor and ADA could pop from here if that happens. Only one I am sold on long term though is Bitcoin as the store of value.
Agreed- nicely said.

The only downside to Bitcoin (no impact on store of value) is the transaction costs and speed to move currency to and from USD. How do you most efficiently move billions and trillions of currency- the future of moving money is through XRP in my opinion. lower costs and higher speed + yhe ability of cross boarder transactions (Bitcoin to usd to euro, etc.

Governor Please Tell The Third World Ballot Counting States How You Do It

States like PA and Ariz are still counting ballots while Florida finished in a few hours.

Florida invested in machines and resources after the 2020 debacle. I agree more states should be like Florida.

Florida can process and count mail in ballots 3 weeks before election day.
76% of Florida voters voted early and could be counted before the election day polls opened.

Pennsylvania can not count any votes prior to election day. So even though Florida has 10 million more people than PA, PA had to process and count almost 3x the votes on election day.
