And At Indiana


All Universe
Oct 27, 2001
After Indiana lost to drop to 9-8 in the B1G , the Indiana AD told ESPN that Crean would return next year. Suposedly if Crean is let go before July 1st. His buyout is $12 million but would not be paid in one lump sum but over multiple years and if he is let go before July 1st, 2016 the buyout is $7.5 million. Talk about a big nut to swallow. The Hoosier fan base has been screaming for Crean to be let go and in response their AD felt compelled to address the issue publicly on national sports TV.
Crean was an assistant for Willard's father at Western Kentucky, including on the team that pulled of the massive upset of Seton Hall in 1992.
Compared to Indiana we have a better and smarter overall fan base. Much smaller but look at the situation at Indiana. Crean left Marquette and took over a horrible situation at Indiana and didn't do a bad job at all. Yet the fan base wants him out and the AD is giving him at least up to now another year. But he is a good coach and recruiter and probably does deserve another year. I would take him in a heartbeat although he would never come here . but a TOM Crean you can give another year and the benefit of the doubt. A kevin Willard absolutely not.
Originally posted by piratehall:

Compared to Indiana we have a better and smarter overall fan base. Much smaller but look at the situation at Indiana. Crean left Marquette and took over a horrible situation at Indiana and didn't do a bad job at all. Yet the fan base wants him out and the AD is giving him at least up to now another year. But he is a good coach and recruiter and probably does deserve another year. I would take him in a heartbeat although he would never come here . but a TOM Crean you can give another year and the benefit of the doubt. A kevin Willard absolutely not.
Well said. It is amazing though how Crean's team is so awful defensively. They can score with anyone, but I'm guessing the lack of any ability to stop the opponent is what's causing the faithful to become restless out there in Bloomington.
The Indiana fans still think it's 20-30 years ago sometimes, I admit, but you know what? The team is struggling this year after a bad season last year Crean has been so up and down there. They demand better. Good for them.

It's really a tenure of two halves with Crean at Indiana. He took over a disaster and suffered through a 1-win conference season that first year and even Years 2 & 3 were rough. By Years 4 & 5? Consecutive Sweet Sixteens.

Then Year 6 was another losing season, now this year.
Originally posted by Seton75:
He is an a hole
Tom Crean is about as far away as you can get from being an ahole.

If I had a son, Crean would be near the very top of the list if coaches I'd want him to play for.
Funny - I forget where I heard it from but I'm pretty sure Kevin Willard is not a fan of Crean's. Maybe Crean didn't leave on the best terms with His father hence why it was mentioned to me.
I don't know much about Tom Crean one way or the other, but I doubt Greg Doyel will be invited to Crean's summer barbecue.

This post was edited on 3/6 9:45 AM by knowknow456

Tom Crean
And Tom Crean is laughing while he counts the millions Indiana is paying him and the millions he gets if they fire him.
These basketball coaches have it made. My God. $11M to not coach. Brilliant!
I found this whole story really interesting. The numbers are bigger, of course, but the principle is the same. A large buyout that eases out over time. Is our situation really worse? Did we negotiate a bad deal or is this just how these deals work? We have a lot of unanswered questions. Presumably things will become clearer for us over time.

80 - I noticed the Indiana AD took your advice and got in front of the situation and made a statement backing Crean. It is always interesting to see how the competition does things so we can compare and contrast to our own situation.

I have come to believe that in the overwhelming majority of cases it's always better to be out front and that silence only makes it worse as it fuels more and wilder speculation and rumors. It's almost akin to those situations where the cover-up is worse that the actual crime or misdeed whether its UNC ignoring its academic fraud , or PSU with its scandal or bringing down a President.You're also right when you say the numbers are larger at IU then at SH in absolute terms but are they in relative terms when you compare the financial resources of the two universities especially in terms of revenues generated from their respective athletic revenue streams and their athletic fund raising. Whenever I read of these outrageous buyout provisions my experience in the business world keeps me thinking one thought over and over and that is " What the hell were they thinking".

This post was edited on 3/6 12:46 PM by hallgrad80
Originally posted by knowknow456:
I found this whole story really interesting. The numbers are bigger, of course, but the principle is the same. A large buyout that eases out over time. Is our situation really worse? Did we negotiate a bad deal or is this just how these deals work? We have a lot of unanswered questions. Presumably things will become clearer for us over time.

80 - I noticed the Indiana AD took your advice and got in front of the situation and made a statement backing Crean. It is always interesting to see how the competition does things so we can compare and contrast to our own situation.
Doesn't appear to be how Blaney's, Orr's or Gonzo's deals worked. But I guess when you have a coach that is good and proven enough to jump ship for more $ and a better program, you have to incent them to stay somehow.
80- Both approaches have their merit. Personally, I am willing to wait until the season is over. At some point shortly thereafter, I would like Lyons to issue his state of the program address, answer the hard questions and we move forward. There is no rush to speak here, at least as I see it. I also see little value in comparing Willard's competency to the troubles UNC, PSU and (breaking news!) Syracuse.
The question is do they decline the NIT invitation like last year? They think we are IU basketball we don't go to the NIT. And even with a deep run in the B1G tourney they are out. They would have to win it to get into the NCAA.

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