A new era


All Big East
Gold Member
Jun 4, 2001
Years ago, I was part of an exit group interview with a seasoned officer that was giving up the command of a fighter squadron to take a post at the Pentagon. He told me “Sal when I took over this assignment, they needed discipline and someone that could restore their pride. For many reasons the prior leadership had failed and was too dedicated to being their buddies. I can’t take them any further and although I am proud of what we have accomplished the squadron needs new blood.”

I use this because I think it is somewhat analogous to the situation at the Hall. Willard was not a savior, but I cannot minimize what he contributed to the program. After a slow start and an embarrassing blowout loss to Marquette in the Big East tournament he could have quit but after a come to Jesus’ meeting with the AD put together a string of successful seasons. The players were models on and off the court and many grew as persons and players. Despite appearances in the Big Dance, it was becoming obvious that he had gone about as far as he was able and took the opportunity to cash in on a new opportunity. It could have been done better but I do not doubt that he cares deeply about the Hall and his years here.

I am thrilled that Sha is the new coach and I don’t expect immediate miracles, but I have not felt this way since PJ left. Sha is a son of the Hall and blessed with the skills and personality that can and will build on the Willard legacy. I firmly believe that we are on a new and exciting journey that will restore us to the top of the Big East and more. Go Pirates.
Yes. I'm usually just a yes or no person. I do not have the gift of writing that you obviously do. yes,
I've read one of your books

This analogy is right on. I can only hope our current military commanders have the type of leadership
that was described here. I feel this is much more important than games, but if our new leadership can
emulate this approach to life's goals, we are indeed in good hands.

It did not escape me that the Pentagon is just on the opposite side of Washington, DC from the University
of Maryland. The change in leadership has already uplifted our fans, and I expect in time the results
will emulate your scenario. Yea I agree.
Years ago, I was part of an exit group interview with a seasoned officer that was giving up the command of a fighter squadron to take a post at the Pentagon. He told me “Sal when I took over this assignment, they needed discipline and someone that could restore their pride. For many reasons the prior leadership had failed and was too dedicated to being their buddies. I can’t take them any further and although I am proud of what we have accomplished the squadron needs new blood.”

I use this because I think it is somewhat analogous to the situation at the Hall. Willard was not a savior, but I cannot minimize what he contributed to the program. After a slow start and an embarrassing blowout loss to Marquette in the Big East tournament he could have quit but after a come to Jesus’ meeting with the AD put together a string of successful seasons. The players were models on and off the court and many grew as persons and players. Despite appearances in the Big Dance, it was becoming obvious that he had gone about as far as he was able and took the opportunity to cash in on a new opportunity. It could have been done better but I do not doubt that he cares deeply about the Hall and his years here.

I am thrilled that Sha is the new coach and I don’t expect immediate miracles, but I have not felt this way since PJ left. Sha is a son of the Hall and blessed with the skills and personality that can and will build on the Willard legacy. I firmly believe that we are on a new and exciting journey that will restore us to the top of the Big East and more. Go Pirates.
*chef‘s kiss*
