Debate June 27

Really discouraging the way this was set up. Biden constantly accuses Trump of damaging our institutions and traditions. Well, Biden just did the same regarding the debates. For decades, they have been managed by the Commission on Presidential Debates and held in the fall, televised on the major over the air networks.

Now we're going to have only two debates in June and September, televised AND managed by individual media companies so they can hype them up for weeks and treat them like sporting events instead of serious conversations. It was Biden that said I'm not going to hold to tradition and declined to participate in the three fall debates sponsored by the commission, not Trump. Then the two of them collude to freeze out a legitimate third party candidate polling in double digits. The commission probably would have had him on the stage. Just disgraceful all the way around. The fabric of this country is being torn apart by these two losers and their respective mob boss political parties.
Mic drop.

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