30 years one of the best sport moments and the rivalry

The game last night was awesome. Amazing sports night with incredible met loss and doncic making a so tough three to win it. He is the new larry bird.

But I will be 71 in October. A ny franchise should have more than one title in my lifetime. Really amazing.

Sitting in the blue seats, or whatever they are callled in the new msg, for a ranger game. Whoaa!!! They are the craziest fans in the us and given the lack of success, the most loyal.
Spring of 1994 was amazing for our younger fans who didn’t experience it. I’m not even a hockey guy, but going from the Knicks to the Rangers/Devils and then Rangers on a night to night basis had this whole area lit up like a Christmas Tree.
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I don’t think the spring of 94 can ever be equaled. Such a special time.
I turned 12 the end of april, i used to be a strongly passionate knicks and rangers fan. That spring was the best of times. Ecf game 7 was a friday night and I had a little league baseball game the very next morning, first game of the day.
Just by being so embedded to the ranger team i could probably rattle off the roster by jersey number.

June 17 such a historic day in the US landscape.
Started the day with a parade, ended the day with Knicks up 3-2 and OJ in custody.

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