Safety for student athletes and ticket holdersWhat would be the point of pulling it?
Safety for student athletes and ticket holders
Safety for student athletes and ticket holders
What would be the point of pulling it?
I had a reply to this that i presume the moderator halldan took down because he felt it was aggresive and strong but it only was a mimic of the stoking the politcal flames agenda that another poster recently posted in a thread on LOTS.But I thought the police there had to be defunded and dismantled because they were inherently corrupt?
I took it down because it was too politically aggressive for this particular board. That and your response to the original poster would have taken this thread to a place i don't want it to go.I had a reply to this that i presume the moderator halldan took down because he felt it was aggresive and strong but it only was a mimic of the stoking the political flames agenda that another poster recently posted in a thread on LOTS.
I don’t see how you can have an event of that magnitude if the police force as we know it is dismantled as some MN politicians appear to desire. Much of that is likely political pandering I’m sure. Because who honestly believes that. If it is all about simply demilitarizing then police to a degree and enacting systematic restructuring to change some tactics that are plainly wrong, that’s another issue entirely.
Much of what I'm reading about the subject (not necessarily here) seems to be an emotional reaction rather than a well thought out process.
While I think police reform is probably necessary (the MPD has been involved in several incidents in recent years), defunding is certainly not the answer. I don't see how this serves any real purpose.
When you talk about schools’ budgets are you talking about budget spend or what amount the state sends to schools?Hey man. I can break it down a little bit more specifically what we mean by "defund":
NYPD's budget is over $6 Billion, with around 36,000 cops. Meanwhile, the public university system with over 500,000 students, about 275,000 of which are seeking a degree, spread over 25 campuses that are largely minority-serving, has a budget of about half that. At the end of the month, nearly all part-time university staff will be let go as they did not renew their contracts, some campuses cut fall classes by 25%, etc. One campus has had floors of the library closed off for years because they can't get the bedbugs under control.
Education is one of the wisest investments that the public can make and every dollar invested returns several times over. I would argue the same for the public health sector, social services & mental health to a smaller degree. Yet all 4 of these areas have been slashed repeatedly through the years in many, many parts of the country, not just NYC. Yet the police state continually gets their budgets increased, gets military toys they shouldn't have, and come out during peaceful protests looking like friggin Robocop.
When we say "defund", we mean cut their budgets that are way too high, cut actual cops in areas where there are too many, like NYC. Do we really need them standing sentry at every major public place/tran station et al? Do we need SIX of them standing at the Holland Tunnel exit bullshitting w/each other? No, we don't. It's frankly disturbing to see them everywhere. So make police budget cuts, and divert that $ to other areas that serve the public far better than growing a corrupt standing army.
Any coincidence we haven’t had any terrorist attacks in NYC because of the police bullshitting?
Hey man. I can break it down a little bit more specifically what we mean by "defund":
NYPD's budget is over $6 Billion, with around 36,000 cops. Meanwhile, the public university system with over 500,000 students, about 275,000 of which are seeking a degree, spread over 25 campuses that are largely minority-serving, has a budget of about half that. At the end of the month, nearly all part-time university staff will be let go as they did not renew their contracts, some campuses cut fall classes by 25%, etc. One campus has had floors of the library closed off for years because they can't get the bedbugs under control.
Education is one of the wisest investments that the public can make and every dollar invested returns several times over. I would argue the same for the public health sector, social services & mental health to a smaller degree. Yet all 4 of these areas have been slashed repeatedly through the years in many, many parts of the country, not just NYC. Yet the police state continually gets their budgets increased, gets military toys they shouldn't have, and come out during peaceful protests looking like friggin Robocop.
When we say "defund", we mean cut their budgets that are way too high, cut actual cops in areas where there are too many, like NYC. Do we really need them standing sentry at every major public place/tran station et al? Do we need SIX of them standing at the Holland Tunnel exit bullshitting w/each other? No, we don't. It's frankly disturbing to see them everywhere. So make police budget cuts, and divert that $ to other areas that serve the public far better than growing a corrupt standing army.
I’m sorry but anyone who thinks defunding the police is a good idea, especially in NYC, is wrong. Like you said, what happens if there is a terrorist attack!? With DeBlaisio in charge the terrorists will be licking their chops!And the next time there is a terrorist attack in NYC - and there will be one of some kind - what will people point to if lack of funding or restructuring results in a decrease of officers on patrol or with a presence in various parts of the city.
I’m comforted when I see a police presence at the bridges or tunnels, as someone who pre-COVID drove through at least one of them daily.
I’m sorry but anyone who thinks defunding the police, especially in NYC, is wrong. Like you said, what happens if there is a terrorist attack!? With DeBlaisio in charge the terrorists will be licking their chops!
We could replace them with people who only give out hugs....that will stop criminals.
One of the Minneapolis council members actually said the police responding to a breakin at your house is a sign of your privilege Lol. We're so screwed as a country with these loons running things
Community organizers will protect all.Wonder how this will work with the police force facing defunding and dismantling...
The most important point is “this is NOT a binary review, NOT a binary decision, NOT a binary implementation.”
Someone posted another article about the changes in Camden earlier this week, which did not have the "spin" of this one (Ill leave the criticism of CNN right here for the time being.).This story came across my radar this morning. It's about the aftermath of Camden, NJ disbanding its police department because of rampant corruption.
To be clear, based on the story, Camden has a visible police presence and I'm sure nobody will regard it as the safest place on earth but the measures the city has taken seem to have had an impact. It's also apparent more needs to be done but crime is down significantly.
This story came across my radar this morning. It's about the aftermath of Camden, NJ disbanding its police department because of rampant corruption.
To be clear, based on the story, Camden has a visible police presence and I'm sure nobody will regard it as the safest place on earth but the measures the city has taken seem to have had an impact. It's also apparent more needs to be done but crime is down significantly.
Good points. In addition, the city has done a good job of systematically razing the burned out and abandoned buildings. There are blocks of empty lots now where blighted building stood which were a convenient place for junkies to camp out.I remember when this happened, was interesting story.
As for crime numbers improving, I have not looked it up, but I believe crime and homicides across the country have decreased in last 10 years, for numerous reasons, including the overall economy improvement & low unemployment until recently.
Also, in recent years I believe there has been a good amount of redevelopment in Camden, even moving further away from the waterfront. With closeness to Philly, and the high cost and desire to live near the city by many, this has led to new developments that have attracted new residents & new businesses. Lots of incentives are available for developers, no different then housing boom that is happening in downtown Newark recently.
So just not sure switching the police officers alone is what led to the crime drop.
First of all I appreciate your response. More well-thought out than knee-jerk.
I think this may be part of the answer but it's obviously not that simple. The word "defund" sends the wrong message, IMHO. Those with an agenda will co-opt the word to fit their view because they'll take the extreme position that liberals want to do away with policing (you can see it in the responses in this thread). I still think reform is a better term and from my perspective more in line with what is needed.
I'd disagree that we don't need a large and visible police presence in NYC. As someone who has commuted to NYC daily for most of 30 years, I'd rather that than not. I do think events of recent years and anecdotal evidence from people I know indicate a reform, re-educating and re-training of police warrants a serious review. I say that recognizing that a police officer's job is perilous and their lives are in danger at a moment's notice. We should be grateful for the great majority that honor us with their service.
I'd agree that education is one of the wisest investments that we can make and more does need to be done. People smarter than I will have to figure out a way to accomplish that in a way that makes sense, keeps us safe and doesn't strip our already thin wallets even further..
I remember when this happened, was interesting story.
As for crime numbers improving, I have not looked it up, but I believe crime and homicides across the country have decreased in last 10 years, for numerous reasons, including the overall economy improvement & low unemployment until recently.
Also, in recent years I believe there has been a good amount of redevelopment in Camden, even moving further away from the waterfront. With closeness to Philly, and the high cost and desire to live near the city by many, this has led to new developments that have attracted new residents & new businesses. Lots of incentives are available for developers, no different then housing boom that is happening in downtown Newark recently.
So just not sure switching the police officers alone is what led to the crime drop.
Of course. You're a friend, not some Rivals red-pilled boomer whose idyllic worldview is being disrupted by the riff raff.
The use of the term "defund" is to simplify, and grab more attention to the issues with the police state. Yes it's a bit inflammatory, but we've been talking about police reform my entire life & things are not getting better in enough places & not at the pace they need to. And the budgets for some of these forces are just completely out of control, even if good things are happening with reform.
I think the wording works just fine. If you're talking to someone who's willing to take the time to look at what's being asked for, it's a clear & simple way to summarize what you're asking for. It also shifts the conversation away from something divisive to something nuanced & explainable, if you're dealing with someone rational. If you're aiming for something that Fox News can't twist to be presented as something else, then you're hunting unicorns.
If you're looking for more specifics, this has been making the rounds for a minute now:
But the asks above require alot of time & a major shift at almost every level of goverment, right? Gonna take some time to even make any headway around the margins there. How about what cna be done right now, immediately? Another simple infographic you might have seen recently as well:
Now I don't know where they got 72%, but those actions certainly seem reasonable & relatively easy to install. They seem worth if if they would reduce police violence 1%. It might require the police state from having to stop training their people w/friggin IDF paramilitary tactics though ::shudder::
As far as the large NYC police presence, is 36,000 not large enough? Is this the number you're good with, or should we go even higher? When do we stop? When does the budget ever stop increasing? Could we maybe get away with less? Can we try? It's been TWENTY years since 9/11. How long are we supposed to continue to piss away all our budgets bc of fear of some amorphous blob of scary foreign brown people? I thought intelligence was what was gonna keep us safe? So those budgets have skyrocketed too. But we also need buncha people standing around at every major landmark & gathering place in the city almost all the time, watching us?
You're cool with cops searching random peoples bags as they enter a train station? With a Nat'l Guard guy behind them sometimes with a friggin AK? I'm not. I want to be left alone. I prefer to NOT have to be reminded of how much our country has a hard-on for militarization every day.
We need Times Square on NYE to be locked down like a fortress? Every year they brag about how more cops will be out than the year prior. Whats the limit, when we have all 36,000 cops getting paid overtime to stand around Midtown?
Rant over. See you at the next bowling night dude.