Don't necessarily envy his position

Poor Danny , he’s only making $2.95 million a year, plus incentives, on a 6 year contract .
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I don't think they will have to wait very long. [As long as Hurley doesn't self-destruct] the staff seems to be killing it on the recruiting circuit.
I’m not sure about that. He’s a Northeast guy. He has family in the area. He’s at a place that allows him to still recruit at a high-level. You can win big at Uconn. I really don’t think there is a limit on the ceiling compared to most other places. He’s obviously compensated well. The fan base will get restless if he doesn’t start to have some real tourney success because of what so many experienced during the Calhoun era (and I include Ollie’s title with that, since it was with Calhoun’s kids/program).
Maybe we can get Fall and Diop to do a remake of our Fab 5 (6) tomorrow. Just need a few fillers ;)

I think that Danny’s ego will drive him to try another challenge and wind up ultimately at a P-5 program .

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