Will anybody ever ask the question of why during the 1 minute of the anthem? There's roughly 10,000 minutes in a week. We don't see them protesting in any of those other minutes. They are in the spotlight on the platform for at least 3 hours a Sunday, why do they choose to protest for 1 minute. Why can't the guys not on the field kneel during the game? If the issue is more important than a football game, and the NFL allows them to protest in the workplace, why can't both teams concede extra points where everybody but the kicker and long snapper kneel on extra points? Or is the game more important than the issue.
I can say things I think are acceptable. You can tell me I disrespected you. While the NFL players say they are not disrespecting the flag and the country, others strongly disagree. If the ultimate goal is to move the conversation forward about bad cops take the focus off the flag. Don't continually protest during the anthem because more people talk about that than social injustice.
Finally I'm curious to why we focus on bad cops. There are bad lawyers, doctors, accountants, garbage men, financial advisors, shoe salesmen, etc. The focus needs to be on more than just bad cops if you want to fix social injustice.