Blue Lives Matter

I wouldn’t be too quick to think “good cops” are outraged about these rogue cops behaving badly. I think that is the problem too. The public doesn’t see much outcry from cops about these bad apples. Two of the cops I know despise BLM, when in reality they should be pissed off at these rogue cops.

The blue wall of silence is one of the biggest things that I hope we can find a way to train out of police.
That’s a pretty rough thing to say about someone you don’t know but has a different viewpoint than you.

For the record, I don’t know him either. It’s a shame that for all the talk about the need for diversity in our society, diversity of opinion gets trashed so often... no matter what side you are on.

How is that rough? I'm simply pointing out that I don't believe him. Is that really a "guns blazing" kind of sentiment? We've all heard some variation of that story for plenty of people we know. At this point it's a fishing tale.
How is that rough? I'm simply pointing out that I don't believe him. Is that really a "guns blazing" kind of sentiment? We've all heard some variation of that story for plenty of people we know. At this point it's a fishing tale.

Because you are calling the guy a liar. We get that you don’t like police, but there’s no reason to not believe Pirate64, who is hardly a wildly opinionated person on this board. Even when you believe strongly in something, no matter your side, you can’t swing at every pitch and espouse your thoughts every time. Again, I don’t know the man, but from his work on this board (and also for the school) he deserves a little more respect than that. If you don’t believe Pirate64, maybe you might just let it go rather than imply that he’s making up stories. Nothing wrong with casting some niceness towards a fellow Pirate fan, even if that only means resisting hitting the “post reply” button. You’re not obligated to, but there’s nothing wrong with doing that, especially when what brings us here is a shared affinity for SHU basketball and not politics.

One thing that’s pretty clear in these discussions on this board is that nobody is changing their opinion on anything based on what someone posts on Pirate Crew. Some people are (a lot) more emphatic in their views than others. I know I’m not going to get fired up over anyone’s political views here because it’s not worth it. But it’s wrong to publicly question someone’s honesty on a SHU basketball board just because it doesn’t match your political viewpoint.
You are missing the point of the post that I think you are responding to.
The simple truth is that a very small number of unarmed black men have been killed by police.( and some of them had a large part to play in the fatal shooting. ) The number doesn't support the premise that police are out to kill black men. A simple logical conclusion.... but I think that logic has already been condemned as being racist. I expect to be canceled at any moment.
There seems to be two separate issues that come into play. One is the DNA of an individual law enforcement officer and how he/she uses judgment in how they go about their job. How do you hire the right people, continually evaluate and terminate those that are not fit? That’s a local decision that the police, union leadership and political leadership is responsible. The other issue is who sets the tone/priorities for the force. This is mostly driven by politicians and police hierarchy. Broken windows policing? More hands off? Etc. That’s a local decision as well. There are 20,000 police forces in this country. Focus on the ones like Minneapolis that may be the problem. This is not a systemic issue IMO.

Good to see the public that appreciates the importance of what the police do for their community.
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Maybe third time will be a charm?

Also this didn't happen.

Neither did the Jussie Smollet hate crime, Bubba Wallace hate crime, Texas A&M hate crime, need I go On? You accuse Pirate64 of manufacturing a story yet you clamor for stories that prove racism when the majority of them are fabricated.
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You can write off the West coast it's a hopeless place. My fear is these people will move into areas where people DO respect police once they have burned their towns and cities.
I wouldn’t worry about that. More likely that people that appreciate the value of a safe community will be the ones that depart. Happening already.
I wouldn’t worry about that. More likely that people that appreciate the value of a safe community will be the ones that depart. Happening already.

It'll be quite the day when one of these kooks gets in a situation where they need the help of the police and aren't able to get it.
It'll be quite the day when one of these kooks gets in a situation where they need the help of the police and aren't able to get it.
Just look at history. We’re looking at the self-inflicted destruction of many inner cities. NYC under Does blend...oh well.
Maybe third time will be a charm?

Also this didn't happen.
Hey look sonny, I am a 77 year old geezer and I screw up posting sometimes. But for you to think I made this story up is offensive and juvenile.
You are a bitter, and I assume very young man who has not seen enough to have a balanced perspective. And that yours is the only valid point of view.
A great advertising man, Leo Burnett, had a sign on his desk:
“ Maybe he’s right” - meaning maybe the other guy is right.
So open your mind and perhaps you’ll stop fighting with everyone who doesn’t agree with you.
Hey look sonny, I am a 77 year old geezer and I screw up posting sometimes. But for you to think I made this story up is offensive and juvenile.
You are a bitter, and I assume very young man who has not seen enough to have a balanced perspective. And that yours is the only valid point of view.
A great advertising man, Leo Burnett, had a sign on his desk:
“ Maybe he’s right” - meaning maybe the other guy is right.
So open your mind and perhaps you’ll stop fighting with everyone who doesn’t agree with you.

You're great.
Hey look sonny, I am a 77 year old geezer and I screw up posting sometimes. But for you to think I made this story up is offensive and juvenile.
You are a bitter, and I assume very young man who has not seen enough to have a balanced perspective. And that yours is the only valid point of view.
A great advertising man, Leo Burnett, had a sign on his desk:
“ Maybe he’s right” - meaning maybe the other guy is right.
So open your mind and perhaps you’ll stop fighting with everyone who doesn’t agree with you.
Behavior like he exhibits can probably be traced back to parenting or lack thereof.
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Because you are calling the guy a liar. We get that you don’t like police, but there’s no reason to not believe Pirate64, who is hardly a wildly opinionated person on this board. Even when you believe strongly in something, no matter your side, you can’t swing at every pitch and espouse your thoughts every time. Again, I don’t know the man, but from his work on this board (and also for the school) he deserves a little more respect than that. If you don’t believe Pirate64, maybe you might just let it go rather than imply that he’s making up stories. Nothing wrong with casting some niceness towards a fellow Pirate fan, even if that only means resisting hitting the “post reply” button. You’re not obligated to, but there’s nothing wrong with doing that, especially when what brings us here is a shared affinity for SHU basketball and not politics.

One thing that’s pretty clear in these discussions on this board is that nobody is changing their opinion on anything based on what someone posts on Pirate Crew. Some people are (a lot) more emphatic in their views than others. I know I’m not going to get fired up over anyone’s political views here because it’s not worth it. But it’s wrong to publicly question someone’s honesty on a SHU basketball board just because it doesn’t match your political viewpoint.

Well stated & very diplomatic.

Believe me, I resist hitting reply on this board constantly.

But to me, that shared experience of SHU is exactly why posters like him should get called out. I've explained why a bunch of times. This racist right wing crap gets spewed on here day in & day out. And this case, what is imo a lie...just like that other nonsense story about getting robbed in Times Square.

You talk about his work on the board. Most of what I have seen the past few months is a consistent pattern of posts where he can't wait to tell black people what they're doing wrong, how f'ed up their families are & in this case, made up/embellished personal stories to further his point about how bad the black community is, and how they need to listen to HIM about what they should fix about themselves. But also make sure to shut up about the cops that are cracking their skulls. How does an ancient white guy wagging his finger at black people that they need more fathers & nuclear families help (and pointlessly on an SHU bball message board no less)? People just shut off when that's your approach. But it's all obfuscation anyway, bc the issue in ALL these threads is police reform at the impetus. Diverting to other stuff is a common tactic to cloud things.
The vast majority of of murders of blacks is from others blacks, cops represent a small minority.

The simple truth is that a very small number of unarmed black men have been killed by police.

In 2019, 55 unarmed people were fatally shot by police. 14 of them were black. WAPO database.

Full 2019 FBI UCR data is not available. Per 2018 table in the FBI UCR reporting:


Black on White - 514
White on Black - 234
Black on Black - 2600
White on White - 2677

Blacks are 13% of the US Population
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Cops harassing or harming minorities it’s not something rare. This has been going on for decades but only recently have these actions been brought to the public’s attention.

It is rare. Look at the numbers. The overwhelming majority of people shot by cops are ARMED, and therefore, a threat. Obviously, there are a couple of high-profile exceptions, condemned by all law enforcement who are fair and reasonable.
Hey look sonny, I am a 77 year old geezer and I screw up posting sometimes. But for you to think I made this story up is offensive and juvenile.
You are a bitter, and I assume very young man who has not seen enough to have a balanced perspective. And that yours is the only valid point of view.
A great advertising man, Leo Burnett, had a sign on his desk:
“ Maybe he’s right” - meaning maybe the other guy is right.
So open your mind and perhaps you’ll stop fighting with everyone who doesn’t agree with you.

He's not as young as he acts.

Absolutely love him licking Piratz' boots to try to get him to go along with his idiotic, insane way of thinking -- but agree that he (Piratz of course) is truly one of the best posters on the board -- exactly why he WOULDN'T go along with Boobie.
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He's not as young as he acts.

Absolutely love him licking Piratz' boots to try to get him to go along with his idiotic, insane way of thinking -- but agree that he is truly one of the best posters on the board -- exactly why he WOULDN'T go along with Boobie.

Now he's trying to boot lick lloyde dobler. It's so pathetic, but it's also funny watching him make a fool of himself daily on this site. He actually thinks people on this site, who spend countless hours following and rooting for student athletes (predominantly of color), are racist. Can you believe that?!
Now he's trying to boot lick lloyde dobler. It's so pathetic, but it's also funny watching him make a fool of himself daily on this site. He actually thinks people on this site, who spend countless hours following and rooting for student athletes (predominantly of color), are racist. Can you believe that?!

Luckily, as the only person on my ignore list, I rarely see his crap. I saw Lloyd's posts, shaming him, and figured who he was talking about. Because there's only one person who consistently acts like that.
In 2019, 55 unarmed people were fatally shot by police. 14 of them were black. WAPO database.

Full 2019 FBI UCR data is not available. Per 2018 table in the FBI UCR reporting:


Black on White - 514
White on Black - 234
Black on Black - 2600
White on White - 2677

Blacks are 13% of the US Population

Probably a false equivalency in many ways, but once we recognize an opponent as "dirty" that team can be labeled "dirty" for 10+ years. These statistics get used in a similar way, but I think that's just human nature and many of us are guilty of it in some form. Could be as simple as we just don't want to walk down a specific block because we had a bad experience on it a few times. To the men in blue, this is the reality of what they're trying to stop and make all those numbers into a non number 0.
There was a great documentary on Smithsonian last night on the 60's and the Greensboro Four Sit-in and impact it had on desegregation and the civil rights movement. Their actions were incredibly effective in engaging the population and getting their support. One of the four said that they had three things: Vision, Commitment and Resiliency. The impact of TV also contributed as 90% of the population had television sets and that medium was now reaching the population on these issues. They also compared the protest compared to the riots in Watts at the same time. There are also excerpts from John Lewis as well. Having grown up at that time, it really brought back some vivid memories as well as how far we have come as a society.
There seems to be two separate issues that come into play. One is the DNA of an individual law enforcement officer and how he/she uses judgment in how they go about their job. How do you hire the right people, continually evaluate and terminate those that are not fit? That’s a local decision that the police, union leadership and political leadership is responsible. The other issue is who sets the tone/priorities for the force. This is mostly driven by politicians and police hierarchy. Broken windows policing? More hands off? Etc. That’s a local decision as well. There are 20,000 police forces in this country. Focus on the ones like Minneapolis that may be the problem. This is not a systemic issue IMO.

Good to see the public that appreciates the importance of what the police do for their community.

Camden's situation is worth looking at if we are looking at a course correction. If I'm not mistaken, the changes to the Camden police force started when they were the crime capital of the United States. The police force in place at the time was not equipped to handle the gangs and lawlessness. They were all fired and the police force was then re-constituted under the County. About 100 of the original Camden police force was rehired on the newly constitued force.

Prior to the change, residents would simply not cooperate with the police for fear of reprisals from the criminal element. Police were not trusted. From what I understand the new force, puts a premium on community involvement... more police on the streets, patrolling and getting to know the residents, treating the residents with respect.. I am not familiar with all of their changes, but it seems like they found a good formula that works for Camden. Residents are still poor but they have a new found respect for law enforcement and their crime statistics have taken them well out of the category "worst in the country". Seems like mutual respect is a big part of their success.
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Camden's situation is worth looking at if we are looking at a course correction. If I'm not mistaken, the changes to the Camden police force started when they were the crime capital of the United States. The police force in place at the time was not equipped to handle the gangs and lawlessness. They were all fired and the police force was then re-constituted under the County. About 100 of the original Camden police force was rehired on the newly constitued force.

Prior to the change, residents would simply not cooperate with the police for fear of reprisals from the criminal element. Police were not trusted. From what I understand the new force, puts a premium on community involvement... more police on the streets, patrolling and getting to know the residents, treating the residents with respect.. I am not familiar with all of their changes, but it seems like they found a good formula that works for Camden. Residents are still poor but they have a new found respect for law enforcement and their crime statistics have taken them well out of the category "worst in the country". Seems like mutual respect is a big part of their success.
While I agree that Camden did the right thing, it's a little muddier than we are led to believe. The city police department was a corrupt mess and it was disbanded in favor of the county approach. It had to be done because it couldn't be fixed from within. They ended up hiring more police at lower wages. While murders are down, other violent crimes are running about the same. One factor reducing murders is that police can now transport a shooting victim in their car rather than wait for EMS...that saves a lot of time and lives.

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