Merge I thought you were above stereotyping.

A President calling a cop "stupid", considering the position he holds is much, much worse than what a talk show host may say. Sometimes I don't think Obama really understands the significance of the office and the impact of saying irresponsible things.
Originally posted by HALL85:
Merge I thought you were above stereotyping.

A President calling a cop "stupid", considering the position he holds is much, much worse than what a talk show host may say. Sometimes I don't think Obama really understands the significance of the office and the impact of saying irresponsible things.

I'm not stereotyping. Not all of Beck's fans are lunatics... but some are. and yes I know someone who fears that the government is turning to communism and going to take his guns away... An avid Beck viewer.

Reporters asked Obama to weight in on the cop situation. He shouldn't have but said “The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home"

I really don't think you can possibly compare them.
Originally posted by PiratePride:
You can't deny that the Obama adminstration has taken this country way to the left of where the majority of people want to be. Beck's outspoken comments are part of the back lash.

The problem, for the left is that they refuse to admit that there are millions of Americans, probably a majority, who agree more with Beck than they do with Obama. They might not agree with everything he says or maybe how he says it, but they, like Beck, are fed up with Obama. There's the common ground. The left (Obama administration) can focus on people like Beck... but if they miss the point about the majority, they do so at their own peril.

I don't think this administration is that far left. Left of center? Yes. This isn't an extreme administration by any means though.
Originally posted by PiratePride:
You can't deny that the Obama adminstration has taken this country way to the left of where the majority of people want to be.\

I don't agree with that statement at all. We here with strong political beliefs tend to put everything into the Left vs Right argument but the average person does not care about left vs right. They give little thought to whether Bush was too far right or Obama is too far left. What they do care about is the economy & jobs. They voted the Republicans out because Bush could not cope with it. And unless the economy improves they will vote Obama out for the same reason. And if that is the case hopefully the electorate will find someone who can fix it. But the Obama Administration still has time. Bush had 8 years & OB has at least 4 years to find a solution. But as the saying goes "it's all about the economy" and to think anything else is just deluding ones self.

Tom K
Originally posted by SnakeTom:

Originally posted by PiratePride:
You can't deny that the Obama adminstration has taken this country way to the left of where the majority of people want to be.\

I don't agree with that statement at all. We here with strong political beliefs tend to put everything into the Left vs Right argument but the average person does not care about left vs right. They give little thought to whether Bush was too far right or Obama is too far left. What they do care about is the economy & jobs. They voted the Republicans out because Bush could not cope with it. And unless the economy improves they will vote Obama out for the same reason. And if that is the case hopefully the electorate will find someone who can fix it. But the Obama Administration still has time. Bush had 8 years & OB has at least 4 years to find a solution. But as the saying goes "it's all about the economy" and to think anything else is just deluding ones self.

Tom K
+1. When all is said and done, people are unhappy because of the economy (i.e. unemployment, dismal real estate market-forclosures or devaluation of their homes, and decline of their 401K/retirement funds). Obama still has time to work on it, but time is running out and the cause for hope has been replaced by lack of confidence in his decision making.
In the news today is the story about the Florida Minister who calls Islam an evil religion & urges his followers to burn copies of the Koran on 9-11. And you wonder why I am distrustfull of religious fanatics or those who use religion to promote a political agenda. Do we really have to fan the flames of a holy war?

Tom K
Originally posted by SnakeTom:
Originally posted by PiratePride:
You can't deny that the Obama adminstration has taken this country way to the left of where the majority of people want to be.\

They voted the Republicans out because Bush could not cope with it.

Tom K
That's not true at all. The Republicans were voted out of office well before the economy started to tank. The economy started to tank the very minute the Democrats gained control of the House and Senate and grave uncertainty set in.
Originally posted by SnakeTom:
In the news today is the story about the Florida Minister who calls Islam an evil religion & urges his followers to burn copies of the Koran on 9-11. And you wonder why I am distrustfull of religious fanatics or those who use religion to promote a political agenda. Do we really have to fan the flames of a holy war?

Tom K
They certainly have the right to do this but what a ridiculously silly move by a church who goes by the name Dove World Outreach Center. Outreach to whom? Definitely gets the Ironic Church Name of The Year award. Another black eye for organized religion.
You're missing the point, pursuing an agenda of huge government takeover of health care, government bailouts of the auto industry (GM-Government Motors) and his reliance on a Keynsian attempt to revive the economy, not to mention they made ridiculous claims about where the unemployment rate would be now based on their own models on their own stimulus plan and calling this summer "Recovery Summer", is a result of their own liberal hubris. That in turn is what Americans are recoiling against.

Yes the underlying narrative is the economy, but liberals have always viewed health care reform as the holy grail of liberal social engineering and the American people hate it. Despite this, despite Scott Brown winning Ted Kennedy's seat in Massachusetts from crying out loud running a campaign where he was running AGAINST ObamaCare they still passed it.

It is the liberalism of this Administration and the unchecked power given to it by a liberal Congress that is being challenged in this election cycle.

Originally posted by SnakeTom:

Originally posted by PiratePride:
You can't deny that the Obama adminstration has taken this country way to the left of where the majority of people want to be.\

I don't agree with that statement at all. We here with strong political beliefs tend to put everything into the Left vs Right argument but the average person does not care about left vs right. They give little thought to whether Bush was too far right or Obama is too far left. What they do care about is the economy & jobs. They voted the Republicans out because Bush could not cope with it. And unless the economy improves they will vote Obama out for the same reason. And if that is the case hopefully the electorate will find someone who can fix it. But the Obama Administration still has time. Bush had 8 years & OB has at least 4 years to find a solution. But as the saying goes "it's all about the economy" and to think anything else is just deluding ones self.

Tom K
Now shouldn't the same un-provocative logic also prevail in regards to the NY Islamic Center?
Originally posted by SPK145:
Now shouldn't the same un-provocative logic also prevail in regards to the NY Islamic Center?

Of course it should. In my view freedom of religion is absolute in our country but that does not mean you have the right to put a House of Worship where ever you want. Many towns have rejected the building of Houses of Worship on zoning issues. What makes the lower Manhattan site different is that there are other Houses of Worship there. But in both instances common semse should prevail. Unfortunately it usually does not.

Tom K
Also puzzling is why does a nut job like this with no real following (30 congregants) deserve so much press coverage. Obviously this is what he was seeking & he got it.

Tom K
Originally posted by SnakeTom:
Also puzzling is why does a nut job like this with no real following (30 congregants) deserve so much press coverage. Obviously this is what he was seeking & he got it.

Tom K
Welcome to the 21st century and what masquerades as real news and press coverage. Unfortunately, the internet age can give any idiot, no matter how insignificant in his own backyard, a national stage to get attention. I blame the slime in the press for longer about news; all about ratings.
Whether this dummy burns the books or not, he and the press have already given the radicals tons of material to further recruit other radicals.

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