There are roughly 5.5k undergraduate students and 4.0k graduate students. Would be nice to get a consistent 8k but asking for 85% of the student body to attend a Wednesday night game against Marquette is a little optimistic.
Several thoughts:
1. IMHO far fewer graduate students get involved with the undergrad sports teams, but continue to more highly favor their own undergrad school's teams.
2. A significant portion of graduate students at SHU go to class at night and cannot attend night games on those nights.
3. What portion of the 5.5K undergrads are
dorm students --- who IMHO represent the more fertile fan-support potential?
4. My SWAG is that the majority of fans at large college arenas are adults (grads, local supporters (especially for "state" schools) and local business men who can use for business purposes ands get a tax write-off.) So how many SHU alums live in North Jersey compared to, say, SCRUNJ alums?
Saturday it's expected to be the biggest crowd of the year. That said the attendance was pitiful last night.
We'll hear the usual stuff that the game was too late. But add that to all the other excuses we hear.
Game too early
Game Saturday at noon
Game Sunday at noon
Students on break
Game too close to a holiday.
It's a shame. This team is playing the best ball of any SHU team in recent memory and our attendance is so bad that only St John's and DePaul at a combined 2-18 in the conference are worse.
Time for that to change.
5. The ubiquitous lament of no space for an "on-campus" facility.
6. We all agree that winning cures most apathy, but how long is the recovery period? (You know, the ol' ''Rome wasn't built in a day'' baloney). EVERYTHING in life seems to take a lot more time than my original analysis estimates.
7. In all sports --- to some degree --- TV has always cannibalized on-site attendance. This is the downside of the Fox contract Carino discussed today (see Game articles for link).
8. TV dictates the start times and frankly 8:45 and later is probably just too late for many boomers and even some Gen-X'ers.
9. Prices can be prohibitive. Not all have disposable income to spare.
10. Pro Sports competition is a real alternative for share-of-wallet.
We might not condone the use of any of these excuses, but they all are valid, and our base is neither as large as many other schools' bases, nor as accustomed to even having a successful "band-wagon" to jump on.
Winning does cure most of these ills. But the recuperative process does take time. Heck, two weeks ago (Creighton 1) many dyed-in-the-wool fanatics were voicing renewed concerns after our last "winter of discontent". Neutral minds are hard to win; poisoned minds are even harder.
IMHO most alums have not even been watching this team on TV!!! So these are not even aware of how well our guys are playing nor how much fun they are to watch!
They must be evangelized all over again!
As for KW's tweet just to arrive early --- I am confident that the starting time is not the problem, it's the ending time!
I have proposed that the university make it a PR program to give free tickets in the upper deck (or the bowl) to local Catholic (and public) high school (and grade school --- on weekends) students (and discounts to their adult chaperones) to convert them early and to bring a lot of noise, without infringing on normal fan revenues.