
Biden has no choice but to step down if Dems want any chance of winning. My guess is either Newsom and Warnock gets the nomination.
My God, they both looked so awful - for both similar and different reasons. Absolutely terrible. It’s really too bad one of them has to win. I am reminded of the tagline for the putrid Alien vs Predator film from the early 2000s: whoever wins, we lose
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This was a set up. Biden was never going to be the nominee and tonight was the final nail.

When has a sitting VP ever gone on cable news to give an interview right after a presidential debate? That was her first audition for the nomination. And Gavin had a nice spot right before....
A sad night for the country. It was as bad as a debate as one could imagine from both Biden and Trump. wtf? I don’t think there is anything left but for Biden to step away from the nomination. He’s done. The convention is going to have to nominate another candidate. I’d have to say the front runners is Newsome.
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A sad night for the country. It was as bad as a debate as one could imagine from both Biden and Trump. wtf? I don’t think there is anything left but for Biden to step away from the nomination. He’s done. The convention is going to have to nominate another candidate. I’d have to say the front runners is Newsome.
As someone who resides in California, I can say, in all sincerity, newsom is not the answer.
Democracy. These are the 2 who the people voted for.
Electorate needs to look in the mirror. Twist yourself into a pretzel blindly following party to justify “your guy” because he’s better than the other guy.

Both parties play off that and the sheep follow.
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spent all night driving to new england. from what i'm seeing, this is only going to further trump as the candidate for the republicans. this is also same old for donald, nothing changed.

but hear biden was finally soup on the big stage. ay yai yai. anyone better than harris or newsome? sure we cant just try shapiro on the fly? if republicans nominated any of their much better candidates they'd have a cake walk to victory. and we'd be better for it.

sounds like a win for RFK who is also a meme candidate. glad i missed it.
Dems need a young, vibrant and articulate candidate to step in. Newsome fits the bill. Shapiro not ready. Beshear not charismatic enough. But I think whoever it is, needs to make a move to the center and go Bi-partisan. Maybe you promise to nominate Romney as Secretary of State. There needs to be someone who can reach out with an olive branch.

The weird thing about this debate was as bad a Joe Biden was, I think there is also the realization that Trump can’t be the candidate either after that performance. We the people are actually without a choice at this very moment.
This was a set up. Biden was never going to be the nominee and tonight was the final nail.
Agree and as you still believe neither Trump nor Biden will be on the ballot in November. After last night, we are halfway there.
When has a sitting VP ever gone on cable news to give an interview right after a presidential debate? That was her first audition for the nomination. And Gavin had a nice spot right before....
Watching Van Jones and David Axelrod throw in the towel last night was telling.

Now the question is when. His competency will now be asked to every politician. The Democratic messaging (he’s sharp in private) is done. They need to craft a unified message quickly.
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This is all nonsense. Joe Biden won the nomination. He’s the candidate. Defenders of democracy should be outraged at someone else being the nominee.
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Agree and as you still believe neither Trump nor Biden will be on the ballot in November. After last night, we are halfway there.

Watching Van Jones and David Axelrod throw in the towel last night was telling.

Now the question is when. His competency will now be asked to every politician. The Democratic messaging (he’s sharp in private) is done. They need to craft a unified message quickly.
Both cited above more pro party than pro biden
Terrible debate. Both lied incessantly as usual. Trump was an asshole but not as much as he usually is. Biden was incoherent and comatose as usual.

So on replacing Biden, so much for democracy. However, I think he's the only dem that can beat Trump. Replacing him now would be disastrous.

I'm voting for the Hall85/cern ticket.
Dems need a young, vibrant and articulate candidate to step in. Newsome fits the bill. Shapiro not ready. Beshear not charismatic enough. But I think whoever it is, needs to make a move to the center and go Bi-partisan. Maybe you promise to nominate Romney as Secretary of State. There needs to be someone who can reach out with an olive branch.

The weird thing about this debate was as bad a Joe Biden was, I think there is also the realization that Trump can’t be the candidate either after that performance. We the people are actually without a choice at this very moment.
Lost in all this is that Biden is President NOW in a diminished state. All this BS that he is energetic and brilliant in private is just that.

Are we not concerned with how decisions are being made for the next six months? We shone talking about the 25th Amendment after that debacle.
Dems need a young, vibrant and articulate candidate to step in. Newsome fits the bill. Shapiro not ready. Beshear not charismatic enough. But I think whoever it is, needs to make a move to the center and go Bi-partisan. Maybe you promise to nominate Romney as Secretary of State. There needs to be someone who can reach out with an olive branch.

The weird thing about this debate was as bad a Joe Biden was, I think there is also the realization that Trump can’t be the candidate either after that performance. We the people are actually without a choice at this very moment.
Remove Biden and insert anyone except Harris and Democrats win easily. I believe this was planned, people will accept just about anyone else at this point. IMHO a very dangerous time in the history of our country. Both parties will do anything to get power, Dems convention is in August when they make the change it may be too late for Republicans to counter. Trumps VP pick is extremely important. Don’t be surprised if it’s not Newsome vs. Vivek or Rubio. Trump will be behind and remove himself? Hard to see but him losing might be way to hard for him to take.
It won’t matter if he’s good, he’s articulate, young and alive. The bar has been set very low for this job. We are in trouble as a country.
I agree, we are in trouble. At times this country has been able to carry itself, even if the person in the White House wasn’t great(or even good). However, I believe we are entering a time when this country cannot afford to coast and does indeed need a great leader. These guy’s ain’t it, but neither is newsom, in my opinion. He is articulate, he is young(er) and he is alive. All of that is true. But I sure don’t think he is good.
Lost in all this is that Biden is President NOW in a diminished state. All this BS that he is energetic and brilliant in private is just that.

Are we not concerned with how decisions are being made for the next six months? We shone talking about the 25th Amendment after that debacle.
I worry something bad is going to happen, we essentially do not have a leader or decision maker. I wouldn’t trust Biden to drive my grandkids down to the Jersey Shore right now. The idea that he’s our President is truly absurd. I have a family member working at capital hill for our National Security, we have some very real threats going on right now.
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I agree, we are in trouble. At times this country has been able to carry itself, even if the person in the White House wasn’t great(or even good). However, I believe we are entering a time when this country cannot afford to coast and does indeed need a great leader. These guy’s ain’t it, but neither is newsom, in my opinion. He is articulate, he is young(er) and he is alive. All of that is true. But I sure don’t think he is good.
He would definitely be a mistake but younger people would vote for him anyway. We are living in a dumbed down society where most young Americans get there opinion from a talking head on TV. Look who we put on the stage last night, they were both chosen by the people. Very sad day.
He would definitely be a mistake but younger people would vote for him anyway. We are living in a dumbed down society where most young Americans get there opinion from a talking head on TV. Look who we put on the stage last night, they were both chosen by the people. Very sad day.
Even worse. Millennials and GenZ getting news from TikTok.
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Terrible debate. Both lied incessantly as usual. Trump was an asshole but not as much as he usually is. Biden was incoherent and comatose as usual.

So on replacing Biden, so much for democracy. However, I think he's the only dem that can beat Trump. Replacing him now would be disastrous.

I'm voting for the Hall85/cern ticket.
I’m not the VP type. lol.
Biden has to step down. LBJ stepped down late March of 1968. Robert Kennedy was killed 2 months later. This is the exact timing of what we have now. Humphrey was chosen as the nominee at the convention. Replacing Biden can and should be done. It’s clear he can’t be President for 4 more years ana no one wants Kamala Harris.

Newsome, Shapiro Beshear I would be fine with any of them. And although he has no charisma, Bloomberg. I just think Newsome didn’t run against Biden and is probably Biden’s choice.
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I’m not the VP type. lol.
Biden has to step down. LBJ stepped down late March of 1968. Robert Kennedy was killed 2 months later. This is the exact timing of what we have now. Humphrey was chosen as the nominee at the convention. Replacing Biden can and should be done. It’s clear he can’t be President for 4 more years ana no one wants Kamala Harris.

Newsome, Shapiro Beshear I would be fine with any of them. And although he has no charisma, Bloomberg. I just think Newsome didn’t run against Biden and is probably Biden’s choice.
Skipping over Kamala would cost the dems dearly.
Lost in all this is that Biden is President NOW in a diminished state. All this BS that he is energetic and brilliant in private is just that.

Are we not concerned with how decisions are being made for the next six months? We shone talking about the 25th Amendment after that debacle.
Even in a diminished state, we far better off with him as president than the next option.
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I'm surprised his name has never been mention . Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina .Maybe because he is not interested . A moderate D in a red state . Solid background. I would like to read some comments on him .
Dems need a young, vibrant and articulate candidate to step in. Newsome fits the bill. Shapiro not ready. Beshear not charismatic enough. But I think whoever it is, needs to make a move to the center and go Bi-partisan. Maybe you promise to nominate Romney as Secretary of State. There needs to be someone who can reach out with an olive branch.

The weird thing about this debate was as bad a Joe Biden was, I think there is also the realization that Trump can’t be the candidate either after that performance. We the people are actually without a choice at this very moment.
I get the bar is low, and young/alive/vibrant is a good thing, but Newsome is the worse kind of hypocrite fraud who has done an awful job. I will never vote for Trump, but there have to be decent young Dems they can pull off the bench who don’t have all the baggage and nonsense of Newsome.
Lost in all this is that Biden is President NOW in a diminished state. All this BS that he is energetic and brilliant in private is just that.

Are we not concerned with how decisions are being made for the next six months? We shone talking about the 25th Amendment after that debacle.
It is odd that all the talking heads are acting like what happened last night is a surprise. The political types and media have been running cover for this guy for years - I mean he used the COVID excuse to campaign in a bunker and avoid the type of scrutiny and media coverage you get out on election circuit, and everyone pretended the scripted off limits, no questions press conferences and public gatherings are normal. The only shock I had last night was how restrained Trump was compared to normal and that they didn’t find the right “cocktail” to help Biden seem more engaged and alive, which I was convinced they would do.

It is absolutely right to be concerned about his mental state given he is still the Prez for another 6 months at least, assuming he doesn’t win. At least there I trust he has enough advisors and support around him. The problem is no one elected any of them to be President. This is literally turning into a West Wing episode except Sorkin isn’t writing it.
I'm surprised his name has never been mention . Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina .Maybe because he is not interested . A moderate D in a red state . Solid background. I would like to read some comments on him .
How about some boring, normal Democrat who is smart, rational, doesn’t cater to the extreme nut jobs, isn’t a total fraud, and doesn’t have an awful record as Governor? There are plenty who could beat Trump. He is the most vulnerable candidate ever.
It is odd that all the talking heads are acting like what happened last night is a surprise. The political types and media have been running cover for this guy for years - I mean he used the COVID excuse to campaign in a bunker and avoid the type of scrutiny and media coverage you get out on election circuit, and everyone pretended the scripted off limits, no questions press conferences and public gatherings are normal. The only shock I had last night was how restrained Trump was compared to normal and that they didn’t find the right “cocktail” to help Biden seem more engaged and alive, which I was convinced they would do.

It is absolutely right to be concerned about his mental state given he is still the Prez for another 6 months at least, assuming he doesn’t win. At least there I trust he has enough advisors and support around him. The problem is no one elected any of them to be President. This is literally turning into a West Wing episode except Sorkin isn’t writing it.
Lamestream media
Blame Obama and his team for the debacle we have now. Obama's minions have been calling the shots all along and the mainstream media has been hand in hand with him. Trump will win the Presidency and our divisive country will plod on for four more years..... but really, when have we ever really been united? WWII era? .... 9/11? ... but that unity is quickly disintegrated by greed and lust for power. People don't like to hear it, but IMO Trump is our best shot at this point.

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