Carino and Willard


I know. I totally don't get it. So glad you are here to educate me on the fine art of speaking to the media and what it takes to get athletes to respond.

Did you ever stop and think for one second that basketball coaches might do their teaching in the locker room instead of through the media? But no, you are 100% right - Coach totally blew it with his team because he chose to acknowledge an obviously unfavorable situation when he could have deployed HOF level coach speak to inspire his team to just play better.
Constant complaining? Seriously? I follow the team religiously and can only remember several instances of KW complaining about the schedule, or that matchup with Gonzaga in the NCAAs

Man, we should bring back Gonzo just so there would be validity to the incessant ranting about the HC.

He complains about the schedule every single year. You haven't been paying attention.

I know. I totally don't get it. So glad you are here to educate me on the fine art of speaking to the media and what it takes to get athletes to respond.

Did you ever stop and think for one second that basketball coaches might do their teaching in the locker room instead of through the media? But no, you are 100% right - Coach totally blew it with his team because he chose to acknowledge an obviously unfavorable situation when he could have deployed HOF level coach speak to inspire his team to just play better.

I'm not here to educate you on anything. I'm just sick of this coach (who is otherwise doing a great job) whining every single freaking year about the schedule. It's conference play. Suck it up and deal with it, every team goes through tough stretches. Right now this team has far bigger issues than the schedule, and that's what Kevin Willard should be focused on.
I like Willard a lot, but he does complain about schedule a lot, especially on post game radio with Cohen and Popkin. Even earlier this season while we were winning a few games he complained about the tough OOC schedule and how it affected practice and playing time for some guys. It is just his nature, I just ignore as it is meaningless, all times have tough scheduling at some point throughout the season.
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There seems to be a lot of whining about Willard whining about the schedule.

Yes, and now I will whine about the people who are whining about Willard whining. Its the circle of life.

People here are making two connections that are ridiculous:
1) Willard is focused on the schedule and not focused on the other, more serious issues the team is facing.
2) Willard instills a woe-is-me philosophy in the locker room - this is all because of his honest answer about his thoughts on the schedule to Carino. Do the players even know that Willard doesn't like the schedule? Would they even care if they did? This one is laughable.
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09 is right in that even if Willard has a legitimate complaint here - which I tend to think he does - it's like the boy who cried wolf now. He does it every year, so it makes many people just roll their eyes.

However, there are no excuses for anything but a solid W tomorrow night, I don't care if the stands are completely empty.
Whomever made the “cry wolf’ point is spot on.

We just played 5 games in 14 days and they were all over the map (Chicago, Cincinnati, Newark, Milwaukee, Providence). In many ways more taxing than playing consecutive games in a tournament in one venue.

I see his point. I think Disney on Ice was only one weekend. For example, why couldn’t Marquette last Saturday been at home? Why not put Seton Hall at Providence on Wednesday instead of Tuesday? Fine, cool, whatever. But the schedule has been known for months. We didn’t get it done.

We played like a team weary of the schedule. We have been so uncharacteristic in some of these games. That’s the sign.
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Eventually other teams will have the schedule we had and we'll get our weeks off. It balances out. Stop about complaining to losing to Depaul and Providence. No excuse. How about Willard's gameplay? Establishing no presence down low, poor shot selection, stepping out of bounds 3-4 times. 40 turnovers in 2 games. That's not the refs
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Exactly. He is a glass half empty guy and always will be.
You could argue he has had an easier path to his position than many others. Seems to reflect in his attitude about many things.

Cue those outraged by this statement
You could argue he has had an easier path to his position than many others. Seems to reflect in his attitude about many things.

Cue those outraged by this statement

What makes you think that?
I'm not here to educate you on anything. I'm just sick of this coach (who is otherwise doing a great job) whining every single freaking year about the schedule. It's conference play. Suck it up and deal with it, every team goes through tough stretches. Right now this team has far bigger issues than the schedule, and that's what Kevin Willard should be focused on.
And what people think he goes back in the locker room, sits in the center of a circle of young men and says, “well guys, there’s nothing we can do about this. It’s the schedule.”
And what people think he goes back in the locker room, sits in the center of a circle of young men and says, “well guys, there’s nothing we can do about this. It’s the schedule.”

That's not the point and he certainly doesn't do that (at least I don't believe he does).

The point is, he sets the tone as the leader of the program and when the public tone is one of complaining and searching for sympathy, that's weak, soft (whatever you want to call it) and it trickles down to the team whether said or unsaid. It is ultimately reflected in their performance.
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That's not the point and he certainly doesn't do that (at least I don't believe he does).

The point is, he sets the tone as the leader of the program and when the public tone is one of complaining and searching for sympathy, that's weak, soft (whatever you want to call it) and it trickles down to the team whether said or unsaid. It is ultimately reflected in their performance.
Couldnt you say the same thing about a coach like Cooley who literally whines the whole game to officials?
It is not only the schedule. Players and coach blaming refs for losses. Limit turnovers and play better starting tonight. Big game.
At some point will anyone give the man credit for not calling out individual players to the public. This is just his media talking point that diverts from the topic of a player or two not getting the job done on a particular night. The schedule has been know for 3 months now. It's not like he's been complaing about it for 3 months. We;ve hit a rocky stretch, and instead of calling guys out to the public he keeps things in house and blame the schedule 1,000 different ways. It's something writers can write about and it deflects attention that would have them writing about the coach calling guys out. Does anyone think he would be complaining if we were 5-1. He'd probably want to play more often.
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He has a legitimate gripe this year.


I also agree with the point about "What else is he going to say"?
It would be an over reaction to throw the players under the bus. That would be counterproductive.
He could blame his own poor coaching, but that would be disingenuous. He has been coaching just fine.

Blaming the schedule is the best bad option, and to your point it has merit.
Couldnt you say the same thing about a coach like Cooley who literally whines the whole game to officials?

Huh? Every coach whines to the officials during the games. This is a conversation about public comments in the media. Ever listen to Cooley after a game? He tells it like it is. If his team sucked that night, he says so. If he did a bad job, he says so.
I can say it’s just bad energy to continually blame the schedule. And if you don’t think it permeates to the players’ thoughts, well QM just blamed the scheduling for the lack of effort last night. Wow. That is scary and that is Coach who needs to shut up about the schedule.

i want to hear KW say—just once—that he didn’t prepare his players well enough for once. Especially after playing a team like DePaul that we played less than 2 weeks ago.

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