+1,000. The greatest contributors to our healthcare costs are self inflicted. Processed foods, high carb, high fat diets are driving type two diabetes and cardiac diseases off the charts. Over prescribing is also contributing big time. Healthcare reform as we have seen is a side show. Our eyes are not on the ball.What's crazy is they would make more money if people didn't get sick. The industrialization of food is the biggest driver of the medical field. People are putting unnatural foods into their body. How do you keep food longer on the shelf to maximize profits, you take out the fiber. Fiber cleans out your system. Then you have GMO foods. Pesticides, artificial hormones, etc are going into the human body. Obviously there is going to be a reaction.
I'm no patriots fan, but the more I read about Tom Brady's diet, the more it makes sense. Because of the modern world we live in unless you are super wealthy, an athlete whose job is to stay in shape, or can work your world around getting fresh products to put in your body all of the time it is very difficult to keep up with. But what Brady does with anti-inflamatory foods seems to make a whole lot of sense as far as keeping inflamation within the body down reducing the cause of many diseases.
But the truth of the matter that will never take off regardless of who is in office because the packaged food industry brings in a ton of tax money, people get sick have to pay the doctors, more tax money, then they have to take medicines, more tax dollars. Being unhealthy brings in more money and it's going to take a really special person to tell the food industry to reduce sugar, GMOs, pesticides, etc and losing that tax money.
I'm not so sure it's a side show. I know a ton of people who don't want to change their lifestyle, just give them a pill. I think they are giving most consumers what they want, an easy way out. Where I see the failure is most people want the easy way out is because they are not educated on nutrition at all. They have no concept of the wheat to make pasta their parents and grandparents made doesn't exist anymore because of the processing or what exactly high fructose corn syrup is and what it does to their body. I had coworker tell me she can't lose weight, she snacks on marshmallows because they have no fat. No understanding of the concept sugars become fats.Healthcare reform as we have seen is a side show. Our eyes are not on the ball.
Politicians by nature don't want to touch these topics. I'm all for reforming the current system (there are some fundamental flaws that just need to be dealt) but without personal responsibility and accountability we will continue to see the results of poor nutrition. The ACA, Trumpcare or anything the Senate is working on will have little effect.I'm not so sure it's a side show. I know a ton of people who don't want to change their lifestyle, just give them a pill. I think they are giving most consumers what they want, an easy way out. Where I see the failure is most people want the easy way out is because they are not educated on nutrition at all. They have no concept of the wheat to make pasta their parents and grandparents made doesn't exist anymore because of the processing or what exactly high fructose corn syrup is and what it does to their body. I had coworker tell me she can't lose weight, she snacks on marshmallows because they have no fat. No understanding of the concept sugars become fats.
That tons and tons of money is nothing compared to the tax revenue it generates.The sugar lobby is a HUGE problem as well. Look what you see on TV all the time. Commercials for Coke, Pepsi, candy and other junk foods. All refined, processed sugars that, for lack of a better term, poison us. These companies have spent tons and tons of money to keep the dangers of excess sugar consumption off the general public's radar.
If I choose a sugary drink, why should I pay an extra tax on it when the decision is mine?
The sugar lobby is a HUGE problem as well. Look what you see on TV all the time. Commercials for Coke, Pepsi, candy and other junk foods. All refined, processed sugars that, for lack of a better term, poison us. These companies have spent tons and tons of money to keep the dangers of excess sugar consumption off the general public's radar.
I live next door to a Coca-Cola rep. His territory is Brooklyn and he is losing business because of a sugar tax. The Barclays Center may need to take a different route. That tax will get passed down to the consumer. He told me this is a tax in Philly and they are getting killed there too. If I choose a sugary drink, why should I pay an extra tax on it when the decision is mine?
What is this - colonial times with the British again? They hit us with the Stanp Act, Sugar Act, and all these other taxes.
If I choose a sugary drink, why should I pay an extra tax on it when the decision is mine?
Out of curiosity, has this general theme been popping up more and more recently?
Just kind of happens that I have been seeing more and more people taking about this recently, which is great... just not sure if it's just a coincidence in my "bubble"
Love all your points , folks!
No socialized medicine. If I want to pay for sugar and tobacco and kill myself , I want the government out of it. It is on me and my insurance company to pay the high costs from those ramifications.
Socialized medicine would be government intrusion and then they dictate to you. Not good.
Where I see the failure is most people want the easy way out is because they are not educated on nutrition at all. They have no concept of the wheat to make pasta their parents and grandparents made doesn't exist anymore because of the processing or what exactly high fructose corn syrup is and what it does to their body. I had coworker tell me she can't lose weight, she snacks on marshmallows because they have no fat.
No understanding of the concept sugars become fats.
Case in point. Healthcare. The Republicans look downright dysfunctional with regards to coming to consensus on a repeal and replace bill. And even the staunchest Democrats admit that Obamacare is flawed. Where is their leadership in trying to fix the flaws? Crickets.
So you can continue to be digging your heels on the idealogical beliefs of one party or the other; get into the daily pissing match on whether Trump is fit or unfit; or maybe just maybe, we can actually hold all politicians accountable. Or you can continue to blame a segment of the voting electorate. I don't think we have a voter issue; I think we have a politician issue.
My favorite are the people who buy juicers and think they are healthy.
Trump aside,I would pose this question to everyone here. Are you really happy with how the Republican and Democratic Congress are listening to you and working on your behalf?
Case in point. Healthcare. The Republicans look downright dysfunctional with regards to coming to consensus on a repeal and replace bill. And even the staunchest Democrats admit that Obamacare is flawed. Where is their leadership in trying to fix the flaws? Crickets.
So you can continue to be digging your heels on the idealogical beliefs of one party or the other; get into the daily pissing match on whether Trump is fit or unfit; or maybe just maybe, we can actually hold all politicians accountable. Or you can continue to blame a segment of the voting electorate. I don't think we have a voter issue; I think we have a politician issue.
How do you even throw any blame on the Democrats on the healthcare bill?
What are the "tweaks"? There is nothing preventing the Dem leadership with going public with their ideas to fix a failing piece of legislation. Poor excuse to just blame the other side.Fourth, Democrats do want to tweet and fix Obamacare to make it better, but they are not at the table due to the Republicans excluding them.
My favorite are the people who buy juicers and think they are healthy.
My anecdotal experience is that most people, especially overweight people, do not have a clue.
The grocery store is filled with colorful boxes, jars, and bottles of garbage.
Look at the deception being carried out with this one.
"Whole Grain - First Ingredient"
Yeah right. Trix are for Kids.
What's not healthy about having a juicer? I drink 2 green juices every day. Please tell me you don't think a fresh made in home juice with a one hour shelf life max is the same as store bought juice.
Juicing is not unhealthy.
Lol. Republicans work in secret!
How about dopey Hitler Polosi telling everyone to approve the ACA so you then THEN read what's in it.
I would argue that it is unless used in moderation.
If you want the vitamins and nutrients, eat the whole fruit. Removing the pulp removes the fiber and causes the sugar to be absorbed faster and in more concentrated amounts. This screws up your insulin and glucagon balance ("The Zone").
Any processed juice should be taken in very small amounts, perhaps 4 oz at breakfast and that is it. Again, better to eat an orange than to drink a glass of orange juice.
If you use a juicer, you should add the pulp back in.
I'd recommend reading Barry Sears work on the Zone diet. The glycemic effect of concentrated carbs is explained well by him.
Here a piece that also describes it. S
Cern, could you take a minute and politely explain the logic and basis for how your response was derived?
If the answer is that you think the Democrats are perfect and this is all the Republican's fault, then never mind.
Don't know where I said Dems are perfect. However, a number of Democratic Senators, like Sen Joe Manchin, requested that it is time to work and fix Obamacare together and not repeal it. This was widely publicized. It has been clear that Republicans want to repeal and go it alone.
It amazes me that the Republicans can't pass this bill despite having the majority yet somehow you are looking at the Dems to blame?
Perfectly stated. The Dems and Obama produced a piece of crap legislation. The Reps can't figure out their solution. Special interests win; the public loses.The Republicans flat out dropped the ball on this one. Slice it 1,000 ways and that's still the result. The latest excuse is we didn't think we would be in this position, we didn't expect Trump to win. Nothing worse than being unprepared. If you're unprepared in sports you get creamed. If you are unprepared in the military people die. Unprepared in government, I guess you get re-elected? However everyone needs to come together and not worry about the legacy of Trump, not worry about the legacy of Obama. Just fix the problem. The problem is Republicans have special interests groups they have to appease. The Democrats have different special interests groups to appease. I still think this is the greatest country in the world, but sometimes you just have to say the people in charge do not have the best interest of serving the people.
Yesterday someone was talking to me about various industry groups surreptitiously impacting public health policy through funding questionable scientific research. Person had just watched new documentary http://www.whatthehealthfilm.com which I haven't seen but is apparently new on Netflix so that might be it (wasn't the first person who had mentioned it to me).Out of curiosity, has this general theme been popping up more and more recently?
Just kind of happens that I have been seeing more and more people taking about this recently, which is great... just not sure if it's just a coincidence in my "bubble"
Some months ago there were investigative journalism pieces about, I believe, big sugar doing this decades ago which resulted in an oversize focus on the negatives of fats (and less attention on those of sugars) which has had far-reaching impacts on public health.