Originally posted by 400SOAVE:
williaza01, your comment made me literally laugh out loud.
"Progressive" is a nice euphemism for leftist. And leftists (not necessarily communists ) DOMINATE at universities nationwide, especially in the Ivy League and large state schools. You are correct that it applies to the social areas such as history, political science, English, philosophy, sociology, etc., and not so much to science and business.
A classic example is the mayor of NYC, a hard core leftist who actively supported the Sandinistas ( a group funded, trained, armed and manned with advisors from Cuba) and who honeymooned in Cuba. He calls himself a progressive.
Historically, a key strategy of the hard left is to deny, deny and deny what they are. When the Soviet archives opened up in the 1990s we learned about the deny, deny, deny strategy and their lies, lies and more lies.
Read some books and journals and you will learn about people like the late Nelson Mandela and Gerry Adams, two people welcomed in the U.S. who are beloved by communists. There's a statue of Adams in Havana and Mandela's ANC is well known for its close ties with Cuba and communism. But you won't read about it much in newspapers.
Did you know that there's a stutue of Gerry Adams in Havana honoring the Sein Fein leader?
Gus Hall led the NYC-based Communist Party USA for more than 40 years. He always denied the Soviets were behind his group. When those pesky Soviet archives were opened up by Boris Yeltsin, we learned the truth.
The point is that leftists in the U.S. never say they're leftists.