*******An excellent initiative from a special Pirate********

Count me in. I'll donate in a short while.

SHU should support Myles for all he did for our school in his five years here. Quite possibly the most pleasant player I ever spoke to in the post games.

Polite to a fault whether the team won or lost. We can only pray that our sons grow up like him.

If Pirate Nation alone can't raise the meager goal of $1500.00 we should be ashamed of ourselves.
What’s the story with Myles; I assume he didn’t get picked up by any Pro teams? That’s a shame. The athleticism is there. Could be a niche 3 and D type of player.
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Count me in. I'll donate in a short while.

SHU should support Myles for all he did for our school in his five years here. Quite possibly the most pleasant player I ever spoke to in the post games.

Polite to a fault whether the team won or lost. We can only pray that our sons grow up like him.

If Pirate Nation alone can't raise the meager goal of $1500.00 we should be ashamed of ourselves.
Myles is the ideal student athlete. Great kid with a real commitment to charity.
"Control the Controllable" exactly what youth need to hear. Forget about what others have and how they got it, figure out what you want and how to achieve it. Life is not played on a level playing field, don't let that make you envious or defeat you.

I see a future coach in Cale, love this kid, great cause! Donated happily!!!

Just shared on the Pirates Facebook page, I hope it will help Myles in his efforts.
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Count me in. I'll donate in a short while.

SHU should support Myles for all he did for our school in his five years here. Quite possibly the most pleasant player I ever spoke to in the post games.

Polite to a fault whether the team won or lost. We can only pray that our sons grow up like him.

If Pirate Nation alone can't raise the meager goal of $1500.00 we should be ashamed of ourselves.
I’ll be donating - one of the most gracious and well-mannered Pirates I’ve ever met besides John Morton, Terry Dehere and Jerry Walker. Excellent player - a 4-star who could have achieved more in a more balanced offensive system. We are lucky to call him a Pirate.
We've slowed down regarding donations (16 total donors). We should all be able to give at least a small fee of say $25.00.

Please help Myles. I can't think of a more deserving player than he.

BTW, the Trove will be interviewing Cale this week. I'll post a tidbit or two here after its completion.
We've slowed down regarding donations (16 total donors). We should all be able to give at least a small fee of say $25.00.

Please help Myles. I can't think of a more deserving player than he.

BTW, the Trove will be interviewing Cale this week. I'll post a tidbit or two here after its completion.
His message is spot on for today's youth. Too many in the younger generation point their fingers for reasons to explain their difficulties in life, they need to stop concentrating on things they can't control. Myles is teaching them to "control the controllable".

19 donors $4,200.00

The Trove talked to Myles for an hour yesterday. My writer, Zack, who never dealt with Cale before, told me what an absolutely nice person he was. Something every single media reporter already knew.

Let's keep helping Myles Cale. We should be able to have more than 19 donors helping the cause.

If you can't give a lot just give $25.00 or so.
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Those $25.00 donations really add up for those that cannot afford to donate $1,000.00 as two people have.

Well done!


22 donations

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Part one of our interview with Myles Cale

By Zack Cziryak

.................One relationship that will last is with Kevin Willard, who accepted the head coaching position at the University of Maryland shortly after Cale’s final game as a Pirate this past March.

"I've been with him five years. I've kind of been his glue guy, his safety net almost. Me and Coach Willard will always have a strong relationship and I'm actually looking forward to going to a game or two. I actually want to go to a Maryland game and see how he coaches and see how his team does,” he said. “Me and Coach Willard will always be good. He's been a blessing to me. He's done what he could with my career, and he's given me the most chances out of everybody. I love Coach Willard to death.”

While it’s bittersweet to see his only college head coach leave his alma mater, Cale believes Willard left the program in a proud position and it was his time to turn the page to the next leg of his own career.

"I think it was just kind of time to close that door. He had a great, great career here ... I would say he did a great job,” Cale said. “He built this program from the bottom up. He's the reason why it's here today. He's the reason why Seton Hall is even a name, a school that people can really, actually know. When I first got recruited by Seton Hall I didn't know who they were. He definitely made it ... where everybody knows who they are.”
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This was one of the best interviews on the Trove in years.

The above is only a small taste of the love and respect Cale had from his 5 years at the Hall. From his recruitment, to his time on and off the court in South Orange, to his relationships with his teammates, to his respect and admiration of his head coach, and finally the reason he came back for year 5.

Part 2 will partially focus on Cale Cares and the link above.

I so wish that we can add to the 23 people who have donated to date. We can do better. We have in the past when I have asked for help and we can now.

Very few Pirates have deserved as much as Myles Cale.
Inching closer to $5,000.00

29 donations


Part 2 of our Trove interview will be posted tomorrow on that site. What Cale says about his charity work will be posted here in an attempt to get more donations.
Part of our Trove story regarding Cale and his charity work.

This is such a worthy cause run by such an amazing Pirate. I implore our readers to help out in any way possible. No amount is too small.

Control the Controllable​

By Zack Cziryak

With his college career finally concluded, Cale has turned his sights on the next steps in his basketball career, but also on giving back to the youth community of his home state of Delaware, an initiative he began three years ago.

Cale gives the majority of the credit for the charity’s success to his mother, a high school principal in Wilmington, Del., who came up with the original idea and is instrumental in the planning and execution of the event.

The first iteration of Cale Cares in 2019 included a 45-minute panel discussion featuring college basketball players as well as tours of a courthouse and prison and the basketball clinic, according to Cale, who noted the tour events had roughly 20 to 25 participants, ranging from elementary to high school-aged children.

"We took like two buses over to the courthouse and they showed us what happens in there, how it works, what kind of people go in, what kinds they have to deal with every day,” Cale said, adding the prison tour followed a similar structure.

His work with Cale Cares saw him named the initial recipient of Seton Hall’s Walter Dukes Integrity and Impact Award in June 2021.

"Our goal was to bridge the gap between police officers and my community," said Cale, whose father is a retired police officer.

This year’s basketball clinic will also follow a similar structure, with a paid breakfast for the campers to be followed by skill work on one of six courts in a rotation with area coaches and some of Cale’s own friends, to be followed by a paid lunch during which they will watch Cale himself run through a workout with his own trainer. The day wraps up with a three-on-three tournament that awards winners from the 4th and 5th grade, middle school and high school levels.

This year’s theme is "Control the Controllable,” where participants will learn key basketball skills in addition to hearing from experienced basketball players as they talk about the importance of controlling attitude and emotions while having a positive work ethic, a will to win, and understanding what it means to be a great teammate.

Donations for the event are being accepted via a GoFundMe here.

Feedback has been positive for Cale, who has roughly 30 students signed up for this year’s clinic, many of which are returning campers.

"Usually, the feedback is really good. 'Oh, we love it. This is what more people need to do ... You're a great inspiration for my kids. My kids look up to you all the time.' stuff like that. All positive stuff,” he noted.
Keep it coming. Myles Cale, after reaching out to some here to promote his charity is well aware of what we're doing.
Keep it coming. Myles Cale, after reaching out to some here to promote his charity is well aware of what we're doing.
I would guess the bulk of money raised thus far is from SHU supporters, it's good for Myles to know that the Pirates Family still supports him.
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Still time to contribute

About this event​

On Saturday, September 3, 2022, Myles Cale will host his annual "Cale Cares" Basketball Clinic and 3x3 Tournament. This year's theme will be "Control the Controllable". Participants will not only learn key basketball skills, they will also hear from experienced basketball players as they talk about the importance of controlling your attitude, controlling your emotions, having a positive work ethic, having a will to win, and understanding what it means to be a great teammate. Control the Controllable; whether in sports or in life…

There will also be special appearances from the Middletown Police Department as Myles and "Cale Cares" continue its ultimate goal of assisting in the building of trust between youth and law enforcement.
Register for this FREE event that includes lunch and prizes.
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