1st off you made it about killings not about hate because antifa has no recorded killings. If you want to go down the hate group route here you go. You can't call white supremacy a hate group and ignore the hate of antifa. Antifa is spewing just as much hatred. Where are the antifa peace signs? Why do they wear masks if they are promoting peace, love and harmony? They are a hate group as much as any other, killings or no killings. They do a ton of violence. Go see what they did at Berkley and tell me that was respectful and not hate.
And yes it's just a few bad apples. Google white supremacy killings. You will find there have been 77 killings since 1995. They are doing a terrible job if their mission is to kill people. Do you know how much better a place Chicago would be if there were only 77 killings a year, forget about since 1995. People would be thrilled. It's still 77 too many but wow that would be great progress.
I have stated repeatedly that I do NOT support, advocate or think they are a great group. I don’t like their tactics and I don’t like what they did at Berkeley. Nevertheless, they are not the equivalent of the KKk, neo Nazis and White supremecists. Any attemp to equate the two is 100% inaccurate.
Really, this is not a difficult point.