Dred Scott Decision on this date

This is false. Any non-felon citizen can register and cast a vote.

Interesting, Mr. Non-Partisan with another post from a radical left winger.
It's also stupid to use the word "equity"; the correct word is "equality".
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This is false. Any non-felon citizen can register and cast a vote.

Interesting, Mr. Non-Partisan with another post from a radical left winger.
he gave republicans a chance in Arizona this morning because one Democratic member of congress didn’t play team ball. Diversity of thought not allowed. Amazing how the left championed John McCain for going against Republicans but do that on the left and you’re out.
We have to tell airlines ,bartenders,hospitals etc.that asking for an ID is illegal suppression.After all it is not like election integrity is important ,what a silly thought.Open the borders and let everyone in.Let all the migrants vote on the promise the Dems will print all the money needed to take care of them.I am puzzled why anyone would question the Dems agenda.They state they are the moral party and all republicans are racists and only good for paying the taxes to support their agenda.Hope I simplified this enough.
Have to show photo ID to get the vaccine, racist bastards.
It's also stupid to use the word "equity"; the correct word is "equality".
BINGO. but its a strategic use of the term equity. finally radical left wing has stopped using the word "equality" to mask what they really mean: equity. reparations. equity is wrong, dangerous, and undermines equality.

the trojan horse has opened up and everyone is now fighting for equity thinking theyre still fighting for equality
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The fallacy that racial minorities are not equal in today's America is so, so dangerous for our future.
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The fallacy that racial minorities are not equal in today's America is so, so dangerous for our future.
Why are so many trying to come to this country? And why don’t the people who say America is racist save them and tell them to stay away from this racist country until we fix the racism here?
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At least we are making progress on gender equality.


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