CIA Director John Brennan


All World
Oct 12, 2007
I guess his hand written notes suggest he knew about the Russia hoax to distract from the Clinton email scandal. I’m sure @NYShoreGuy will provide tweets on what everyone is saying.
I guess his hand written notes suggest he knew about the Russia hoax to distract from the Clinton email scandal. I’m sure @NYShoreGuy will provide tweets on what everyone is saying.

That's not what his notes show.

He was summarizing what was coming out of Russia. That Russia was pushing that Hillary was making up claims that Russia hacked the DNC in an effort to Vilify Trump.

Of course one small problem there...

The DNC was hacked by Russia. It was not made up. It was not a hoax.
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That's not what his notes show.

He was summarizing what was coming out of Russia. That Russia was pushing that Hillary was making up claims that Russia hacked the DNC in an effort to Vilify Trump.

Of course one small problem there...

The DNC was hacked by Russia. It was not made up. It was not a hoax.

NY post disagrees with you
Correct, that part wasn't. But the collusion thing? Absolutely a hoax.

Have to put this all back in context of what was happening in 2016 though. Intelligence assessment was that Russia hacked the DNC and Hillary blames them publicly. Russia was pushing back saying that Hillary was only claiming it was Russia as a way to hurt Trump.

That is what Brennan was talking about.

I disagree about collusion. Russia was targeting American voters and Manafort was giving internal polling data to Russia. Not sure what would meet your definition of collusion, but that one seems obvious to me.
Correct, that part wasn't. But the collusion thing? Absolutely a hoax.
Collusion is not a legal term. But to me it means working together for a common goal. The Trump campaign and the Russians were certainly doing that. What wasn't there in hard core proof, but certainly there was evidence that existed of a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians. This was no hoax. Mueller was clear that there was evidence on this. Question was whether there was enough proof for a criminal conspiracy to prove at trial. Russian collision was not a hoax at all.
There was no hack. Trump did not collude with the Russians. More smoking guns coming out involving Brennan, who pulled a Susan Rice, Haspel when she was in London, and a scud missile involving the FBI will be coming out shortly. Then there is the Nuclear bomb, trust me when that comes out, oh my oh my!
The Russians played the Obama administration like a fiddle all due to Hillary Clinton. Let’s see who can connect the dots on the current information available.
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Collusion is not a legal term. But to me it means working together for a common goal. The Trump campaign and the Russians were certainly doing that. What wasn't there in hard core proof, but certainly there was evidence that existed of a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians. This was no hoax. Mueller was clear that there was evidence on this. Question was whether there was enough proof for a criminal conspiracy to prove at trial. Russian collision was not a hoax at all.
The Democratic Party has egg on its face!
The DNC is guilty of collusion and the Obama Administration makes Nixon look like an alter boy just with the facts that are out now. Stay tuned. Btw. I am not affiliated with any party. If I had to pick closest Liberation, but I am Conservative Constitutional Fiscally Responsible Capitalist Party.
One guy we can’t ask is Comey.He has no memory of anything that makes him look negligent.
Reminds me of famous Nixon quote “It is not perjury if you can’t remember “
Yet they wiped how many cell phones clean?
What does that even prove or you suggest? Clearly you did not read that report or else this comment would have not have been written. Let me inform all of you Trump people. Had Trump been anyone else, he would have been indicted and gone to jail. People have been indicted on far less evidence than what is done on Trump. However, when dealing with a king, you better have enough evidence to kill the king. The investigation did not have the kill shot.
It is sad that both parties continue to do things that are not appropriate, unsavory or even lawless and then spend tons of time trying to say why it wasn't as bad as the other party or why it isn't bad at all. It is rampant on both sides of the aisle.

Both parties suck that is the reality. If you identify deeply with either party at this time, they have you. Original thought is not rewarded or encouraged anymore. Instead it is put down because it goes against one party or the other. Where did all the moderates go?
Are you that dead up stairs to connect the dots? You must of had the Biden Hairy legs during the shutdown in order to get that black lady to stack your shelves. If the smoking guns do not come out before Jan 23, I’m fair game. I’ll put $100 to whatever Charity you wish if you’d do likewise Merge.
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Are you that dead up stairs to connect the dots? You must of had the Biden Hairy legs during the shutdown in order to get that black lady to stack your shelves. If the smoking guns do not come out before Jan 23, I’m fair game. I’ll put $100 to whatever Charity you wish if you’d do likewise Merge.

You're talking in code. Just say what you think will happen and then we can discuss.
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What does that even prove or you suggest? Clearly you did not read that report or else this comment would have not have been written.

Bull, when 27 phones are wiped clean from those that supposedly did a fair and impartial investigation, you know it's tainted. When that happens, it's not what is in the report, it's what is NOT in the report. All connected to this should go to jail, nobody is this stupid.
Btw, Merge, yes, there was no Hack! Shouldn't the Feds investigate the matter. No, No private industry is hired who the head of their company could not confirm.
Btw, Merge, yes, there was no Hack! Shouldn't the Feds investigate the matter. No, No private industry is hired who the head of their company could not confirm.

smh... Bi-partisan intelligence report.

Page 7

The Committee found that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian effort to hack computer networks and accounts affiliated with the Democratic Party and leak information damaging to Hillary Clinton and her campaign for president. Moscow's intent was to harm the Clinton Campaign, tarnish an expected Clinton presidential administration, help the Trump Campaign after Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, and undermine the U.S. democratic process.
Connect the dots? How would have Clinton/Brennan/ FBI embarrass the Obama administration who was dumb enough to support Hillary?

I don't have time to connect the dots and research this. If you know something, spill the beans.
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The mueller prosecutors were out to get trump and they didn’t.That moron schiff probably
still thinks he has conclusive evidence of conclusion .Hate dies hard.
smh... Bi-partisan intelligence report.

Page 7

The Committee found that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian effort to hack computer networks and accounts affiliated with the Democratic Party and leak information damaging to Hillary Clinton and her campaign for president. Moscow's intent was to harm the Clinton Campaign, tarnish an expected Clinton presidential administration, help the Trump Campaign after Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, and undermine the U.S. democratic process.
Truly an IDIOT!
I don't have time to connect the dots and research this. If you know something, spill the beans.
Pay attention to the # of Sources
smh... Bi-partisan intelligence report.

Page 7

The Committee found that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian effort to hack computer networks and accounts affiliated with the Democratic Party and leak information damaging to Hillary Clinton and her campaign for president. Moscow's intent was to harm the Clinton Campaign, tarnish an expected Clinton presidential administration, help the Trump Campaign after Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, and undermine the U.S. democratic process.
i bet Adam Schiff Gabe you sweet lullabies, Will you match $100 to charity ?
Cole on Brennan’s dick and Stick it up your ass! God I pray I’d never sit sit next to you at an SHU game.

Because I asked you to say what you think will happen?

I'm still not sure why you wouldn't just say it.
Bull, when 27 phones are wiped clean from those that supposedly did a fair and impartial investigation, you know it's tainted. When that happens, it's not what is in the report, it's what is NOT in the report. All connected to this should go to jail, nobody is this stupid.
Unbelievable you even have to say this. Common sense but yet people still defend an irrational thought process. They could watch sometime happen and someone could tell them it never happened and get away with it. Sad
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Bull, when 27 phones are wiped clean from those that supposedly did a fair and impartial investigation, you know it's tainted. When that happens, it's not what is in the report, it's what is NOT in the report. All connected to this should go to jail, nobody is this stupid.
That is some leap of logic. Could be a plethora of reasons why they were deleted. It is actually irrelevant. Wasn't this reveled in the OIG report which found no intentional wrong doing in the investigation? SPK. you are not getting sucked down the rabbit hole to the conspiracy people?
Because when it comes to politics you’d love to be performing fellatio on Dr. Faucui, wihile Comey and Brennan play “Macho Man”, you really had a rough day.

Again, I have no idea what you are talking about.
Choke on Brennan’s cock-you cite the incompetence of Washington DC

That report cites the intelligence assessment as they were briefed by the intelligence professionals.
Republicans and democrats all agreed with the conclusion that Russia hacked the DNC.
That is some leap of logic. Could be a plethora of reasons why they were deleted. It is actually irrelevant. Wasn't this reveled in the OIG report which found no intentional wrong doing in the investigation? SPK. you are not getting sucked down the rabbit hole to the conspiracy people?
SPK is Correct . Are you a McGreevy Hershey lover ... another ****ing moron without a clue.

Im out, if I am wrong I will come back and reach out to Merge and donate to a charity of his choice. Cern must have gotten blue balls from that Christie Whitman poster on his wall.
That is some leap of logic. Could be a plethora of reasons why they were deleted. It is actually irrelevant. Wasn't this reveled in the OIG report which found no intentional wrong doing in the investigation? SPK. you are not getting sucked down the rabbit hole to the conspiracy people?

You find that irrelevant? Seriously?