Cop on a power trip, pro athlete a diva

I beg to differ. Tyreek being a complete
asshole. He is behind tinted glass and he does not roll down the window. Officer knocks and the Hill starts to bark at the cop not to knock on his window. He then rolls the window back up without handing over his credentials. Could the cop have been more patient? Sure. But he doesn’t have to. Hill is obstructing and will probably play victim when he was being the entitled jerk.
I beg to differ. Tyreek being a complete
asshole. He is behind tinted glass and he does not roll down the window. Officer knocks and the Hill starts to bark at the cop not to knock on his window. He then rolls the window back up without handing over his credentials. Could the cop have been more patient? Sure. But he doesn’t have to. Hill is obstructing and will probably play victim when he was being the entitled jerk.
He was smart to call drew...ok how about calais campbell scenario?
I beg to differ. Tyreek being a complete
asshole. He is behind tinted glass and he does not roll down the window. Officer knocks and the Hill starts to bark at the cop not to knock on his window. He then rolls the window back up without handing over his credentials. Could the cop have been more patient? Sure. But he doesn’t have to. Hill is obstructing and will probably play victim when he was being the entitled jerk.
And speeding a block away from the stadium with thousands of pedestrians in the area. Putting other people in danger is cool.
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He was smart to call drew...ok how about calais campbell scenario?
You’re searching for something to find to make law enforcement look bad. Campbell all we know is he didn’t follow the officer’s instructions.

Clearly you have an agenda.
You’re searching for something to find to make law enforcement look bad. Campbell all we know is he didn’t follow the officer’s instructions.

Clearly you have an agenda.
Did the law enforcement officers have an agenda?
All Hill has to do is follow what the officer is asking for him to do. He obviously got pulled over for speeding in the first place. The Cop has no idea if someone is going to pull a gun on him through the tinted window. Hill was completely disrespectful and acted entitled. The cop sensed arrogance and had to lay down the law before something dangerous happened to him physically, not the other way around. The Cop was very fair and respectful initially, but when the subject did not do as he was told, he had to act with greater authority. If he doesnt, whose to say the subject behind tinted windows in suped up car doesnt pull a gun and blow him away?
Oh, but at least the (now dead) cop was nice and generous? Please.

Hill just playing the victim. Hill is one of these guys that no one will be surprised when he retires to hear about him getting in trouble.
All Hill has to do is follow what the officer is asking for him to do. He obviously got pulled over for speeding in the first place. The Cop has no idea if someone is going to pull a gun on him through the tinted window. Hill was completely disrespectful and acted entitled. The cop sensed arrogance and had to lay down the law before something dangerous happened to him physically, not the other way around. The Cop was very fair and respectful initially, but when the subject did not do as he was told, he had to act with greater authority. If he doesnt, whose to say the subject behind tinted windows in suped up car doesnt pull a gun and blow him away?
Oh, but at least the (now dead) cop was nice and generous? Please.

Hill just playing the victim. Hill is one of these guys that no one will be surprised when he retires to hear about him getting in trouble.
People see what they want to see. The bodycam and basic common sense support your summary.

If ten people were run over because of Hill’s stupidity, the complaint would have been about “Where were the police?”
You watched every body cam and feel this was completely appropriate in tone, language used and physicality?
I watched the tmz you posted. You think Hill wasn’t hostile? I don’t think he complied at all with anything he was asked from something as simple as keep your window down. Just admit you’re ok with Hill being a complete prick to the officers and it’s ok to treat officers with complete disrespect.
Hill just playing the victim. Hill is one of these guys that no one will be surprised when he retires to hear about him getting in trouble.
Good news for him he’s going to need to keep playing. 6 children with 4 different women. Can’t imagine him getting in trouble when he retires.
I watched the tmz you posted. You think Hill wasn’t hostile? I don’t think he complied at all with anything he was asked from something as simple as keep your window down. Just admit you’re ok with Hill being a complete prick to the officers and it’s ok to treat officers with complete disrespect.
Maybe some guys need to go to there local 1st graders classroom when the police come in to explain there job and why you need to listen to them for your own protection. Maybe the NFL needs a class on the job of a police officer, you cannot get millions of dollars and fancy cars without passing the test. Simple test true or false.
Is it ok to disrespect the law
Can you beat your girlfriend for not listening
Is it OK to drive 100 mph with kids present on the side of the road
Makes me sick to watch these videos, surprised police officer didn’t smash the window with the butt of his gun. You could make a case right there he should have smash the window. Police officer showed amazing restraint not to escalate the situation. Terrifying if you are a police officer to deal with this BS from a guy all jacked up.
Maybe some guys need to go to there local 1st graders classroom when the police come in to explain there job and why you need to listen to them for your own protection. Maybe the NFL needs a class on the job of a police officer, you cannot get millions of dollars and fancy cars without passing the test. Simple test true or false.
Is it ok to disrespect the law
Can you beat your girlfriend for not listening
Is it OK to drive 100 mph with kids present on the side of the road
Makes me sick to watch these videos, surprised police officer didn’t smash the window with the butt of his gun. You could make a case right there he should have smash the window. Police officer showed amazing restraint not to escalate the situation. Terrifying if you are a police officer to deal with this BS from a guy all jacked up.
Truth is I didn’t see the video until late last night. The only thing I saw was on Caitlin Collin’s show Hill being pulled out of the car. Watching their small clip I felt bad for Hill. If they had shown the 2-3 minutes prior to that I would’ve known why they did what they did.
Truth is I didn’t see the video until late last night. The only thing I saw was on Caitlin Collin’s show Hill being pulled out of the car. Watching their small clip I felt bad for Hill. If they had shown the 2-3 minutes prior to that I would’ve known why they did what they did.
Understandable they like to paint the police as the bad guys similar to hands up don’t shoot BS which never happened. Police aren’t angels, but I always tell people to put themselves in that position. Long time ago I had a job working in the Essex County Jail during summer break while in college. Everyone should have to work this job for one week in their life. Look in the faces of murderers, rapists and overall scum. First day on the job, the other guards came up to me outside the breakfast room and said they didn’t get all the knifes back and I needed to go inside the room and find who had the knife. The people complaining about the treatment need a taste of on the job training.
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Understandable they like to paint the police as the bad guys similar to hands up don’t shoot BS which never happened. Police aren’t angels, but I always tell people to put themselves in that position. Long time ago I had a job working in the Essex County Jail during summer break while in college. Everyone should have to work this job for one week in their life. Look in the faces of murderers, rapists and overall scum. First day on the job, the other guards came up to me outside the breakfast room and said they didn’t get all the knifes back and I needed to go inside the room and find who had the knife. The people complaining about the treatment need a taste of on the job training.
Caldwell or Newark?
Newark, during the time I worked they were shooting at our cars on South Orange Ave when we left work. Made me rethink my studies at school. It was great pay. LOL
Ok I was good friends with a bunch of guys at the Caldwell jail.
You watched every body cam and feel this was completely appropriate in tone, language used and physicality?

Don’t confuse "completely appropriate" with reasonable.
Their tone wasn’t perfect, but it was very reasonable based on how Hill was responding to being pulled over.
Truth is I didn’t see the video until late last night. The only thing I saw was on Caitlin Collin’s show Hill being pulled out of the car. Watching their small clip I felt bad for Hill. If they had shown the 2-3 minutes prior to that I would’ve known why they did what they did.
Smart for the police to put out all the bodycam footage immediately because it tells the whole story. Of course the media (CNN) is going to promote racism and anti-cop narratives by showing the short clip.

The more Hill talks the better for the police. This story will die soon, but once again….ready, fire, aim MSM.
Of course Hill immediately plays the Race card, as the left has trained them to use as page 1 of the playbook.
And the Miami Dolphins of course criticize and question the police because they need to pander to their players.
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Of course Hill immediately plays the Race card, as the left has trained them to use as page 1 of the playbook.
And the Miami Dolphins of course criticize and question the police because they need to pander to their players.
Contrast the situation to what Scotty Scheffler dealt with in Louisville and how he handled it.
Contrast the situation to what Scotty Scheffler dealt with in Louisville and how he handled it.
You're missing the miracle that happened Sunday. This guy had the mobility of Kirk Gibson Sunday morning. By some miracle he was able to go 80 yards for a TD with NFL DB's chasing him in the early afternoon. It's a real shame people don't appreciate how miraculous this was.

I can't believe people like the TwitterGuy buy this garbage from Hill.

“I was following rules, I wasn’t moving fast because you know I got injuries, I got things that I go through. I play a physical sport, I’ve been doing this for a moment now man so I’m dealing with some stuff, so I guess the officers, they felt like I wasn’t doing it on their timing. I was doing it, but I’m still kind of shell-shocked from it,” Hill said. “I’m embarrassed.”
You're missing the miracle that happened Sunday. This guy had the mobility of Kirk Gibson Sunday morning. By some miracle he was able to go 80 yards for a TD with NFL DB's chasing him in the early afternoon. It's a real shame people don't appreciate how miraculous this was.
I try to use the age/injury play to get strokes…never works. Maybe if I were a black football player…
I can't believe people like the TwitterGuy buy this garbage from Hill.
Why he’s on my “Ignore” list…lol
“I was following rules, I wasn’t moving fast because you know I got injuries, I got things that I go through. I play a physical sport, I’ve been doing this for a moment now man so I’m dealing with some stuff, so I guess the officers, they felt like I wasn’t doing it on their timing. I was doing it, but I’m still kind of shell-shocked from it,” Hill said. “I’m embarrassed.”
Can someone decipher this quote from Hill, because it’s obviously not English.
You watched every body cam and feel this was completely appropriate in tone, language used and physicality?
What were the cops supposed to do? Should they let this thug disobey every lawful order all day long? Its people like you and the liberal media constantly knocking every move police officers do that make the job unpleasant. This is the reason that no one wants the job anymore. If you think police officers are bad now, and God knows you do, wait a few years when all the level of police officer drops significantly because again, no one wants the job anymore.
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What were the cops supposed to do? Should they let this thug disobey every lawful order all day long? Its people like you and the liberal media constantly knocking every move police officers do that make the job unpleasant. This is the reason that no one wants the job anymore. If you think police officers are bad now, and God knows you do, wait a few years when all the level of police officer drops significantly because again, no one wants the job anymore.
Can't wait until idiots run onto the court mid game and the police run out there to have a good conversation in a soft spoken tone.
What were the cops supposed to do? Should they let this thug disobey every lawful order all day long? Its people like you and the liberal media constantly knocking every move police officers do that make the job unpleasant. This is the reason that no one wants the job anymore. If you think police officers are bad now, and God knows you do, wait a few years when all the level of police officer drops significantly because again, no one wants the job anymore.
Thug getting his way sets an example for young kids all over America. The cop did absolutely nothing wrong, surprised no shots were fired. Instead of suspending the athlete and using the incident as a teaching moment for young people the media and team defends the thug. And then we wonder why things never get better.
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Of course Hill immediately plays the Race card, as the left has trained them to use as page 1 of the playbook.
And the Miami Dolphins of course criticize and question the police because they need to pander to their players.
LOL.... Race Card.....with the tinted windows... the police had no idea who was behind the wheel
Dolphin management needs to take that 3rd grade class along with Hill on why it is smart to cooperate with police.

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