I can't walk away


All Big East
Gold Member
Jun 4, 2001
Like many of you I am most discouraged at what has happened to a sport I love. Huge sums of money determine the availability of players, and the art of development has been severely shattered. In spite of this, I cannot give up something that I have loved for decades. As a Seton Hall diehard, I have known many lean years and a few trips to the mountain top. Every fall my optimistic Pollyanna DNA rises from the ashes and portends that this is the year when we come completely back.It is a weakened Pollyanna because of this disastrous season and genuine concerns for the program.However,I can't walk away and will root as hard as ever and hope that Sha can put together a squad that makes every game a possibility
Everyone needs to put whatever distaste you have for the new world of College Athletics aside and realize the University and the program need fans/alumni more than ever right now. The world has changed, and there is no turning back. If you’re going to get frustrated, take a look at the leadership of the University right now and feel free to question if they’re doing the right things for the school.
Well said. I'll always be Hall In! Setonia hoops has been in my soul dating back to 1974. Can't let go now. What troubles me is there is no sense of urgency or public declaration. It's like we're being taken for granted.
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I am not walking away.

I am considering there may be a time when I walk away.

This feeling is driven by the state of college basketball.

How the university as a whole is running things makes me more apt to walk away.
Personally, I have mostly walked away. I have given up my season tickets (actually after last year) and will not donate to NIL. I still watch most (but not anymore) games and try to keep up with the news.
It’s getting easier to accept the fact SH has mishandled this new world which has seen college sports become a money game and only those with the deepest pockets will succeed. Can we have success as we once did seems out of reach and adds to the unfortunate fact that an increasing number of die hard fans are leaving . Can we reverse this slide to oblivion remains in doubt and only a change at the top may offer some hope if it ever happens.
Sorry to say but it's like a car accident on the Parkway, you slow down & look but you keep moving on.
Something better happen real soon or I'm jumping ship----
Not walking away, but the reality is, I went to the fewest and watched the fewest games this year. I even resorted to recording many of the games and most of those I never watched either.
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Like many of you I am most discouraged at what has happened to a sport I love. Huge sums of money determine the availability of players, and the art of development has been severely shattered. In spite of this, I cannot give up something that I have loved for decades. As a Seton Hall diehard, I have known many lean years and a few trips to the mountain top. Every fall my optimistic Pollyanna DNA rises from the ashes and portends that this is the year when we come completely back.It is a weakened Pollyanna because of this disastrous season and genuine concerns for the program.However,I can't walk away and will root as hard as ever and hope that Sha can put together a squad that makes every game a possibility
Very well said. I am hanging around for a while yet myself but I am wavering for sure. My group of Hall buddies from the 60’s have been going to Finsl Fours or Sweet 16’s for almost 50 years…but we are seriously thinking this is our last one. We can still get together yearly for some other type of trip. I share your hope and faith in Sha, but the game itself seems to be working hard to make itself far less likable.

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