Day 131 - We'll always have Paris

But we'll just have to adapt to that, as animal specials on this planet have done for eons. It is ridiculous to think that humans can counteract the natural warming and cooling cycle of the planet over hundreds and thousands of years.

From everything I have read, these "natural" periods of change have had some other activity which caused the shift like solar activity, volcanic activity, asteroids hitting earth etc... what makes you so sure that human activity is not a catalyst in the current shifts? The consensus from the scientific community is that we are causing the change. Skepticism is fine, but I still fall on the side that it would be economically beneficial if he US was in front of the innovations in renewable energy.

It's not so much about picking winners and losers, it's about investing early in an inevitable future.
Man-made contributions of green house gases are miniscule.

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Skepticism is fine, but I still fall on the side that it would be economically beneficial if he US was in front of the innovations in renewable energy.

I agree, as I have said before on this board.
I agree, as I have said before on this board.

Yeah and that's fine, just confused about your opinion that humans can't have an impact and where that comes from especially when citing "natural" shifts which many have had a less natural event cause them.
Man-made contributions of green house gases are miniscule.

Logic would dictate you would take that 0.28% and break it down by specific sources and countries of contribution and have that be a starting point. Like anything else, how much human intervention and working together can really move the needle? Would be nice to have that discussion.
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The chart is instructive for a few reasons.

First it shows that scientists are working to understand the entire process of global temperature regulation and man's place in that process. The science is important.

Second it highlights just how sensitive the environment is to change. Even though man made greenhouse gases make up a small percentage of the total, it appears to have an outsized effect on the global temperature. It is like putting a Habanero pepper on a hamburger. Even a small amount dominates the taste of the meal.

Stated differently, the water vapor that makes up the overwhelming amount of greenhouse gases is part of the planet's respiration cycle. Just like a human who breathes in oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide, the planet as a whole does much the same thing. The introduction of man-made greenhouse gas throws off the balance because there is no natural countervailing mechanism to pull the excess CO2 out of the atmosphere.
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