Bill Clinton

He’s 78 yrs old and has certainly lost some energy. He clearly is aware of it and pointed out to America that he is still younger than Trump. A not too subtle dig that Trumpnis too old to serve.

But the man has still had the best Presidency of my lifetime and it’s not even close. In the end, he still can inspire a crowd That boy from a town called Hope made those listening think positively of our nation.

So, Hillary, Obama and Clinton spoke at the Dem convention in unity. Where was Bush, McCain family and Romney at the Republican convention? Another reminder to you all that Trump is an awful and should not ever be near the White House again.
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So, Hillary, Obama and Clinton spoke at the Dem convention in unity. Where was Bush, McCain family and Romney at the Republican convention? Another reminder to you all that Trump is an awful and should not ever be near the White House again.
None of those families are the epitome of class. You get excited about dirty people showing up to the DNC and dirty people not showing up at the RNC? Great reminder. The only person I liked seeing at the DNC so far was Stevie Wonder.
None of those families are the epitome of class. You get excited about dirty people showing up to the DNC and dirty people not showing up at the RNC? Great reminder. The only person I liked seeing at the DNC so far was Stevie Wonder.
So you are the barometer of class? You are absolutely hysterical with your hypocrisy. No one is dirtier or is more of a dirtbag than Donald Trump. Yet you genuflect to the Orange god.
So you are the barometer of class? You are absolutely hysterical with your hypocrisy. No one is dirtier or is more of a dirtbag than Donald Trump.
You certainly have a point. There isn't any class at any of these party conventions.
So you are the barometer of class? You are absolutely hysterical with your hypocrisy. No one is dirtier or is more of a dirtbag than Donald Trump. Yet you genuflect to the Orange god.
I don't need to be the barometer of class to know the Clintons aren't classy. You cry over the way Trump has treated women but Bill Clinton has treated them the exact same. The best President of your lifetime has been accused of rape by many women and had an affair with an intern and his own wife called it a vast right wing conspiracy. They're disgusting in what they'll say or do for power. You're so concerned about Trump's character yet you overlook that and swoon over Clinton. Talk about hypocrisy.
You certainly have a point. There isn't any class at any of these party conventions.
I wouldn't go that far. I think both conventions had some classy people there, unfortunately none of them are politicians.
I don't need to be the barometer of class to know the Clintons aren't classy. You cry over the way Trump has treated women but Bill Clinton has treated them the exact same. The best President of your lifetime has been accused of rape by many women and had an affair with an intern and his own wife called it a vast right wing conspiracy. They're disgusting in what they'll say or do for power. You're so concerned about Trump's character yet you overlook that and swoon over Clinton. Talk about hypocrisy.
You also have a point here.
None of those families are the epitome of class. You get excited about dirty people showing up to the DNC and dirty people not showing up at the RNC? Great reminder. The only person I liked seeing at the DNC so far was Stevie Wonder.
this is such a deflection. fact is nobody worth anything in the GOP wants anything to do with trump period. your excuses and deflections are pathetic.
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this is such a deflection. fact is nobody worth anything in the GOP wants anything to do with trump period. your excuses and deflections are pathetic.
Who is worth anything in the GOP? No one. Who is worth anything at the DNC? No one. Acting like these people are such valuable politicians on either side of the aisle. What a brainwashed idiot you are.
He and his wife are two POS.
trump and his wife are two POS. wait even his wife wont have anything to do with him.

funny thing is, clinton isn't running for president right now. donald trump is
Who is worth anything in the GOP? None. Who is worth anything at the DNC? None. Acting like these people are such valuable politicians on either side of the aisle. What a brainwashed idiot you are.
obama is. any ex president. who is there in the rep convention that was ex president?
obama is. any ex president. who is there in the rep convention that was ex president?
Ridiculous. If Trump showed up at the Nikki Haley convention you wouldn't say he is worth something to the GOP. Being an ex president only matters when you want it to matter to you.
Why would u say that?
This isn't the only reason, but here's one reason.

Maybe it's just me, but it seems bad that there is a subsection of his Wikipedia page dedicated to his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. Maybe the sort of guy you'd want to not keep inviting back to speak at your big convention.
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He’s 78 yrs old and has certainly lost some energy. He clearly is aware of it and pointed out to America that he is still younger than Trump. A not too subtle dig that Trumpnis too old to serve.

But the man has still had the best Presidency of my lifetime and it’s not even close. In the end, he still can inspire a crowd That boy from a town called Hope made those listening think positively of our nation.

So, Hillary, Obama and Clinton spoke at the Dem convention in unity. Where was Bush, McCain family and Romney at the Republican convention? Another reminder to you all that Trump is an awful and should not ever be near the White House again.
Clinton was a good President because of his political skill, common sense solutions and willingness to compromise with Republicans. Of course he's corrupt as sh**, but most are in that position. Would welcome back another guy like him. Many my age will say he's the greatest President of their lifetimes, like you, although I have heard many others from the generations before me call Reagan the best President of their lifetime. So there's that.

Those Rs don't support Trump outwardly for many reasons, including because he is an outsider. Lots of things bother me about Trump, but that isn't one of them.

Trump's not going to win, so you don't have anything to worry about. What's more concerning is the absolute joke that has become our mainstream media posing as "journalists". Democrats have been in control of the Presidency for 12 of the last 16 years, including the last 4. How is the media not salivating and ripping apart the speeches from the past few nights which make it seem as if the Democrats, including Harris, haven't been running the show? It's absolutely wild.
You also have a point here.
I mean, yea, let's be real. Trump beat Hillary. I'd take Bill back in a second, but part of the reason Hillary lost is because the Clintons are corrupt as s*** and the Ds come across as total hypocrites when they prop up Clinton while sounding off about "me too" and woman's rights.
I mean, yea, let's be real. Trump beat Hillary. I'd take Bill back in a second, but part of the reason Hillary lost is because the Clintons are corrupt as s*** and the Ds come across as total hypocrites when they prop up Clinton while sounding off about "me too" and woman's rights.
Clinton 16 campaign is case study of what not to do.
She had poor unfavorable ratings and the campaign was poorly run. Both of these things are true. You're both right.
I don't need to be the barometer of class to know the Clintons aren't classy. You cry over the way Trump has treated women but Bill Clinton has treated them the exact same. The best President of your lifetime has been accused of rape by many women and had an affair with an intern and his own wife called it a vast right wing conspiracy. They're disgusting in what they'll say or do for power. You're so concerned about Trump's character yet you overlook that and swoon over Clinton. Talk about hypocrisy.
You have never heard me talk about Trump and women. Trump is a womanizer. And so is Clinton. But I don’t care about that. Has nothing to do about being President. I don’t care about personal relationships like that. For that matter, I could care less that Boebert getting felt up at the theater. I actually like her better for that. But nice try.
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This isn't the only reason, but here's one reason.

Maybe it's just me, but it seems bad that there is a subsection of his Wikipedia page dedicated to his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. Maybe the sort of guy you'd want to not keep inviting back to speak at your big convention.
There is no evidence that Clinton ever was in Epstein’s island. The flight logs do not have Clinton ever going. Second, plenty of people knew Epstein doesn’t make them complicit in his acts. That sort of broad brush treatment is reckless and unfair. Third, the only person who ever claimed Clinton was Virgina Giuffre and her credibility is suspect as well. She has already misidentified people who she said was at the island. Moreover, even if taken as true, she stated Clinton did not have any interest in the girls.

This kind of purity test is stupid. It’s a fine way to have no one worthy be the leader of the country.
There is no evidence that Clinton ever was in Epstein’s island. The flight logs do not have Clinton ever going. Second, plenty of people knew Epstein doesn’t make them complicit in his acts. That sort of broad brush treatment is reckless and unfair. Third, the only person who ever claimed Clinton was Virgina Giuffre and her credibility is suspect as well. She has already misidentified people who she said was at the island. Moreover, even if taken as true, she stated Clinton did not have any interest in the girls.

This kind of purity test is stupid. It’s a fine way to have no one worthy be the leader of the country.
I have no idea on the Epstein Island stuff, as I haven't researched or sourced all the rumors there. The only thing I'd disagree with you on is that Clinton was on the Island, he 100% would have had interest in the girls, lol, because you can't tell that dog not to hunt.

The purity stuff test gets out of control. Both sides play it to their respective advantages, and their media cohorts make fools of themselves with the hypocricy.
There is no evidence that Clinton ever was in Epstein’s island. The flight logs do not have Clinton ever going. Second, plenty of people knew Epstein doesn’t make them complicit in his acts. That sort of broad brush treatment is reckless and unfair. Third, the only person who ever claimed Clinton was Virgina Giuffre and her credibility is suspect as well. She has already misidentified people who she said was at the island. Moreover, even if taken as true, she stated Clinton did not have any interest in the girls.

This kind of purity test is stupid. It’s a fine way to have no one worthy be the leader of the country.
Clinton had no interest in the girls....that's as ridiculous of an excuse as someone saying Joe Paterno had no interest in the boys. Underage children were being used sexually. If he was there and knew about it and did nothing, there's no defending having that much power and doing nothing about it.

The DNC has been all about a purity test for 3 straight nights. It sure has hell hasn't been about their policies.
I have no idea on the Epstein Island stuff, as I haven't researched or sourced all the rumors there. The only thing I'd disagree with you on is that Clinton was on the Island, he 100% would have had interest in the girls, lol, because you can't tell that dog not to hunt.

The purity stuff test gets out of control. Both sides play it to their respective advantages, and their media cohorts make fools of themselves with the hypocricy.
Yup there are witnesses that have stated Clinton was on the island. And wouldn’t be surprised if Trump was there too.

Clinton is who he is….
Ridiculous. If Trump showed up at the Nikki Haley convention you wouldn't say he is worth something to the GOP. Being an ex president only matters when you want it to matter to you.
blah blah blah when he loses to your all time horrible candidate you'll have to face reality.