You’d have to be pretty hard-hearted to watch that video and NOT feel any sympathy for the guy. He obviously put a lot of pressure on himself and is struggling with the feelings that he let his teammates (and a lot of other people) down. And I most certainly do feel sorry for him. That said, my sympathy only goes so far. The guy was paid a “salary” that placed him in the top 1% of ALL earners in this country, to play basketball. He is, in every sense, a professional athlete. In fact, I would cynically say that the vast majority of the guys playing D-1 football and basketball are pure mercenaries, who will readily leave the school he is currently attending, so that he can grab a bigger payday at another school. I honestly don’t fault any of these guys for doing that, but I also don’t think any of them should expect any of the fans to treat them like a young guy just trying hard for the beloved alma mater. We’re in a new reality where these guys are going to get paid like professional athletes and frankly, are going to be treated like the professional athletes they are.