Another team comes back to campus and more positive tests

I do not see why people complain about a face covering if you are around others who you are not normally around. It seems the little bit we can each do to avoid unknowingly spreading something. There's differences everywhere though. I just had my travel soccer team out for our first practice last night where the full fields are split into thirds for teams to use. Me and my assistant coach wore a face covering throughout the session except where we were demonstrating moves from a distance and being more physically active. We were pretty strict about the players keeping separated from each other. Other teams were not as strict.

It takes more planning and effort, but it is not onerous.
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There's something screwy about the whole thing. I personally can't put my finger on it. I wear a mask when I go out, but I don't usually have it over my nose because the damn virus can just likely go in my eyes or ears as much as in my nose. I don't get why people not wearing goggles and earplugs think it's crazy I don't cover my nose with the mask.

The other thing that gets me the lack of talk of natural antivirals. The day after the big east tournament was canceled I went to a client's house whose wife is a nurse. She started telling me about antivirals. It went in one ear out the other. My next appointment was at a friends house and his wife is from South America and she told me about the same antivirals and told me I need to start taking them because this virus could be really dangerous. A week later I was at another client who is a health nut and he told me the same thing. Why not promote these? Doesn't help big pharma? Do these people really have our best interest in mind? A lot of questions. I just don't want to accept what they say.

You are being quite foolish and not understanding the point of the mask. Unless you are stocked up on N95 masks, the mask or covering you are wearing is not primarily to prevent you getting infected although there's a better chance in self-prevention than nothing at all. It is to prevent you from unknowingly infecting others, or alternatively, cases that should be considered knowingly infecting others while ignoring your symptoms.

It is not generally considered possible to get infected through your ears. Someone would literally have to sneeze or cough directly into your ear canal. While possible to get infected through your eyes, think about the main way you take the world around you into your body. Are you the alien from Men In Black that Will Smith chased down and breathed through his eye, or are you like the rest of us mainly breathing through your nose but also your mouth? So by not covering your nose, you are ignoring the main in/out pathway, and you are putting others at higher risk because you think you are smarter than them when really it is no damn effort to have it over your nose anymore than it is to have it over your mouth.

And again, the point of the mask (unless it is N95) is not to protect you from getting infected. So unless you again are unique with projectile tears, nobody really cares if you wear something to cover your eyes.
You are being quite foolish and not understanding the point of the mask. Unless you are stocked up on N95 masks, the mask or covering you are wearing is not primarily to prevent you getting infected although there's a better chance in self-prevention than nothing at all. It is to prevent you from unknowingly infecting others, or alternatively, cases that should be considered knowingly infecting others while ignoring your symptoms.

It is not generally considered possible to get infected through your ears. Someone would literally have to sneeze or cough directly into your ear canal. While possible to get infected through your eyes, think about the main way you take the world around you into your body. Are you the alien from Men In Black that Will Smith chased down and breathed through his eye, or are you like the rest of us mainly breathing through your nose but also your mouth? So by not covering your nose, you are ignoring the main in/out pathway, and you are putting others at higher risk because you think you are smarter than them when really it is no damn effort to have it over your nose anymore than it is to have it over your mouth.

And again, the point of the mask (unless it is N95) is not to protect you from getting infected. So unless you again are unique with projectile tears, nobody really cares if you wear something to cover your eyes.

This is a droplet virus. Droplets can easily get in through your eyes as well. Ask any doctor or nurse.
Not really. While there was a shortage of PPE in some areas, it really had very little if anything to do with public demand. 99% of the N95 inventory is in the healthcare supply chain (manufacturers, med/surg distributors, hospitals) that the public never had access. Hospital shortages had more to do with poor supply chain leadership and planning. Some hospitals started to panic and had all of their employees wear masks, scrubs and deployed policies n changing gowns, etc. that were over the top. The better run systems never had an issue with PPE.

Also, if they were so worried about PPE, Why wouldn’t you tell the population to just wear home maid cloth masks to slow the transmission?

This really has very little to do with Trump. There was a mass protest in California yesterday about wearing masks that was definitely not a Trump crowd. Not a lot of mask wearing in the protests or riots either. More age related in my view.
Hmm, So Hackensack medical Hospital which is ranked either one or two in the state consistently is a poorly run hospital? They had a shortage of PPE. Peter Navarro in January warned about CoVid and that the government needed to purchase PPE equipment which wasn’t done leaving health care workers vulnerable and many died due to this.

With regard to home made masks, I agree with you but you know the public would just buy up any mask available. This is why Trump ignoring this virus And the purchasing of PPE waS a horrible mistake.

As far as being political, Trump politicized it and ever since it has been intertwined. Moreover, while California is thought of being liberal, it has a lot of Republicans there. It is the land of Nixon and Reagan
This is a droplet virus. Droplets can easily get in through your eyes as well. Ask any doctor or nurse.
wouldn't most droplets gravitate to the floor?

I believe you need to have approx 1000 droplets of covid to infiltrate a human's body, mask and social distance matters for inside quarters and within safe grounds for outdoor activites
This is a droplet virus. Droplets can easily get in through your eyes as well. Ask any doctor or nurse.

And while we are talking to them, ask them if we should be wearing masks in public indoor and crowded outdoor spaces as well.
And while we are talking to them, ask them if we should be wearing masks in public indoor and crowded outdoor spaces as well.

Most would have a widespread spectrum of views on that.
Hmm, So Hackensack medical Hospital which is ranked either one or two in the state consistently is a poorly run hospital? They had a shortage of PPE. Peter Navarro in January warned about CoVid and that the government needed to purchase PPE equipment which wasn’t done leaving health care workers vulnerable and many died due to this.

With regard to home made masks, I agree with you but you know the public would just buy up any mask available. This is why Trump ignoring this virus And the purchasing of PPE waS a horrible mistake.

As far as being political, Trump politicized it and ever since it has been intertwined. Moreover, while California is thought of being liberal, it has a lot of Republicans there. It is the land of Nixon and Reagan
Hackensack's Supply Chain has been historically weak. Never emphasized as a priority by Garrett. Meridian was no better, so when they merged, struggled even more. RWJ/Barnabas and Atlantic Health had no PPE issues throughout...I wonder why. We left it up to each hospital and system to manage PPE; most did a very good job, but others not so much.

Yes, my point though, was the public didn't have access to the N95's and hospital face shield inventory, so there was nothing for them to buy up outside of what Amazon or Home Depot had and those are totally different supply chain systems.
Sure, the ones who listen to and understand science and those who do not.
The question is which group is which? Ancel Keys did a study of heart health on 21 countries, but he only used the data of the 6 countries that drew the conclusion he wanted. This study was pushed on to the American people as "listening to and understanding the science" of heart health. It's turned out to be a complete crock. Time will tell if what they're saying is science or a complete crock. But to say without a doubt you know, is foolish.
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The question is which group is which? Ancel Keys did a study of heart health on 21 countries, but he only used the data of the 6 countries that drew the conclusion he wanted. This study was pushed on to the American people as "listening to and understanding the science" of heart health. It's turned out to be a complete crock. Time will tell if what they're saying is science or a complete crock. But to say without a doubt you know, is foolish.
+1. Science and data should always lead the discussion, but it should be challenged like anything else. Remember that the food pyramid was supposedly based on science.
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This is a droplet virus. Droplets can easily get in through your eyes as well. Ask any doctor or nurse.

No matter what you want to say, the point of wearing a mask if it is not N95 is to lower chances you may infect someone else. So that is why you cover your mouth and nose because that is how you would most commonly expel "droplets". If you and SHUHoopsFan are shooting things out of your eyes in order to equate eye protection to that, you may have other problems other than COVID.
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The question is which group is which? Ancel Keys did a study of heart health on 21 countries, but he only used the data of the 6 countries that drew the conclusion he wanted. This study was pushed on to the American people as "listening to and understanding the science" of heart health. It's turned out to be a complete crock. Time will tell if what they're saying is science or a complete crock. But to say without a doubt you know, is foolish.

I get what you are saying, but there are peer reviewed studies on the effectiveness on wearing masks... not all related to covid, some related to N95, some related to surgical masks etc. N95 are better than surgical which are significantly more effective than no masks at all.

If you don't trust the studies, you can just use logic as well.

Is the virus spreading more in areas where they are wearing masks or in areas where they are not wearings masks?
Hackensack's Supply Chain has been historically weak. Never emphasized as a priority by Garrett. Meridian was no better, so when they merged, struggled even more. RWJ/Barnabas and Atlantic Health had no PPE issues throughout...I wonder why. We left it up to each hospital and system to manage PPE; most did a very good job, but others not so much.

Yes, my point though, was the public didn't have access to the N95's and hospital face shield inventory, so there was nothing for them to buy up outside of what Amazon or Home Depot had and those are totally different supply chain systems.
Don’t know where you heard that From why I know St Barnabas had shortages as well. Hell, residents of the town were trying to buy masks for the hospital due to the shortages. This was not a supply chain issue. One of the points of federal government is to marshall in supplies and equipment during emergencies such as flooding a, natural disaster and yes disease. The Feds did not do it during the early going.
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I get what you are saying, but there are peer reviewed studies on the effectiveness on wearing masks... not all related to covid, some related to N95, some related to surgical masks etc. N95 are better than surgical which are significantly more effective than no masks at all.

If you don't trust the studies, you can just use logic as well.

Is the virus spreading more in areas where they are wearing masks or in areas where they are not wearings masks?

The virus spread like wildfire in NY and NJ with people wearing masks, so what's your point?
The virus spread like wildfire in NY and NJ with people wearing masks, so what's your point?

That is false. It spread like wildfire here before we started wearing masks.

and the point is that wearing masks in public places helps reduce the spread of the virus.
Don’t know where you heard that From why I know St Barnabas had shortages as well. Hell, residents of the town were trying to buy masks for the hospital due to the shortages. This was not a supply chain issue. One of the points of federal government is to marshall in supplies and equipment during emergencies such as flooding a, natural disaster and yes disease. The Feds did not do it during the early going.
Direct experience is how I know it and it was without a doubt a supply chain issue there. Newark BI was the hardest hit in the RWJ/BH system and you may recall that I was sharing actual data from there and they never had to put the surplus beds into action).

Agree on the Federal Governments role in marshalling supplies. Looking back, I would agree and say we were too reactive, but I'm not certain we had the best set of information coming out of China to make better decisions. It was highly politicized as well. Remember all the clamoring for ventilators? We always had more than enough, but is it the Federal Governments job to make sure that if St. Michaels in Newark didn't have enough, that St. Barnabas in Livingston should ship them their excess?
If you don't trust the studies, you can just use logic as well.

Is the virus spreading more in areas where they are wearing masks or in areas where they are not wearings masks?
Logic works in all ways. Old time example, some believe the magic bullet theory, others think it's insane one side will argue it logically can't happen other side argues science so it's definitely logical. What about those that use the logic we are too clean of a country and we don't build up a tolerance to germs? Some doctors will argue we need more germs to build up our immune systems.
Direct experience is how I know it and it was without a doubt a supply chain issue there. Newark BI was the hardest hit in the RWJ/BH system and you may recall that I was sharing actual data from there and they never had to put the surplus beds into action).

Agree on the Federal Governments role in marshalling supplies. Looking back, I would agree and say we were too reactive, but I'm not certain we had the best set of information coming out of China to make better decisions. It was highly politicized as well. Remember all the clamoring for ventilators? We always had more than enough, but is it the Federal Governments job to make sure that if St. Michaels in Newark didn't have enough, that St. Barnabas in Livingston should ship them their excess?
I know Doctors and nurses in St Barnabas and they had a shortage of PPEs as well. Don’t know what to tell you when the frontline people told me there was a shortage.
The virus spread like wildfire in NY and NJ with people wearing masks, so what's your point?

Merge already said it, but it warrants another one. The virus spread like wildfire while we were not encouraged to wear masks but still in lockdown. Once masks were brought it, the infection rate slowed. I don't need an empirical study to know that it is not worth spending my time stomping my feet that I don't want to wear a mask when I'm around others. What is the big deal?
Merge already said it, but it warrants another one. The virus spread like wildfire while we were not encouraged to wear masks but still in lockdown. Once masks were brought it, the infection rate slowed. I don't need an empirical study to know that it is not worth spending my time stomping my feet that I don't want to wear a mask when I'm around others. What is the big deal?

It isn't the act of wearing the mask, my problem is the government forcing you to do this and the dangerous precedent that it sets for future actions.
I know Doctors and nurses in St Barnabas and they had a shortage of PPEs as well. Don’t know what to tell you when the frontline people told me there was a shortage.
There are going to be some frontline people that complain about anything, and I also have met healthcare workers that can be unreasonable (although I have no greater respect for the profession). From a system supply chain perspective they have done an outstanding job. Doesn't mean there is a breakdown in a unit or department. Regardless, my point was that some systems managed the PPE very effectively; some did not. There are variations from hospital to hospital.
It isn't the act of wearing the mask, my problem is the government forcing you to do this and the dangerous precedent that it sets for future actions.

We're decades past dangerous precedents of overreaching executive orders. Wearing a mask during a pandemic is a pimple on you know what of that.
We're decades past dangerous precedents of overreaching executive orders. Wearing a mask during a pandemic is a pimple on you know what of that.

Technically true, but we have to start somewhere in rolling back government overreach.
It isn't the act of wearing the mask, my problem is the government forcing you to do this and the dangerous precedent that it sets for future actions.
I am confused by your desire. So you want people to do what they want so that they have “freedom.” This freedom puts How many lives at risk? Almost 2.5 million have been infected with 125,000 deaths. How many people would have died without the lock down and social distancing and masks? Should you triple the numbers, 10xs the number? Would we all not blame government for doing nothing to prevent the spread of the disease? Government forces you to do many things pay taxes, require driver’s license for that matter a license for anything. Licensing is for the public welfare and good. It is exactly what is going on with Covid precautions. This is for public health. The lock down does not benefit government. It hurts revenue. But there is a more important factor and that’s people’s lives.
I am confused by your desire. So you want people to do what they want so that they have “freedom.” This freedom puts How many lives at risk? Almost 2.5 million have been infected with 125,000 deaths. How many people would have died without the lock down and social distancing and masks? Should you triple the numbers, 10xs the number? Would we all not blame government for doing nothing to prevent the spread of the disease? Government forces you to do many things pay taxes, require driver’s license for that matter a license for anything. Licensing is for the public welfare and good. It is exactly what is going on with Covid precautions. This is for public health. The lock down does not benefit government. It hurts revenue. But there is a more important factor and that’s people’s lives.
I think you also need to factor in the hypocrisy of politicians as well. The ones that were very prescriptive about guidance and encouraging people to rat each other out, and then the protests and riots broke out...all bets were off; no guidance, no 311 line, some even marched shoulder to shoulder. Government talking out of both sides of their mouths based on what’s politically expedient at the time.

Restrictions on worshiping your faith, and ignoring the crowds looting of retail stores. But masks...
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I actually do agree with SHU09 on this one in regards to masks. As I said a few months sago we will be wearing masks for a long time. Maybe the rest of our lives. Joe Biden even said he would make a nation wide law for mask wearing if he became president. This is is going to long past the Coronavirus. We will be wearing masks for a very long time.

I could see the news headlines in the next 6 months. "Mask wearing can prevent the next pandemic". Then the politicans will hop on the bandwagon. This is going to happen!
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I . This is is going to long past the Coronavirus. We will be wearing masks for a very long time.

I could see the news headlines in the next 6 months. "Mask wearing can prevent the next pandemic". Then the politicans will hop on the bandwagon. This is going to happen!
This is a ridiculous stance. I’ll bet you we will not be wearing masks for the rest of our lives.
This is a ridiculous stance. I’ll bet you we will not be wearing masks for the rest of our lives.

We will see! I have been pretty much spot on about what has happened so far with this virus. Masks will be the new normal!
@cernjSHU I'm just telling you this will what will happen. Its all a script! Medical doctors will be saying in 6 months to a year from now that masks will prevent sickness and possibly future pandemics in a post covid world. The government will mandate face coverings/masks in all indoor places.
I will not wear a mask in an office all day. No way, I'll find a new career if that's the recommendation lol
@cernjSHU I'm just telling you this will what will happen. Its all a script! Medical doctors will be saying in 6 months to a year from now that masks will prevent sickness and possibly future pandemics in a post covid world. The government will mandate face coverings/masks in all indoor places.
I'm curious of your view of the dining industry. Will big wedding venues and restaurants be a thing of the past? Also from a SHU perspective how will the dining hall and concessions at games work?
I'm curious of your view of the dining industry. Will big wedding venues and restaurants be a thing of the past? Also from a SHU perspective how will the dining hall and concessions at games work?

Dining Hall- There will be staggered times students can go into the dining hall. As of this school year shu dining services will be requiring workers to wear face shields or face coverings. Unfortunately because of where things are going this will be for the long term.

Concessions- Similar to dining hall, employees will be required to wear face coverings/face shields. Fans will be required to wear masks.
Big weddings/Big Dining Halls- Unfortunately yes they will be a thing of the past. People will listen to what government andmedical officals will be saying. Masks will become the new norm because they will "prevent common sicknesses and a future pandemic".
Considering this doesn't even happen in Communist China, I'm gonna go with no. Culturally, many Asian countries wear facemasks during flu season for their own protection or those of others, but it is not a government mandate.
Considering this doesn't even happen in Communist China, I'm gonna go with no. Culturally, many Asian countries wear facemasks during flu season for their own protection or those of others, but it is not a government mandate.

Well don't you look at that? "Former Vice President Joe Biden said he would do 'everything possible' to ensure Americans wears masks in public". I've warned you and I know what's coming! We will be wearing masks for the rest of our lives. But you don't have to listen to me! I'm just trying to be the messenger.

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