How do you not suspend this guy?

Now a days punching someone in the face doesn’t get you automatically suspended. Saying something politically incorrect or “insensitive “ will… and often much more. Draymond is a bad guy, a real jackass. Would have liked to see him try that with Oakley or another tough guy from that era.
I say this as a fan of his. I think he's haa a debatable case at the Hall (just in case this devolves into an indictment on his career). I'm a casual Warriors fan as of late.

You have to suspend him. Even if Poole said something that egregious, you gotta suspend him. Even if the video wasn't released, you have to suspend him. Hell, there's even precedent for this when Bobby Portis got suspended 8 games for fighting and hurting his teammate on practice.
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I think a suspension is warranted and obviously falcon punching someone in the face isn't a good look but I'm not going to sit here and clutch pearls. I've seen worse playing on high school sports teams. Michael Jordan ko'ed Steve Kerr in practice once and im sure the list goes on.
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What I find amazing is the higher ups say it’s nothing, it happens. We then see how idiotic those statements are when we see the video they thought we would never see.
Where they lose sight is in being upset that the video was leaked and the need to have an investigation for that rather than being upset at the criminal assault by this low life.
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What has to be remembered is that if he was suspended then the NBA Players Union would intercede and it’s likely that any suspension would be lifted and all he would get is a fine that is pocket change to him. Of all the professional sports the one that has the players with more power then ownership is the NBA and why a suspension was never a real option. The sad thing is that Green is a thug who will never change and getting away with this assault will only heighten his belief that he can do whatever he wants with no consequences.
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Suspension is always an option. And if any union wants to embarrass themselves by defending this type of behavior then so be it. They would be giving free reign to having one of their members trying to severely injure another.
Suspension is always an option. And if any union wants to embarrass themselves by defending this type of action then so be it. They would be giving free reign to having one of their members trying to severely injure another.
But how realistic is it .
Very. IMO the outcry will be too loud to ignore. And if the Warriors try to bury this under the table and do nothing short of saying we'll take care of this internally, they embarrass themselves and lose all the goodwill that Steph and company have created for them.
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The story that discusses how aggressively the Warriors are pursuing finding out who leaked the video peaked my interest and has me wondering if there are other Green incidents that have not surfaced yet and the Warriors don’t want them to and why they want to plug any more leaks.
I've seen no one who suggested anything less than a suspension. And any appeal of a suspension would come down to length. Using the Portis/Mirotic example, if he gets anywhere less than 8-10 games, than that's horrendous. Anymore, and then MAYBE we see an appeal.
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Warriors taking ‘every legal’ action to investigate Draymond Green video leak​

By Max Weisman

The Golden State Warriors are taking “every legal course of action” to find out how footage of Draymond Green punching Jordan Poole during practice was leaked to TMZ, according to ESPN’s Ramona Shelburne and Adrian Wojnarowski.

Green apologized to the team and Poole on Thursday, and Warriors head coach Steve Kerr, general manager Bob Myers, and star point guard Steph Curry addressed the media about the incident.

Friday morning, TMZ released the footage of the practice, which had been closed to the media. Sources told ESPN that the Warriors are “aggressively investigating” both the practice incident and how the footage was leaked.

The incident between Green and Poole at the Warriors’ practice began with the two players yelling at each other before they got in each other’s faces and Green threw a punch at Poole.

It is unclear what started the verbal jousting between the two that eventually led to physical violence, but Myers said he doesn’t believe the fight was about who may or may not get paid ahead of the October 17th contract extension deadline.

Myers added that he’s grateful everyone is fine and said these things happen in the NBA.

“It’ll take some time to move through, but we’ll move through it and move forward, and I’m confident that we will,” Myers said. “We’ve got a good team, we’ve got good leadership, we’ve got some guys that have been here a long time.”

The Warriors will open their season on Oct. 18 with a championship banner raising ceremony before facing off against Lebron James and the Los Angeles Lakers.
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Myers added that he’s grateful everyone is fine and said these things happen in the NBA.

“It’ll take some time to move through, but we’ll move through it and move forward, and I’m confident that we will,” Myers said. “We’ve got a good team, we’ve got good leadership, we’ve got some guys that have been here a long time.”
He forgot to say, "and we have some players with iron chins so they can take a hard right when necessary".
I don’t think you suspend for an internal fight. You handle that behind closed doors. Fine him internally half a million. Why hurt the team by suspending him?
What has to be remembered is that if he was suspended then the NBA Players Union would intercede and it’s likely that any suspension would be lifted and all he would get is a fine that is pocket change to him. Of all the professional sports the one that has the players with more power then ownership is the NBA and why a suspension was never a real option. The sad thing is that Green is a thug who will never change and getting away with this assault will only heighten his belief that he can do whatever he wants with no consequences.
I don’t necessarily agree. While this Union does get away with murder this is an incident where they have to walk a fine line. I’m sure there are a lot of DG haters in the league and if he gets away with this a good deal of members will be upset that the Union took sides with one player over another that was assaulted.
I don’t think you suspend for an internal fight. You handle that behind closed doors. Fine him internally half a million. Why hurt the team by suspending him?
because the team made their bed being woke, now they have to sleep in it
because the team made their bed being woke, now they have to sleep in it
Woke culture says if you hit someone for a good cause it’s ok. Who knows Poole could’ve told him he’s buying one of Kanye’s new shirts. Action then justified
Woke culture says if you hit someone for a good cause it’s ok. Who knows Poole could’ve told him he’s buying one of Kanye’s new shirts. Action then justified
now imagine if poole ran a fake punt va rutgers!

Draymond Green allegedly calling Jordan Poole a ‘bitch’ sparked fight​

By Ryan Glasspiegel

Some clarity is starting to emerge about what caused the fracas in which Draymond Green socked Jordan Poole in the face at Warriors practice.

Poole and Green have both sought big money contract extensions from Golden State, and there’s not enough money in the salary cap to give both of them plus Andrew Wiggins their market value. Poole is apparently nearing an extension with the organization. Green, who has been part of the Warriors’ core for all four NBA championships but is aging past the point of being a dominant player, does not appear to have made headway.

According to TMZ, Poole has carried himself in a “cocky” manner around the team in recent days, creating some “friction.” Fast forward to Wednesday’s practice. Per the outlet, Poole called a couple fouls on Green, and Green responded by calling him a “bitch.”

“You know what it is, Draymond,” Poole allegedly said, in possible reference to his looming contract extension.

“No I don’t know, what is it?” Green reportedly responded.

From there, as TMZ published in a video on Friday, Poole pushed Green and Green responded by hitting him in the face with a haymaker.

The first reports about the incident indicated that the Warriors were weighing discipline for Green, who apologized to the team for losing his cool.

“These things happen. Nobody likes it, we don’t condone it, but it happens,” Warriors GM Bob Myers said. “Draymond apologized to the team. Jordan was there in the room. … As far as any suspension, punishment, fine, we will handle that internally.”

“There was a specific tweet that was put out yesterday insinuating that [Poole’s] attitude or something has changed … it’s absolute BS,” Steph Curry told reporters. “Andre [Iguodala] addressed it yesterday with his tweet, and we can kind of leave it at that.”
This happens and the organization is worried about who leaked the video. LMAO!!!
This happens probably every day somewhere. I'll bet in at least 50% of all the reports of a team with a dysfunctional locker room there's a physical altercation, epsecially in the more physical natured sports like football and hockey. Your team is your family. Yeah there's a lot of things that go on within a family that shouldn't happen. Brothers fight. You don't air it out to the world. They can handle this situation between Green and Poole themselves. Who let this video get out there should be a big concern.

Draymond Green stepping away from Warriors after punching Jordan Poole: ‘Huge embarrassment’​

By Brian Wacker

Draymond Green said he will step away from the Golden State Warriors “for a few days” to focus on himself and allow the team to “heal” in the wake of him punching teammate Jordan Poole in the face during an altercation at practice on Wednesday.

The explosive 32-year-old forward met with the media on Saturday in what were his first public comments since the incident. He also apologized and said he doesn’t know how long he will be away from the team.

“I was wrong for my actions,” Green said, adding that he apologized to Poole and Poole’s family. “There’s a huge embarrassment that comes with [this]. Not only for myself, as I was the one who committed the action … but the embarrassment that Jordan has to deal with and that this team has to deal with, this organization has to deal with. But also Jordan’s family. His family saw that video. His mother, his father saw that video. If my mother saw that video, I know how my mother would feel.”

He added that he must also “rebuild trust in the locker room.”

“I am a very flawed human being,” he said. “I failed as a leader. I failed as a man.”

The Warriors have yet to indicate whether Green’s leave of absence is at the organization’s doing or voluntary.

Earlier on Saturday, TMZ reported that, according to sources, Poole was carrying himself in a “cocky” manner around the team and that had created “friction.” The two players — both of whom are seeking big contract extensions by an Oct. 17 deadline — got into it following a foul and sources told the outlet that Green called Poole a “bitch.”

Video of the incident showed Green getting in the face of Poole, who shoved him away, with Green responding by punching Poole in the face.

Steph Curry, among others, have disputed a change in attitude for Poole, and the Warriors have been investigating how the video was leaked.

Green also disputed earlier accounts that tension with Poole stemmed from contract extensions.

“I can assure you I don’t count other people’s pockets,” he said. “That’s nothing I would ever stop doing.”

Golden State opens its season against the Lakers on Oct. 18. Though Green said he hopes to play in the game, before which the Warriors will be presented their championship rings from last season’s title, it’s unclear if he will.

Warriors coach Steve Kerr said there’s no set date for Green’s return.

Said Kerr: “We will see where it goes.”
This happens and the organization is worried about who leaked the video. LMAO!!!
Yes, as it should be. This is a massive security breach.

You've said you're a business owner. Would you like it if someone was leaking company records of some sort?

As for Draymond, he has a long history of being a problem child. At the same time, he's been an integral part of the Warriors run and management has previously stated they plan to ride with Curry, Thompson and Green until they've proven they can't do it anymore.

I suspect they'll figure out a way to get through this too.
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Within a week, you had a player under intense pressure from a local and national perspective break a league record that had stood for 60 plus years round the bases on his record breaking home run just as he had on each of his previous home runs. Contrast that with Draymond Green's actions and you've got Clint Eastwood's "The Good, Bad and Ugly" of sports.

Warriors reveal Draymond Green’s punishment for punching Jordan Poole​

By Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO — Draymond Green has been fined but won’t be suspended by the Golden State Warriors for a violent punch to the face of teammate Jordan Poole last week.

Coach Steve Kerr said after Tuesday’s preseason win against Portland that Green would return to practice Thursday, then play for the defending NBA champions against Denver on Friday night and again in the season opener Tuesday against the Lakers. Kerr, general manager Bob Myers and players have met to decide how to best proceed — including Green and Poole talking to each other.

“We feel like we have a great feel for our team. We’ve got a lot of continuity on this team, so Bob and I know our players extremely well,” Kerr said. “We feel like this is the best way after assessing everything for us to move forward. It’s never easy no matter what decision you make in a situation like this. It’s not going to be perfect. This is the biggest crisis that we’ve ever had since I’ve been coach here. It’s really serious stuff.”

Green and Poole met in recent days about the fight and everyone involved has taken part in exhaustive discussions since the incident last Wednesday in practice, Kerr said. Two-time MVP Stephen Curry has led some of those talks.

On Monday, Green’s mom, Mary Babers Green, defended her son on Twitter for his role in the fight after video emerged of the Warriors forward punching his teammate during practice.

In a message that has since been deleted, Babers Green — who has long been vocal on social media over matters engulfing the NBA — tweeted, “That wasn’t a Sucker punch. Dray didn’t aggressively go to Poole. His hands were down. Man to Man you go over to talk (to ask what’s up, what you say)! Got shoved and reacted.. End of story!”
I've never seen a league suspension for internal fights in the history that it has happened so kind of unfair to use that text. That said, he shouldn't be available for a few games. The only remote instance why I can't see them suspending him is if Poole has been detrimental to the team with his conduct habitually (even then, I think Draymond should get suspended).
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I've never seen a league suspension for internal fights in the history that it has happened so kind of unfair to use that text. That said, he shouldn't be available for a few games. The only remote instance why I can't see them suspending him is if Poole has been detrimental to the team with his conduct habitually (even then, I think Draymond should get suspended).
I think a suspension is warranted. One or two games.

I was thinking they might get there was by suspending DG for a couple of road games. Unfortunately, the Warriors open with three at home before a trip to Phoenix (three of the four are on TNT or ESPN). That's followed by another home game before an before a five-game trip east.

If that was their plan, it would have been hard to justify waiting until the end of October for a suspension to kick in.
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I think a suspension is warranted. One or two games.

I was thinking they might get there was by suspending DG for a couple of road games. Unfortunately, the Warriors open with three at home before a trip to Phoenix (three of the four are on TNT or ESPN). That's followed by another home game before an before a five-game trip east.

If that was their plan, it would have been hard to justify waiting until the end of October for a suspension to kick in.
Just for clarification, I meant a suspension from the league office.

Also, I'm not comparing the 2 aside from this situation, but a lack of suspension isn't unheard of:

Just for clarification, I meant a suspension from the league office.

Also, I'm not comparing the 2 aside from this situation, but a lack of suspension isn't unheard of:

I'm not sure it's a "league" matter although I'm sure they could have leaned on the Warriors to do more if they chose.
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In a nutshell

Jeff Van Gundy lambasts ‘shameful’ coverage of Draymond Green punch​

By Ryan Glasspiegel

Jeff Van Gundy was not happy with how the media covered Draymond Green punching Jordan Poole at Warriors practice last week.

Van Gundy and Mark Jackson are the lead color commentators, alongside venerable play-by-play broadcaster Mike Breen, on ESPN’s NBA coverage. The two analysts and former NBA coaches spoke to media members on an ESPN conference call on Thursday promoting the upcoming season.

The Post asked the duo if anything like this incident happened during their time in the NBA, and how they would handle it as coaches.

“There’s two things about the Green situation that have disappointed me,” Van Gundy said. “First, I thought the coverage of it was shameful, immediately jumping to blaming the victim, in this case Poole, for a change of attitude which would have warranted him getting struck.

“I just don’t get the victim blaming that immediately happened. The media, instead of trying to find out real facts, they went into their corner to people they were more beholden to. I found that very disappointing.”

In the aftermath of the punch, citing league sources, Chris Haynes of Yahoo Sports tweeted that “Draymond Green was apologetic in aftermath of the altercation with Jordan Poole, but there was a buildup stemming from teammates noticing a change in Poole’s behavior throughout camp with the guard on the verge of securing a lucrative extension.”

TMZ also reported that “sources who were at the practice where Green punched Poole tell us … in the days leading up to the incident, Poole was carrying himself differently — in a cocky manner. The alleged behavior was creating friction between him and some of his teammates, including Draymond, who has reportedly also asked for a big extension.”

Van Gundy also disputed that these types of fights are common.

“The second thing that was disappointing was people saying, ‘You don’t understand, this happens a lot.’ It doesn’t,” Van Gundy said. “As an assistant coach on the Knicks, there was a fight on the plane once between two men the same size. And there was a fight in the first preseason practice, between two men of the same size again. Both were able to protect themselves, with their body types, and there was a pause so both men could get their hands up and get ready to fight. Both were broken up quickly.

“The other part, what I’ve never seen, is such a size discrepancy where there was a big guy swinging at a much, much smaller guy. I’ve never seen that in my entire time in the NBA from teammates.”

Jackson, who played for the Knicks from 1987-92 and 2001-02, said he “was there” for both Knicks incidents Van Gundy brought up and agreed with his former coach.

“It’s just not what you see,” Jackson said. “I think the way you handle it is by having real discussions over it, holding guys accountable when that type of action takes place and staying true to your values.

“Jeff would say what you wouldn’t accept in losing, you shouldn’t accept in winning. At the end of the day, you have to begin the healing process to understand that something took place that should never take place.”

Van Gundy mentioned those who were upset that Green was not suspended, and essentially gave a variation of the famous line “Deserve’s got nothing to do with it” from “The Wire.”

“I’m going to add one more thing. People are judging the punishment,” he said. “There’s a lot we don’t know, but it didn’t involve a suspension. People reference to [Bobby] Portis and [Nikola] Mirotic [from the Bulls in 2017] was an eight-game suspension. Green got suspended for a game for yelling at [Kevin] Durant, so I think people are a little taken aback by why no suspension here.

“You’re gonna hear a lot of rhetoric, but this isn’t, like, a morality play. This is not an ethical decision. They’re making a decision — and these decisions are hard — based solely on what’s best for their team to win. I will say, I’m adamant in this, if Green had struck [Stephen] Curry like that — same exact scenario, same exact circumstances — there would’ve been a multi-game suspension.”

Van Gundy went on to say that of course there is hypocrisy in professional sports.

“Is there hypocrisy?” he asked. “Well, if you don’t think there’s hypocrisy in professional sports, then you’re not watching. A lot matters who’s involved, how important you are to the team.

“I remember Jimmy Johnson cut a guy who fumbled in the last game of the regular season. If that was Emmitt Smith, is he getting cut for fumbling? Absolutely not. Professional sports is about business, making money and winning — and that’s what the Warriors are prioritizing with their punishment. I think we can all stand back and be critical of it, but at the end of the day they’re doing what they think is in the best interest of those things.”

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