I know on previous threads we have been debating the pros & cons of the proposed federal tax plan. In that light, as I also know Congressman Pascrell is an SHU basketball fan, I wanted to post my response to the e-mail I received from today on that same subject: (Because of character limitations I will post his e-mail on another thread.)
Dear Congressman Pascrell,
Thank you for your communication regarding the soon to be passed Republican Tax Plan - Your interest in it is appreciated but your reasoning regarding it is very flawed. You and all those who are opposing it, are not looking at the bill's big picture impact in how it will greatly benefit all Americans, particularly those in the middle class.
Two important items that you failed to mention in your e-mail regarding the bill - All tax brackets will receive a reduction in their rates and the standard deduction will almost double to $24,000.00. The tax rate reduction speaks for itself. However currently more than 60% of taxpayers are using the standard deduction, so by never having a need to itemize, the elimination of the SALT deduction will not affect these taxpayers whatsoever. Under the new plan the amount of those using the standard deduction, is estimated to increase to 85% encompassing just about all in the middle class. So only about 15% of taxpayers will have to pay more in all likelihood high tax states as a result of the change. However these taxpayers are the more affluent or so called rich, that Democrats are so fond of saying are getting the biggest tax break in this plan. This element of the plan, puts a big hole in that type of reasoning.
The biggest benefit of the plan for all comes with the large reduction in the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. This was a widely known element of Donald Trump's election campaign. Ultra liberal economist Paul Krugman, predicted because of this plan, if Trump was elected, Wall Street, knowing of this, would crash the day after the election. Krugman was so wrong, that his prediction now is so redicklously laughable! Far from crashing, the market since the election has hit 86 all time highs! The cause of this is the direct anticipation of his tax plan being implemented.
I am not a rich person, but I am very happy to state that my non real estate, net worth has increased since the election by 30%! I am sure others like myself in the middle class have also seen such increases. When the plan passes, I really foresee that the market increases will only get better! The stock market with the proliferation of 401k work plans and individual IRA plans are very much the norm with the middle class and even with many in the lower income levels. More and more of the baby boomer generations are retiring and as all of this new equity is circulated into the economy, a snowball ripple effect will greatly benefit positively ALL in our economy. It is important to point out that this snowball effect, will not come down the hill in a TRICKLE but rather more like a WATERFALL!
Please like I am, look at the bill's big picture impact on all in the economy, and decide to set yourself apart from your peers and vote for the bill!
I would appreciate very much a personal response back my you regarding my request!
Bob Silvestri
Romarsi Pesto
Owner/Sales Director
Dear Congressman Pascrell,
Thank you for your communication regarding the soon to be passed Republican Tax Plan - Your interest in it is appreciated but your reasoning regarding it is very flawed. You and all those who are opposing it, are not looking at the bill's big picture impact in how it will greatly benefit all Americans, particularly those in the middle class.
Two important items that you failed to mention in your e-mail regarding the bill - All tax brackets will receive a reduction in their rates and the standard deduction will almost double to $24,000.00. The tax rate reduction speaks for itself. However currently more than 60% of taxpayers are using the standard deduction, so by never having a need to itemize, the elimination of the SALT deduction will not affect these taxpayers whatsoever. Under the new plan the amount of those using the standard deduction, is estimated to increase to 85% encompassing just about all in the middle class. So only about 15% of taxpayers will have to pay more in all likelihood high tax states as a result of the change. However these taxpayers are the more affluent or so called rich, that Democrats are so fond of saying are getting the biggest tax break in this plan. This element of the plan, puts a big hole in that type of reasoning.
The biggest benefit of the plan for all comes with the large reduction in the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. This was a widely known element of Donald Trump's election campaign. Ultra liberal economist Paul Krugman, predicted because of this plan, if Trump was elected, Wall Street, knowing of this, would crash the day after the election. Krugman was so wrong, that his prediction now is so redicklously laughable! Far from crashing, the market since the election has hit 86 all time highs! The cause of this is the direct anticipation of his tax plan being implemented.
I am not a rich person, but I am very happy to state that my non real estate, net worth has increased since the election by 30%! I am sure others like myself in the middle class have also seen such increases. When the plan passes, I really foresee that the market increases will only get better! The stock market with the proliferation of 401k work plans and individual IRA plans are very much the norm with the middle class and even with many in the lower income levels. More and more of the baby boomer generations are retiring and as all of this new equity is circulated into the economy, a snowball ripple effect will greatly benefit positively ALL in our economy. It is important to point out that this snowball effect, will not come down the hill in a TRICKLE but rather more like a WATERFALL!
Please like I am, look at the bill's big picture impact on all in the economy, and decide to set yourself apart from your peers and vote for the bill!
I would appreciate very much a personal response back my you regarding my request!
Bob Silvestri
Romarsi Pesto
Owner/Sales Director