
Yeah. That’s the onset of dementia. One day you are good. The next day you are out of it. Anyone who has ever dealt with this knows there are days that the person is with it mentally and then the next day they have a bad day and are out of it.
Well I feel lied to. Thinking this back in February was frowned upon. Liberal media told me so.
Well I feel lied to. Thinking this back in February was frowned upon. Liberal media told me so.
And if Biden had just had a “good day” on the night of the debate he would still be on the ballot.

Lied to? The liberal media, party sycophants, Hollywood, posters on this board…the list goes on. everyone knew… was obvious but it took a complete meltdown that dried up financial support to make a change…. And that took several weeks, and by the way he’s still president….with dementia. Can’t make this stuff up.
And she was not democratically elected to be the next Prez. As such, she should be taking more interviews with the press vs none. She is avoiding the public eye of a country that doesn't really pay attention unfortunately. It's sad but the same basement approach that Biden took is playing out with Kamala. At least Trump is out there saying dumb things and taking interviews - lol. How does the supposed greatest country in the world have these two choices again?
CNN interview is being taped to edit word salads and she’s bringing Walz with her to help out. She wants to be our next president and she cannot go alone? The team around her insisted on a taped interview so edits could be done. This is like bringing your mother on a job interview, meanwhile Trump comes off of a plane, golf course, restaurant and answers questions on the fly. You may not like what he says but he is unafraid to express himself. In a world where democrats want to censor our speech, it’s refreshing to know exactly where someone stands. Do her voters really want to find out where she stands on issues after she gets elected. Do we send CERN or Robot man to talk with Putin?
And she was not democratically elected to be the next Prez. As such, she should be taking more interviews with the press vs none. She is avoiding the public eye of a country that doesn't really pay attention unfortunately. It's sad but the same basement approach that Biden took is playing out with Kamala. At least Trump is out there saying dumb things and taking interviews - lol. How does the supposed greatest country in the world have these two choices again?
She actually was voted for by the people as she was on the ticket. That the point of the VP position.
She actually was voted for by the people as she was on the ticket. That the point of the VP position.
She was only voted to finish off the president’s term in the event he died or was unable to complete it. Nothing more. Last I checked…

1. Biden is still President
2. Not a single vote was cast for Harris to be the Democratic nominee in 2024

Her odds of winning this election would be a lot better if she took over for Biden, but that would force Dems to admit their complicity in keeping Biden’s cognitive decline from the American public
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And if Biden had just had a “good day” on the night of the debate he would still be on the ballot.

Lied to? The liberal media, party sycophants, Hollywood, posters on this board…the list goes on. everyone knew… was obvious but it took a complete meltdown that dried up financial support to make a change…. And that took several weeks, and by the way he’s still president….with dementia. Can’t make this stuff up.
Ron spent the last year as president with alzheimers
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CNN interview is being taped to edit word salads and she’s bringing Walz with her to help out. She wants to be our next president and she cannot go alone? The team around her insisted on a taped interview so edits could be done. This is like bringing your mother on a job interview, meanwhile Trump comes off of a plane, golf course, restaurant and answers questions on the fly. You may not like what he says but he is unafraid to express himself. In a world where democrats want to censor our speech, it’s refreshing to know exactly where someone stands. Do her voters really want to find out where she stands on issues after she gets elected. Do we send CERN or Robot man to talk with Putin?
This type of interview is common. Here, see:

And taping an interview is...common? You're making it seem like taping an interview instead of broadcasting it live is unusual, but it's really the other way around.
Trump is the exact same guy you see every time, like him or not. Joe on the other hand gives a great State of the Union and 12 hours later he doesn't know which way is right or left.
so joe at least has some good moments? you'd take a pitcher who occasionally throws a gem over a guy that gives up 5ER everytime
Harris using pictures of wall Trump built to show she means business on the border.This getting embarrassing if you are a supporter and laughable if you are.The over/under when she will flip back to her previous positions if elected is February 28,2025.LOL
the 20 trump snail mail ads that were sent last week directed at the previous owner of my house who has been dead for 10 years is actually laughable. but that marketing channel resonates with the older people who are easily fooled.
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This type of interview is common. Here, see:

And taping an interview is...common? You're making it seem like taping an interview instead of broadcasting it live is unusual, but it's really the other way around.
Let’s see how it plays out, CNN has actually been acting more like a news station lately so hoping Dana asks some tough questions like she did with JD Vance. So you are saying that interview was not live? Pretty certain it was live, which means JD Vance walked into enemy territory and did a live interview with Dana clearly attacking. Now we get Kamala on her home court with multi chances to answer questions taking the best cut. You think that’s a level playing field.
so joe at least has some good moments? you'd take a pitcher who occasionally throws a gem over a guy that gives up 5ER everytime
I’d take the 5ER if it meant consistency of lower gas prices and lower grocery costs. But the guy who throws 2 shutouts and ends up with an ERA of 27 isn’t for me.
I’d take the 5ER if it meant consistency of lower gas prices and lower grocery costs. But the guy who throws 2 shutouts and ends up with an ERA of 27 isn’t for me.
it wont mean anything. that pitcher doesn't care about the game anymore. that pitcher is making social media posts and conceded about remaining in the spotlight.

actually it's not a pitcher it's more like former WR antonio brown. very similar.
it wont mean anything. that pitcher doesn't care about the game anymore. that pitcher is making social media posts and conceded about remaining in the spotlight.

actually it's not a pitcher it's more like former WR antonio brown. very similar.
Sadly that’s still a better look than being unable to do a live interview on her own. Even sadder they will air an interview that can and probably will have segments cut out. How bad do you have to be to not do a live interview and your opponent is Donald Trump. Scary. The risk should be zero but apparently they find it too risky for Kamala.
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Sadly that’s still a better look than being unable to do a live interview on her own. Even sadder they will air an interview that can and probably will have segments cut out. How bad do you have to be to not do a live interview and your opponent is Donald Trump. Scary. The risk should be zero but apparently they find it too risky for Kamala.
no its not. how bad do you have to be to keep committing felonies?
no its not. how bad do you have to be to keep committing felonies?
pretty bad, and to be neck and neck with a felon in an election you have to be atrocious. Amazing you truly believe there’s no big deal about being unable to do a live interview.
pretty bad, and to be neck and neck with a felon in an election you have to be atrocious. Amazing you truly believe there’s no big deal about being unable to do a live interview.
i think felonies are an infinite times worse. and for someone who has only been the candidate for a cup a coffee, if live interviews is the point you're so fixated on it doesn't really seem that bad.
i think felonies are an infinite times worse. and for someone who has only been the candidate for a cup a coffee, if live interviews is the point you're so fixated on it doesn't really seem that bad.
has any candidate ever gone 6 weeks in a primary without telling the American people what they are running on? She’s got your vote because she’s not Trump. Which policy of hers is your favorite? Rank your top 5 Kamala positions. And no not the positions she’s performed to advance her career, positions on issues.
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Why taped interview oh that’s right you can edit out any word salads by Kamala.I don’t think she wants debate taped LOL
Why taped interview oh that’s right you can edit out any word salads by Kamala.I don’t think she wants debate taped LOL
if this is the one issue you're so obsessed about it actually seems like maybe she's the better candidate. mundane .
if this is the one issue you're so obsessed about it actually seems like maybe she's the better candidate. mundane .
Lmao. You can’t name one definitive position she takes. I asked for 5. Hopefully tonight we hear something of a position on anything other than no tax on tips.
has any candidate ever gone 6 weeks in a primary without telling the American people what they are running on? She’s got your vote because she’s not Trump. Which policy of hers is your favorite? Rank your top 5 Kamala positions. And no not the positions she’s performed to advance her career, positions on issues.
The Dems are pretty much doing the same thing they did 4 years ago. Keep their candidate isolated and quiet and let the press bash Trump 24/7. It worked well last time so why not do it again? To me it's sickening and dishonest but to the liberal media and a bunch on this board its perfectly acceptable.
And if Biden had just had a “good day” on the night of the debate he would still be on the ballot.

Lied to? The liberal media, party sycophants, Hollywood, posters on this board…the list goes on. everyone knew… was obvious but it took a complete meltdown that dried up financial support to make a change…. And that took several weeks, and by the way he’s still president….with dementia. Can’t make this stuff up.
This is the story that the media isn’t focusing on and is most important IMO.
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She actually was voted for by the people as she was on the ticket. That the point of the VP position.
If the President can’t serve. He’s still serving. She didn’t have to go through a primary. I don’t care if she wins because I don’t like the other option. But there is something off about her being anointed here under these circumstances. Especially for a party that constantly drums on the importance of a democratic process. Folks vote for the top a ticket. Yes the VP is someone who steps in when the President cannot serve, etc, in that unlikely scenario. This isn’t that.
If the President can’t serve. He’s still serving. She didn’t have to go through a primary. I don’t care if she wins because I don’t like the other option. But there is something off about her being anointed here under these circumstances. Especially for a party that constantly drums on the importance of a democratic process. Folks vote for the top a ticket. Yes the VP is someone who steps in when the President cannot serve, etc, in that unlikely scenario. This isn’t that.

I think this was planned to lock in Harris vs Trump as Trump is the only one Harris would have a shot at beating and Harris would not have been able to get through a primary. She's just horrific off script.
I honestly don't care who wins either. I just hope it is decisive whichever way it goes so there's less of a chance of riots.
The democraps spent a shit full of money trying to keep RFK off the ballot; now they are spending a shit full of money trying to keep him on the ballot.

Democracy, LOL!
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Harris handlers are playing this election very shrewdly...... obviously avoiding any one on ones with both press and Trump. I would do the same.... but would probably have a hard time sleeping at night for the duplicity and the lies that emanate from the campaign... especially KH and her sidekick living in a van down by the river.

Please don't tell me that tonight's taped "interview" really counts as a serious interaction with the press.
The democraps spent a shit full of money trying to keep RFK off the ballot; now they are spending a shit full of money trying to keep him in on the ballot.

Democracy, LOL!

I’m not happy about what the Dems have been doing, but he missed state deadlines to withdrawal. That’s on him for not making his deal earlier.
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I think this was planned to lock in Harris vs Trump as Trump is the only one Harris would have a shot at beating and Harris would not have been able to get through a primary. She's just horrific off script.
I honestly don't care who wins either. I just hope it is decisive whichever way it goes so there's less of a chance of riots.
Where have you been? Did you take a vacation from politics for a summer reading list. Welcome back.
Harris handlers are playing this election very shrewdly...... obviously avoiding any one on ones with both press and Trump. I would do the same.... but would probably have a hard time sleeping at night for the duplicity and the lies that emanate from the campaign... especially KH and her sidekick living in a van down by the river.

Please don't tell me that tonight's taped "interview" really counts as a serious interaction with the press.
She should have gone to Yale.
I think this was planned to lock in Harris vs Trump as Trump is the only one Harris would have a shot at beating and Harris would not have been able to get through a primary. She's just horrific off script.
I honestly don't care who wins either. I just hope it is decisive whichever way it goes so there's less of a chance of riots.

Breaking the debate tradition of three in Sept/Oct. and holding one in June was the tell-tale sign. Then you had Harris appear on CNN right after it to perform clean up. Complete set up to remove Biden.
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all trump has to do is coherently talk about his past successes and plans for the next four years. an impossible task.
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Breaking the debate tradition of three in Sept/Oct. and holding one in June was the tell-tale sign. Then you had Harris appear on CNN right after it to perform clean up. Complete set up to remove Biden.
Sadly exactly what happen, media going way too far with no end in sight. This is the definition of threat to our democracy. Totally unacceptable but no way to stop it.
It’s a shame that Trump is the one to debate her. Anyone with the slightest discipline and preparation would shred her word salads to pieces. Instead she’ll get a pass when Trump inevitably goes after her looks or intelligence. Vance would’ve wiped the floor with her in the VP debate.
Where have you been? Did you take a vacation from politics for a summer reading list. Welcome back.

Yea, mostly tuning out politics recently.

I still can’t stand Trump, but Harris ran a bad campaign in 2020 and hasn’t done anything since then to display the ability to lead the country (pretty much the opposite). I get wanting to vote for one of them because you think the country will be better off with policies they are more likely to support, but I don't understand the unwavering support for either of them as someone we should be rooting for to lead the country and don't really care for the "which one is less bad" arguments this time around.
Yea, mostly tuning out politics recently.

I still can’t stand Trump, but Harris ran a bad campaign in 2020 and hasn’t done anything since then to display the ability to lead the country (pretty much the opposite). I get wanting to vote for one of them because you think the country will be better off with policies they are more likely to support, but I don't understand the unwavering support for either of them as someone we should be rooting for to lead the country and don't really care for the "which one is less bad" arguments this time around.
Unfortunately we are at a point where the media makes money by dividing us with 0 accountability for it. Until the liberal media stops vilifying the right and right wing media stops vilifying the left it's borderline impossible to unite people. Too many opinion shows that are designed to build up anger.
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"It's the policies....... stupid".... just reworking an old James Carville era cliche.

Compare policies... then vote for the policies you agree with.

One side has policies stated and defended every day. Those polices worked before. The other side....?????
Your guess is as good as mine. Sleight of hand comes to mind.
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Yea, mostly tuning out politics recently.

I still can’t stand Trump, but Harris ran a bad campaign in 2020 and hasn’t done anything since then to display the ability to lead the country (pretty much the opposite). I get wanting to vote for one of them because you think the country will be better off with policies they are more likely to support, but I don't understand the unwavering support for either of them as someone we should be rooting for to lead the country and don't really care for the "which one is less bad" arguments this time around.
yes they both stink. but if that's the equalizer than do you want politics to continue being a reality show? at this point it's what makes your life better. neither candidate can do it with policy, but removing politics news cycle out of my brain will increase quality of life.
"It's the policies....... stupid".... just reworking an old James Carville era cliche.

Compare policies... then vote for the policies you agree with.

One side has policies stated and defended every day. Those polices worked before. The other side....?????
Your guess is as good as mine. Sleight of hand comes to mind.
no side has policies stated. definitely not trumps side. otherwise it would be a current cake walk. harris is bad but has to at least think about the future and potentially a second term. trump is on his twilight victory tour for his ego. he doesn't care about anything other then himself for his remaining years. no policy.
no side has policies stated. definitely not trumps side. otherwise it would be a current cake walk. harris is bad but has to at least think about the future and potentially a second term. trump is on his twilight victory tour for his ego. he doesn't care about anything other then himself for his remaining years. no policy.
If he only cares about himself and has no policy, why is Kamala copying his no tax on tips policy?
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