Derrick Gordon

Yeah, he was terrific. We had THREE guards and no one got hurt. (They had three guards who would become serious NBA players lol plus others like Arch)

Of all the things he did for us, one memory that sticks in my minds is the first PC game away. We were not supposed to be as good as them. But we were beating them and in a big moment. Derrick takes (oh no lol) and makes (hurray!!!!!~) a three to help seal it.
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Are any of the big east games from that year online? I would love to rewatch the entire run.
Forget stats. If you ever had the chance to see him behind the scenes or in the locker room there was no one I have ever seen up front in my life who commanded the respect of his teammates and the staff.

Willard was a hands off coach who had little control in the locker room. With Gordon that was not an issue.

I respect him as much as any athlete I have ever seen. A man's man and an incredible leader.

We would never come close to reaching the heights we did without Gordon. Of that I have zero doubt.
I would respectfully disagree. FYI, Femi was also very similar player to those two. Plus defenders with limited range.
Femi had the potential to elevate to a status had the team held onto some of those games late last year before falling off the Bubble. He elevated his game after Richmond went down.
I see Femi as pretty much the same as Wasu.Both are defensive guys with energy.Not much offense.You can have one of these type guys in your starting lineup but not two.Sanago was a good example of a guy who performed this type of role at a high level.
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I see Femi as pretty much the same as Wasu.Both are defensive guys with energy.Not much offense.You can have one of these type guys in your starting lineup but not two.Sanago was a good example of a guy who performed this type of role at a high level.
Well with the transfers in this day and age that’s the aisle we’re shopping in. Sanogo had a clearly defined complementary role along side much superior offensive players to what we have now. Femi’s productivity was much better than what Addae-Wusu is giving us this year.

In the offseason I thought he’d be a slight upgrade, but Femi had an o-rating of 95 in BE games which isn’t very good, while Addae-Wusu is at 85.3 with comparable usage rates. 🫠
I assume most here have played at various degrees of athletic competition. Meaning we most all have played for someone who commands respect but also had the innate ability to instill the fear to disappoint.

I loved coaches like that because it made me play as hard as possible to gain their admiration.

Gordon was like that. His teammates, from Whitehead to Delgado to Carrington to even Desi looked up to him and didn't want to disappoint him playing with lack of effort.

Back in those days the media was able to talk one on one with the players with no coaches around. You got to know the players better and could establish a rapport.

Now with a coach and players sitting at a table together you get nothing but cookie cutter responses. Hate that when compared to previous years.

I got the chance back then to see and talk to Gordon upfront and personal. Take my word for it. You will see few leaders ever as impressive as he.
After the absolute meltdown chemistry wise from the season prior with Sina’s child behavior. There was no way in hell we would’ve done what we did without Gordon’s leadership. Period
And that next season with Gordon we didn’t start off well. We were just 3-4 in the BE before finding the rhythm that led us to go 12-2 the rest of the way and hoisting the BET trophy before the NCAAT loss in Denver to Gonzaga.

And both BE losses were to Butler, who gave us fits for a few years there.
I assume most here have played at various degrees of athletic competition. Meaning we most all have played for someone who commands respect but also had the innate ability to instill the fear to disappoint.

I loved coaches like that because it made me play as hard as possible to gain their admiration.

Gordon was like that. His teammates, from Whitehead to Delgado to Carrington to even Desi looked up to him and didn't want to disappoint him playing with lack of effort.

Back in those days the media was able to talk one on one with the players with no coaches around. You got to know the players better and could establish a rapport.

Now with a coach and players sitting at a table together you get nothing but cookie cutter responses. Hate that when compared to previous years.

I got the chance back then to see and talk to Gordon upfront and personal. Take my word for it. You will see few leaders ever as impressive as he.
I think something not talked about enough when it comes to Willard is his coaching persona is that he is reliant on player leadership. There’s clear differences in levels of success with a leader present on the roster vs. no established leader.

Gordon was a leader. Great team
Powell/Quincy were leaders. Great team

KC/Delgado/Desi were great players and did win us a lot of games, but not leaders and quite frankly Underachieved

Mamu/Rhoden/Aiken were great players, but not leaders. Underachieved
McKnight was the undisputed leader of the team. Powell was the star, just like when Gordon was playing it was Whitehead who was the star. But neither was the vocal leader of the team. The blood and guts came from Quincy and Derrick. You are so right to point them out.

Willard had his good points. First and foremost, he was an excellent teacher of the game. But he wanted no part of the locker room and that left it up to others. That caused issues that many here are probably not aware of. But with McKnight and Gordon policing behind the scenes there were very few problems if any.

Tony Bozzella once told me if he had a Gordon type on his team they would have won at least 5 more games that season.
McKnight was the undisputed leader of the team. Powell was the star, just like when Gordon was playing it was Whitehead who was the star. But neither was the vocal leader of the team. The blood and guts came from Quincy and Derrick. You are so right to point them out.

Willard had his good points. First and foremost, he was an excellent teacher of the game. But he wanted no part of the locker room and that left it up to others. That caused issues that many here are probably not aware of. But with McKnight and Gordon policing behind the scenes there were very few problems if any.

Tony Bozzella once told me if he had a Gordon type on his team they would have won at least 5 more games that season.
Why don't we hire Gordon as an assistant coach or some type of men's basketball assistant?Seems like he'd be a good one.
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Why don't we hire Gordon as an assistant coach or some type of men's basketball assistant?Seems like he'd be a good one.
Why don’t we all donate more to pirate blue and we’ll hire him as the Minister of Culture? Some homage to Matthew McConaughey and good fortune to Gordon’s acting career
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Yeah, he was terrific. We had THREE guards and no one got hurt. (They had three guards who would become serious NBA players lol plus others like Arch)

Of all the things he did for us, one memory that sticks in my minds is the first PC game away. We were not supposed to be as good as them. But we were beating them and in a big moment. Derrick takes (oh no lol) and makes (hurray!!!!!~) a three to help seal it.
And the 3 he made late vs Nova in the BET. He made two that night.
Gordon, Wusu and Femi are all max effort guys. Gordon was a locker room presence and leader. But from a stats and effort standpoint, they are in the same box.
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