Age on inauguration day 2021:
Sanders: 79
Bloomberg: 78
Biden: 78
Trump: 74
Warren: 71
Time for younger blood in the White House.
Sanders: 79
Bloomberg: 78
Biden: 78
Trump: 74
Warren: 71
Time for younger blood in the White House.
He doesn't need that in a general election. Progressive democrats and black voters are not going to vote for Trump.
I disagree on the black vote. There is an increasing acceptance on both sides that Trump is going to pick up a material increase in African American and Hispanic voters.He doesn't need that in a general election. Progressive democrats and black voters are not going to vote for Trump.
He needs someone that will help him win swing states that Trump won last time and someone with experience who will help him govern. Klobuchar wouldn't be a bad choice. Sherrod Brown too.
70 is the new 50....Age on inauguration day 2021:
Sanders: 79
Bloomberg: 78
Biden: 78
Trump: 74
Warren: 71
Time for younger blood in the White House.
70 is the new 50....
Stacey Abrams would just compound Mayor Pete's biggest problem - lack of experience.Buttigieg has my vote right now. He would lose it if he picks a clown like Abrams, who is in no way qualified to be in the White House. That would be a terrible VP pick.
I disagree on the black vote. There is an increasing acceptance on both sides that Trump is going to pick up a material increase in African American and Hispanic voters.
Tom, just speaking from personal observation. We have a large Hispanic workforce that is outwardly pro-Trump. Anecdotal but very different from 2016. Have also spoken to a couple of politicians who agreed with the assumptions that were made re:black vote on FTN last week.I do not believe this. These voters may not come out to vote in numbers but their dislike of Trump is so strong that they would not come out to vote for him.
Tom K
Stacey Abrams would just compound Mayor Pete's biggest problem - lack of experience.
Tom K
Buttigieg dropping out is a big surprise since he had some momentum and money. Steyer not so much.Yeah, I know they were Paterson's comments. Just saying why I disagree, especially as a Mayor Pete supporter. He has to overcome some obstacles without question, but I think there is a path where he can overcome them.
If Biden under performs in SC and Nevada and drops out before super Tuesday, I thin that will give Bloomberg a chance going forward. Short of that, I don't think the math will work for Bloomberg to overtake Bernie if Biden is still in the race on super Tuesday.
This smells like a backroom deal but it is politics. Now it’s Biden v Bloomberg in one lane and Warren v Bernie in the other. Bloomberg has spent heavy and has had a ground game in the Super Tuesday states so this will be interesting to see how it plays out. Don’t see Pete as VP candidate...don’t want a VP that is more charismatic than the President and you add risk to minority vote. He’s also much better taking a prominent cabinet role to add to his resume.I wonder if Buttigieg made a deal with Biden. Drop out and he'll be the VP pick or some high level cabinet position. Biden needs to consolidate support to challenge Sanders.
I still think Biden should come out and say he'll only serve one term if elected. Having Pete as his VP would make sense. Eases the age concern and would win him plenty of support. Also sets Pete up to gain experience and run in 2024.
Good point on Klobuchar...playing defense on Bernie in Minnesota. Looking at polling data, both Bloomberg and Biden are hovering around 15% threshold in a number of states and with Buttigieg dropping one or both should be able to now get more delegates and slow Bernie a bit. Does Bloomberg stay in all the way to Milwaukee if Biden continues to look shaky?I’m disappointed but Pete needed to at least outperform his S.C. polling to have an argument for a path. Didn’t get it done and I’d agree some kind of agreement was probably made about his future in a Biden administration.
In my opinion, Klobuchar Probably also made some kind of agreement as well to stay in the race to pick up Minnesota where Bernie is polling 2nd. She will drop Wednesday. I think she could be a really good choice for VP for a path to 270 with Biden.
In my opinion, Klobuchar Probably also made some kind of agreement as well to stay in the race to pick up Minnesota where Bernie is polling 2nd
Lol...just saw that. Endorsement of Biden though. She’s Joe’s VP pick for sure.Or not...
Yup! Not a bad VP pick IMO for him as long as he doesn't try to hug her too much or fix her hair in public.Lol...just saw that. Endorsement of Biden though. She’s Joe’s VP pick for sure.
Creepy Klobuchar is almost too much of a logical obvious choice for his VP. I could see Bernie tapping Warren as his VP. May not be totally strategic but Bernie goes all in.Yup! Not a bad VP pick IMO for him as long as he doesn't try to hug her too much or fix her hair in public.
+1. Bloomberg has spent over $500 million ($5.1 million/delegate!!) and was totally unprepared for the debates. Lack of awareness much? For a media-guy, what a total fail. It feels like the debate performances sealed the deal for the DNC to line up behind Biden to prevent Bernie from getting the nomination. Warren, Buttigieg, Klobuchar and Steyer weren't going to do it, so it was major deal making with everyone this past weekend. The two big questions now: 1) Can Bernie regain some lost momentum? 2) Can Joe hold it together for another seven months?Huge night for Joe. It's a two horse race now. How long will Warren remain and bleed votes from Sanders? What about Bloomberg, who has been a total disaster? A lot of his support would go to Biden.
Won't be long before Warren drops now.
The biggest challenge Biden has now is Bernie and then Biden. He's a walking gaffe machine and Bernie is still drawing much bigger crowds. All of the drop-outs and deals of this past weekend worked in Joe's favor, but it's now one-on-one with Bernie (Warren will drop soon) and we know Bernie can mobilize younger and disenfranchised voters. Are they doing any other debates before the convention?Huge swing last night and now Bloomberg is backing out and endorsing Biden.
That's also huge for Biden as Bloomberg will probably continue to spend hundreds of millions that Joe doesn't have.
I really don't like Joe as the future of the party, but I think there is a compelling case as him being the guy to beat Trump.
If he becomes the nominee I would personally want him to go bold with his VP, and pick someone who excites and unifies the party but at the same time, that may not be the best way to win. Picking up Amy and going after the midwest states might be the best path to beat Trump.
Warren out. Average age just got older. Presidential debates brought to you by Geritol, the Clapper, etc. On the one hand it really is shocking that we can’t find younger candidates, on the other; why would anyone want to spend up to two years running for office, have every aspect of your life investigated and have your family get harassed? So we end up with a dysfunctional group of narcissists and we’re surprised?Age on inauguration day 2021:
Sanders: 79
Bloomberg: 78
Biden: 78
Trump: 74
Warren: 71
Time for younger blood in the White House.