If you are referring to when you said in a thread about Derrick to hate the sin, I took offense at thinking that gay sexuality is sinful, and I really objected it to be said on the main board in a thread about Derrick. You have the right to your beliefs. But I thought your comments were very inappropriate in that thread and very hurtful. I would hate for Derrick to think that is how most SHU fans feel about his sexuality. And I do not think most SHU fans feel that way.
It is obvious that many in our society now, like you, "take offense" to old fashioned religious beliefs. For millennia "religious" people have taken offense at behavior that is contrary to those religious beliefs. Nothing new there.
First, let me point out that the "thread about Derrick" which was started and continued "on the main board" (as you call it), was, to be specific, about that radical Kansas-group which apparently "protests" much behavior based on their own so-called "religious beliefs." I did not start the thread. I did suggest to the Admins that they move it here, Off-Ship. So the
entire thread was about Derrick and his sexuality.
Many posters had been bemoaning
all "religious" objections to homosexual behavior. I did not introduce what you now opine was "very inappropriate in that thread and very hurtful". I would agree that in general discussion of such matters is more "appropriate" off-ship (as I suggested therein). But please
explain why you feel that on one hand it is appropriate for other posters to bash religious belief in that thread and yet on the other hand you feel it was inappropriate for me to defend religious beliefs in that same thread?
Now, as to the "hurtful" part, I assure you that I never intended to hurt anyone, especially Derrick. I suggest that if the goal was to shield Derrick from being hurt then the thread should never have been started.
You go on to say: "I took offense at thinking that gay sexuality is sinful
....I would hate for Derrick to think that is how most SHU fans feel about his sexuality. And I do not think most SHU fans feel that way."
IMHO this is just plain wrong on various levels. First, the dictionary definition of Sin is "transgression of divine law". To Christians and Jews homosexuality is a "transgression of divine law". QED whether you like it or not, homosexuality acts (not feelings) are a "sin". And any "true" Catholic would interpret it that way. I suspect that a very large plurality if not majority of SHU fans are Catholics.
Also whether you like it or not, Seton Hall is a Catholic university operated by the Catholic Archdiocese of Newark. I strongly suspect that the Administration, being Catholic, specifically accepted Derrick despite his sexuality on the basis that he not flaunt his sexuality, which he never did. (BTW extramarital bisexual relations are also illicit and a sin under Catholic teaching, and I suspect the Admins would admonish any scholarship basketball player who flouted those teachings and flaunted it publicly).
Finally, I brought up your one-liner from that thread in this discussion because one-liners IMHO are not a reasonable way to carry on a dialogue.
Re "On your second point, the only "logical" inference to be drawn is that you equate live-births to crime, as something everyone should try to prevent. Is that your thesis?" No, that could not be further from my thesis. My thesis, quite simply, is that Planned Parenthood decreases the number of abortions - even though abortions continue and even though they receive monies for abortions - through its teachings on contraception ...yet abortions continue....
Part of Planned Parenthood --- contraception --- does technically in most instances eliminate the need for an abortion. That is true, or, rather a half-truth. In
addition to passing out contraceptives Planned Parenthood has a whole separate and much BIGGER operation (much more financially rewarding to them because they are paid handsomely --- particularly by the Federal Government) and that is
performing abortions. This "other" function is very much supportive of --- in fact, driven by --- generating
more abortions. So it is in no way accurate to purport that Planned Parenthood is in primary opposition to abortions. Do you believe that even one Planned Parenthood store counsels adoption versus abortion?
But that is not the most specious part of your "thesis". The specious part --- as I tried to point out originally --- is your analogy to the police and crime.
....through its teachings on contraception ...yet abortions continue....just like we pay the police to stop crime, but crime continues and we continue to pay them.
This is one strange analogy. It might be deemed reasonable if the police were the ones
committing the crimes, as if saying "we police tell people not to leave their keys in their cars to reduce care theft, BUT when we see keys we always try to steal the cars!" Is that what you are implying?
You see, police are diametrically opposed to crime. No one can say that Planned Parenthood is diametrically opposed to abortions, since one cannot even say that abortion is even
less important to Planned Parenthood than contraception.
That is why that logic is specious.
.... through its teachings on contraception (which I think is still banned by Catholicism - make Catholics walking into Mass take a lie detector test on who used Birth control and you can take away the need for microphones)
This is a gratuitous, irrelevant and (again) specious comment. Yes, the Catholic Church teaches that contraception is a sin. Yes many Catholics practice contraception. Why is that relevant? And, for the record, any Catholic who does practice contraception is committing a "sin" --- in the classic sense --- and that sin is harmful to them and those sinners are to be loved. But how is this a defense of Planned Parenthood?
I assume re abortion, you are not a believer in the "three exceptions" rule, where abortion is OK when related to rape, incest or the health of the mother. That to me is the only logical way for me to see the anti abortion argument. No exceptions.
I personally do not ever support abortion and I pray that I will not (nor that anyone will) be faced with choosing between aborting a baby and losing the
life of its mother. I pray I would let nature take its course.
Do you deny both political sides - TODAY MORE THAN EVER - demonize each others' positions? Frankly, I don't remember what I was referring to, but it is not like I accused one side of demonizing.
Demonizing an opponent is not the same as your quote: "Create demons and rant about them. That is part of our political process, for both sides." My point, as Donnie eloquently explained, is that these so-called and specific demons were not
created for political purposes but have been around for millennia.