Who here grows their own food - has a garden?
It’s a good time to start learning ways to be self-sufficient
It’s a good time to start learning ways to be self-sufficient
I have a garden (four large metal raised beds, some fruit trees/bushes), had a so-so year with what we planted but learn something each growing season.Who here grows their own food - has a garden?
It’s a good time to start learning ways to be self-sufficient
I have a garden (four large metal raised beds, some fruit trees/bushes), had a so-so year with what we planted but learn something each growing season.
Hoping to convince the wife to get some chickens in a few years and grow more plants that store better (we have onions and shallots, hoping for more potatoes and canning some more of the stuff we already grow). We use a local spring for free water. The less we rely on supermarkets, the better.